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    Impresiones y paisajes cover

    Impresiones y paisajes

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    Libro de viajes de Federico García Lorca, donde recoge sus impresiones y pensamientos íntimos ante la contemplación de distintos lugares de la geografía española que recorrió en su juventud y que como él mismo decía “[i]los recuerdos de viaje son una vuelta a viajar, pero ya con más melancolía y dándose cuenta más intensamente de los encantos de las cosas. (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

    Track of the "Typhoon" cover

    Track of the “Typhoon”

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    In 1920, William Nutting, editor of Motor Boat Magazine and an experienced sailor, commissioned his friend, legendary naval architect William Atkin, to design a boat for an Atlantic crossing. The nominal goal of the voyage was to compete in the yacht races off Cowes, England, but Nutting and Atkin also wanted to prove that one could cross a large ocean in what was then considered a very small vessel. The result was “Typhoon,” a 45-foot ketch in which Nutting and a few friends completed a three-week crossing of the North Atlantic, followed by some racing and cruising in Europe, and a return to New York via the southern route. This book chronicles the entire adventure. Four years later, Nutting was lost at sea on a voyage in a different vessel. (Summary by Alan Dove)     [chương_files]  

    Peaks of Shala cover

    Peaks of Shala

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    This book was published in 1923. From the author’s own Introduction: “I would not have this book considered too seriously. It is not an attempt to untangle one thread in the Balkan snarl; it is not a study of primitive peoples; it is not a contribution to the world’s knowledge, and I hope no one will read it to improve the mind. It should be read as the adventures in it were lived, with a gayly inquiring mind, a taste for strange peoples and unknown trails, and a delight in the unexpected. Here I give you only what I saw, felt, and most casually learned while adventuring among the tribes in the interior northern Albanian mountains…” Three brave American Zonyas (women) venture into the mountains of Northern Albania at a time not long after the Great War, when the boundaries (and even the right to exist) of the Balkan states were still hotly disputed. The author tells us why: “the people are living as they lived twenty centuries ago, before the Greek or the Roman or the Slav was ever known. There are prehistoric cities up there, old legends, songs, customs that no one knows anything about. No stranger’s ever even seen them.” What better reason to risk life, health, and limb? (Summary by Steven Seitel)     [chương_files]  

    Gold Hunting in Alaska cover

    Gold Hunting in Alaska

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    In 1898, naturalist, Joseph Grinnell joins a company of twenty men bound for Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, from California aboard the schooner Penelope. With the trained eye of a scientist and with a flair for prose and poetry, he documents the adventures of this group of gold hunters before they return a year and a half later. This account gives valuable insights into the Alaskan culture of that time and the hardships of those searching for the fortunes of gold. – Summary by Larry Wilson     [chương_files]  

    Primer viaje en torno del globo cover

    Primer viaje en torno del globo

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    Obra escrita por Antonio Pigafetta, cronista cuyas notas y testimonio han servido para dar a conocer la que fue la primera circunnavegación del globo en la Historia de la Humanidad, al tiempo que constituyeron la principal evidencia de la época a favor de la teoría de que la tierra es redonda. En estás páginas se narra la hazaña lograda en el viaje comandado por Fernando de Magallanes y Juan Sebastián Elcano. Aventura que comenzaron 239 hombres en agosto de 1519 en su periplo hacia lo desconocido y concluyeron tan sólo 18 en septiembre de 1522 al dar la vuelta completa al mundo. Hay pocas palabras que puedan hacer justicia en un resumen del fascinante relato histórico, humano y de aventuras del que se cumplen ahora 500 años. En este proyecto además de los 4 libros originales en los que Pigafetta dividió su obra, se incluyen una breves notas biográficas sobre los protagonistas y un prefacio en el que se detalla brevemente en contexto histórico en el que tuvo lugar este viaje y su trascendencia . (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

    Gringo In Mañana-Land cover

    Gringo In Mañana-Land

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    Foster was a World War I veteran, world wanderer, journalist, embassy attaché, stoker on ships, miner, stowaway, bandit’s prisoner in Mexico, who wrote of Latin America and the Orient. He died an early death of pneumonia at his mother’s house in New York state. This 1924 book is a prime example of his witty travel writing and close observation. The New York Times reported that in 1919 he started travelling and for some ten years he seldom remained in one place. (New York Times obituary 16 March 1932) (Summary by David Wales)     [chương_files]  

    196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle cover

    196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle

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    Am 29. Juni 1871 stach das Schiff » Polaris« von New York unter Kapitän Franz C. Hall in See zur Erforschung des Hochnordens. Der Dampfer nahm seinen Weg über Neufundland an der Westküste Grönlands entlang durch den Smith-Sund und überwinterte in einer Bucht dieser Küste, die Hall »Polaris-Bay« taufte. Dort wurde ein Observatorium errichtet, und von dort aus unternahm man Schlittenreisen nach Süden und Norden. Hall starb nach Rückkehr von einer solchen Fahrt am 8. November 1871. Im August 1872 mußte infolge Kohlenmangels und eines Lecks die Heimfahrt angetreten werden. Am 15. Oktober erlitt die »Polaris« Schiffbruch. Ein Teil der Besatzung, 14 Mann, blieb beim Wrack zurück und baute eine Hütte, »Polaris-Haus«, für den Winter; der andere Teil wurde von einem Eisfelde nach Süden getrieben, auf das man in der Voraussicht des Schiffbruches schon eine Nothütte, alle Boote, viele Geräte, Waffen und Proviant für die gesamte Mannschaft gebracht hatte. Auf der Scholle befanden sich der Meteorologe Friedrich Meyer, der Navigationsgehilfe Tyson, der Koch, der Steward, sechs Matrosen und zwei Eskimofamilien, bestehend aus zwei Männern, Hans und Joseph, zwei Frauen, drei Mädchen im Alter von drei, acht und zehn Jahren, einem sechsjährigen und einem am 12. August geborenen Knaben. – Zusammenfassung von Availle Part of an account of the last voyage of the ship Polaris. After the shipwreck, 19 members of the crew were trapped on an ice floe, slowly moving south. They were rescued after 196 days on sea.     [chương_files]  

    Great White North cover

    Great White North

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    Sketches of those who braved the ‘Great White North’ in exploration and adventure. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

    Last Secrets cover

    Last Secrets

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    The author, John Buchan, maintains that “the main lines of the earth’s architecture have been determined” during the first two decades of the twentieth century, and all that remains is but “amplifying our knowledge of the groyning and buttresses and stone-work.” In this history of exploration, he tells of nine of those momentous final discoveries that placed the earth’s last big secrets firmly on the map, from the mysterious “cloud city” of Lhasa, to the slopes–but not yet the summit–of Mount Everest. – Summary by Steven Seitel     [chương_files]  

    Into the Frozen South cover

    Into the Frozen South

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    James Marr was a Boy Scout selected to go along with Sir Ernest Shackleton aboard the Quest in 1921 for the Shackleton–Rowett Expedition to Antarctica. This book provides a description of what would be Shackleton’s last exploration due to his untimely death en route. – Summary by mleigh     [chương_files]