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Historical Fiction

2 bài viết found

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter's Ward cover

Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter’s Ward

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In this third installment from the “Ragged Dick” series by Horatio Algers, Jr., the reader is reacquainted with some old friends and meets young Mark Manton. Mark is a match boy plagued by bad luck and an even worse guardian. But, with new friends, hard work, and smart choices, Mark may just find his luck taking a turn for the better. summary by tfaulder     [chương_files]  

Børnene i Nyskoven cover

Børnene i Nyskoven

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Handlingen foregår i 1600-tallet under den Engelske borgerkrig. Fire forældreløse adelsbørn må flygte fra deres brændende gods, og skjule sig i en nærtliggende skov. Her må de fire lære at jage og at dyrke jorden for at overleve. Edward, den ældste, har dog svært ved at acceptere deres tilværelse, og higer efter at deltage i krigen for at hjælpe kongen. (Summary by Lulularsen)     [chương_files]