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    Travels in New Zealand with contributions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of that country, Vol. I cover

    Travels in New Zealand with contributions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of that country, Vol. I

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    “Let the reader imagine a deep lake of a blue colour, surrounded by verdant hills; in the lake several islets, some showing the bare rock, others covered with shrubs, while on all of them steam issued from a hundred openings between the green foliage without impairing its freshness: on the opposite side a flight of broad steps of the colour of white marble with a rosy tint, and a cascade of boiling water falling over them into the lake!” Such is Ernest Dieffenbach’s description of his first glance of the White Terraces in Lake Rotomahana, see cover image. Johann Karl Ernst Dieffenbach (aka Ernest) traveled to New Zealand between 1839 and 1841 employed by the New Zealand Company as naturalist. He traveled in the Marlborough Sounds at the top of the South Island and extensively throughout the North Island at an early time in European settlement. In Volume I of “Travels in New Zealand” he describes his travels, integrating his observations of the natural world with the progress of colonisation, and a humane account of the Māori people that he met and their culture, settlements and inter-tribal politics. He made an important contribution to the early knowledge of the New Zealand flora and fauna, with his collections eventually being lodged in the British Museum and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Note: Māori words have been pronounced as spelled in the text, which is occasionally different to modern spelling and pronunciation. (summary by Gail Timmerman-Vaughan)     [chương_files]  

    Canoeing in the Wilderness cover

    Canoeing in the Wilderness

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    A highly descriptive and engaging narrative from one of America’s beloved nature writers, this short piece shows well Thoreau’s great love of the early American wilderness. Be transported to the deep woods of Maine and share in both Thoreau’s delight in nature and also his admiration of those others who have a deeper connection with the natural world around them. (Summary by Falassewen)     [chương_files]  

    With Sack and Stock in Alaska cover

    With Sack and Stock in Alaska

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    In 1888, George Broke with Harold Topham and William Williams, made the first exploration of the Alaskan Mt. St. Elias range, including the crossing of the great Malaspina Glacier and an attempt on the S.E. face of Mt. St. Elias itself. The journey is described in the interesting work With Sack and Stock in Alaska, vividly detailing the country visited and the characters met along the way. – Summary by Fritz     [chương_files]  

    True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the New World cover

    True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the New World

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    The Arctic has always been a fascinating area for us. This is true today just as much as in Adolphus Greely’s time. In 1912, Greely published this volume of notable Arctic explorations and the explorers. The modern reader can follow a very readable account of the successes and failures of these early explorers comfortably from the armchair, and learn a lot of history in the processes. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

    Romance of Polar Exploration cover

    Romance of Polar Exploration

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    While stories of the Polar explorers and their efforts to reach the Poles have been told again and again, the constant renewal of expeditions adds, every year, fresh incidents to the record, until it may almost be said that the fascination of the frozen regions is as inexhaustible as the list of Polar heroes is illimitable. Nor is the interest confined solely to the achievement of modern explorers. However great the results of their exertions may be, the fact that, in spite of all the advantages conferred by recent scientific discovery and modern appliances, the explorers of to-day have failed to penetrate the uttermost secrets of the worlds of ice, renders more impressively heroic the struggles of the earlier travellers, whose equipment, viewed in comparison with that of modern man, was apparently so inadequate and often inappropriate. No series of Polar adventure stories would be complete without a prominent place being given to the earlier explorers, and especially to that British hero, Franklin, whose name is so inseparably associated with the history of Arctic exploration. The account of his daring voyages and of his tragic end, at the moment of victory, has already been given in many a form; but the tale is one which will stand re-telling for generations yet to come. In the present instance it has been of necessity briefly written, but in such a manner as will, it is hoped, without loss of interest, render clear a comparison of the conditions under which he and his […]

    Camping in the Canadian Rockies cover

    Camping in the Canadian Rockies

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    An Account of Camp Life in the Wilder Parts of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Together with a Description of the Region About Banff, Lake Louise and Glacier, and a Sketch of the Early Explorations. – Summary by the author.     [chương_files]  

    Travels in the Interior of Africa cover

    Travels in the Interior of Africa

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    Mungo Park, a Scottish surgeon and explorer, was sent out by the ‘Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior of Africa’ after Major Houghton failed to return, to discover the if the River Niger was a tributary of either the river Senegal or Gambia in South Africa. This is the story of his first trip. The journey had many challenges, such as language, religions, imprisonment and robbery. Most of the trip he had nothing but his tattered clothes, a horse, a pocket compass and his hat where he kept his notes. After first following the Gambia River, he finally was the first European to reached the Niger River at Ségou. He continued along the Niger another 80 miles to Silla, where he had to turn around as he had no way of continuing without procuring more supplies. He then returned to England by boat, via America. (Summary by Lynda Marie Neilson)     [chương_files]  

    Ascent of Denali cover

    Ascent of Denali

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    The story of the First Ascent of Denali by Hudson Stuck, Harry Karstens, Walter Harper and Robert Tatum in 1913, recorded in celebration of the restoration of the mountain’s original name. ( summary by Fritz)     [chương_files]  

    Voyage in the 'Sunbeam', Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months cover

    Voyage in the ‘Sunbeam’, Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months

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    Mrs. Brassey, (in future, Lady Brassey) describes the events and sights of her family’s voyage around in the world in 1876-1877 ( Dovie Cross)     [chương_files]  

    Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 2 cover

    Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 2

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    This volume, entitled “The Great Navigators of the 18th century”, forms the second of three volumes under the general title of “Celebrated Travels and Travellers”. The first volume of the series, “Exploration of the World”, covers a period in the world’s history extending from B.C. 505, to the close of the 17th century, and the third volume gives an account of “The Great Explorers and Travellers of the 19th Century”. – Summary from the Publishers’ Note Book coordinated by Kajo and Piotr Nater; Proof-listened by Kajo and Piotr Nater     [chương_files]