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Nautical & Marine Fiction

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Wrack cover


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Nördlich von Australien, um 1840. Während einer Reise von Sidney nach Singapur sichtet die Mannschaft des Segelschiffes Betsy Ann auf den Klippen des Great Barrier Reef ein Wrack. Die Bark scheint menschenleer zu sein, doch als einige Männer der Betsy Ann zu dem Wrack hinüberrudern, finden sie dort einen rätselhaften Einsiedler vor. Blutspuren deuten auf einen Kampf an Bord hin, und den Seeleuten wird bald klar, dass hier ein Verbrechen geschehen ist. Aber was genau ist passiert, und welche Rolle spielte dabei dieser schweigsame Mann? Da geschieht plötzlich ein weiteres Unglück… Friedrich Gerstäcker, Sohn eines Opernsängers und einer Schauspielerin in Hamburg, wanderte nach einer landwirtschaftlichen Ausbildung in jungen Jahren nach Amerika aus. Zurück in Deutschland gründete er eine Familie, doch es zog ihn wieder in die Ferne: in Südamerika, als Goldgräber in Kalifornien, auf einem Walfangschiff, in Australien, Java und als Kriegsberichterstatter im Deutsch-Französischen Krieg erlebte er manches Abenteuer, und anders als Karl May konnte er in seinen spannenden Erzählungen seine eigenen Erlebnisse verarbeiten. Er gehört zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern der deutschen Abenteuerliteratur. (Zusammenfassung von Karlsson)     [chương_files]  

Island of Appledore cover

Island of Appledore

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Any one who knows the coast of New England will know also the Island of Appledore and just where it lies. Such a person can tell you that it is not exactly the place described in this book, that it is small and bare and rocky with no woods, no meadows, no church, or mill, or mill-creek road. Perhaps all that the story tells of it that is true is that there the rocks give forth their strange deep song, “the calling of Appledore,” as warning of a storm, that there the poppies bloom as nowhere else in the world, that there the surf comes rolling in, day in and day out, the whole year through, and that there one’s memory turns back with longing, no matter how many years of absence have gone by. There, also, you can sit for hours to watch the huge, green breakers come foaming and tumbling in endless procession up the stony beach; you can watch the nimble sandpipers and the tireless, wheeling gulls; and if you choose you can spin for yourself just such a story as this one of Billy Wentworth and Captain Saulsby and Sally Shute, a tale of mysteries and perils and midnight adventures on the shores of Appledore. – Summary by the author’s foreward     [chương_files]  

Pirates cover


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A dozen men jailbreak from a naval prison, and steal the newest destroyer tied up at the docks to escape in: the fastest ship in the navy. However a young officer was the only one on board, and is now a part of the voyage to escape. Things get tense when he awakens, and finds his boyhood rival and enemy is one of the jailbreakers on board! Can the officer find a way to sabotage their escape, without being thrown overboard himself? – Summary by Joe DeNoia     [chương_files]  

Pirate, and The Three Cutters cover

Pirate, and The Three Cutters

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Pirates are the subject of many a dime novel and boys’ stories, but they tend to be portrayed as one-dimensional. Such is the case here. The captain of The Avenger is a Byronic or even a Michael Scottish hero—an impossible monster, compounded of one virtue and a thousand crimes. Marryat drew on his recollections of the time when he was a midshipman with Cochrane in the Impèrieuse, for the figure of the old steersman, who sticks to his post under the fire of the Avenger. The Three Cutters was written to pad out the novel The Pirate and deals with smuggling. It is a farcical romp, with too many women in a man’s world to be credible.     [chương_files]