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Travels in New Zealand with contributions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of that country, Vol. I cover

Travels in New Zealand with contributions to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of that country, Vol. I

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“Let the reader imagine a deep lake of a blue colour, surrounded by verdant hills; in the lake several islets, some showing the bare rock, others covered with shrubs, while on all of them steam issued from a hundred openings between the green foliage without impairing its freshness: on the opposite side a flight of broad steps of the colour of white marble with a rosy tint, and a cascade of boiling water falling over them into the lake!” Such is Ernest Dieffenbach’s description of his first glance of the White Terraces in Lake Rotomahana, see cover image. Johann Karl Ernst Dieffenbach (aka Ernest) traveled to New Zealand between 1839 and 1841 employed by the New Zealand Company as naturalist. He traveled in the Marlborough Sounds at the top of the South Island and extensively throughout the North Island at an early time in European settlement. In Volume I of “Travels in New Zealand” he describes his travels, integrating his observations of the natural world with the progress of colonisation, and a humane account of the Māori people that he met and their culture, settlements and inter-tribal politics. He made an important contribution to the early knowledge of the New Zealand flora and fauna, with his collections eventually being lodged in the British Museum and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Note: Māori words have been pronounced as spelled in the text, which is occasionally different to modern spelling and pronunciation. (summary by Gail Timmerman-Vaughan)     [chương_files]  

Canoeing in the Wilderness cover

Canoeing in the Wilderness

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A highly descriptive and engaging narrative from one of America’s beloved nature writers, this short piece shows well Thoreau’s great love of the early American wilderness. Be transported to the deep woods of Maine and share in both Thoreau’s delight in nature and also his admiration of those others who have a deeper connection with the natural world around them. (Summary by Falassewen)     [chương_files]  

Andes and The Amazon cover

Andes and The Amazon

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This book, with the subtitle “Across the Continent of South America” describes the scientific expedition of 1867 to the equatorial Andes and the Amazon. The route was from Guayaquil to Quito, over the Cordillera, through the forest to Napo, and, finally, on the Rio Napo to Pebas on the Maranon. Besides this record, the expedition – under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute – collected samples of rocks and plants, and numerous specimen of animals. The scientists also compiled a vocabulary of local languages and produced a new map of equatorial America. James Orton (1830 – 1877) was Professor in Natural History in Vassar College, and corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. (Summary by Availle, from the Preface)     [chương_files]