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    Family Life


    Reason Why cover

    Reason Why

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    This collection of useful information on “Common Things” is put in the interesting form of “Why and Because,” and comprehends a familiar explanation of many subjects which occupy a large space in the philosophy of Nature, relating to air, animals, atmosphere, caloric, chemistry, ventilation, materia medica, meteorology, acoustics, electricity, light, zoölogy, etc. – Summary by Anonymous     [chương_files]  

    Correio da Roça cover

    Correio da Roça

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    Maria ficou viúva e os credores levaram a vida de luxo e abastança em que viviam no Rio de Janeiro. E ela e as 4 filhas, educadas para viver na cidade, têm que se mudar para a fazenda que restou para a família, lá na serra, no interior bravo. Passam então a viver em um velho casarão com ares de convento, onde a música que se escuta à noite é a da orquestra do coaxar dos sapos. As horas são de lenta monotonia e tédio, nesse exílio longe dos amigos e das festas. O único alento vem das cartas de uma amiga, recém voltada da Europa, encantada com o Brasil. Uma amiga que as faz ver que onde vivem não é o fim do mundo, mas um lugar onde as águas cantam, as revoadas e cantos de aves enchem os ares e a terra, uma vez trabalhada, é fértil e generosa. E estas cartas, verdadeiras aulas de bem viver, produzem um resultado surpreendente sobre o espírito indomável das cinco mulheres. Ali está o segredo de como transformar grotões incultos em lugares aprazíveis. Leitura deliciosa para quem quer cultivar rosas, violetas ou batatas; ou ainda criar galinhas, fazer estradas ou abrir caminhos para encontrar objetivo na vida. – Resumo por Rachel Moraes     [chương_files]  

    My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard cover

    My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard

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    “I hope that this book, based on letters shown me many years after they were written, will give a faint idea of the life of a Chinese lady. The story is told in two series of letters conceived to be written by Kwei-li, the wife of a very high Chinese official, [the first series were written] to her husband when he accompanied his master, Prince Chung, on his trip around the world.” The second series of letters were written 25 years later to Kwei-li’s mother-in-law as China faces revolution and political intrigue. “They are, therefore, the letters of the present-day Chinese woman of the old school, a woman who had by education and environment exceptional opportunities to learn of the modern world, but who, like every Eastern woman, clings with almost desperate tenacity to the traditions and customs of her race.” (Summary by MaryAnn with material from the Preface)     [chương_files]  

    Sunshine and Snow cover

    Sunshine and Snow

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    A harrowing and dramatic story of four siblings from Scotland who are poor and orphaned. The eldest brother, Arthur, is guardian to his two brothers and one sister. After the bank in Scotland fails, Arthur decides as family head, they will go to Canada to answer an ad to claim free farm land. Arthur is a former soldier, smart, honest, and a tremendously hard worker; his younger brothers are still in school, and Charley, the middle brother, has a lot to learn about team work. Leaving their sister behind temporarily, they board a steamer for Canada, but they have no idea of the hardships and life threatening battles that await in the untamed land. Can these young siblings survive all the adversity, and will they be able to find happiness carving out a new life? All they have is a hope. (Summary by Laurie Banza)     [chương_files]  

    Automobile Girls at Newport cover

    Automobile Girls at Newport

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    Published in 1910, the young sisters, Barbara and Mollie Thurston, are being invited by their skilled friend, Ruth Stuart, to go on a real-life adventure in a motor car, for Ruth is a girl who actually can drive a motor car, to Newport with a chaperone, Aunt Sallie, and friend Grace Carter. Horse shenanigans come into play as well as protecting themselves from a burglary. Many hopes arise in their revels as well as wondering if or when women shall get “the vote”. Much culminates in the upcoming tennis tournament taking place at their destination and the danger of a jewel thief amidst them, which carries the girls into further excitement. (Summary by Daryl Wor)     [chương_files]