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English Synonyms and Antonyms cover

English Synonyms and Antonyms

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English Synonyms and Antonyms is basically a vocabulary builder that students might use as they prepare for entrance or exit exams. Each entry gives a list of synonyms, followed by a paragraph that briefly explains or exemplifies the subtle distinctions between the listed words. The entries sometimes close with a few words on the prepositions that follow selected synonyms, but more often with a list of antonyms. By “synonyms” we usually understand words that coincide or nearly coincide in some part of their meaning, and may hence within certain limits be used interchangeably, while outside of those limits they may differ very greatly in meaning and use. It is the office of a work on synonyms to point out these correspondences and differences, that language may have the flexibility that comes from freedom of selection within the common limits, with the perspicuity and precision that result from exact choice of the fittest words to express each shade of meaning outside of the common limits. (Summary by DSayers and the author from the entry “Synonymous”)     [chương_files]  

Our Knowledge Box cover

Our Knowledge Box

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This practical guide to solving all sorts of problems includes secrets and discoveries covering the Liquor Trade, Druggists’ Aids, Manufacturing Hints, Toiletries and Perfumeries, Hunting and Trapping, the Fine Arts and Sciences, Farming Techniques, Confectioners’ Hints, and Valuable Miscellaneous Recipes for the Household and Every Day Requirements. (Introduction by Bill Boerst)     [chương_files]  

Perfumed Garden cover

Perfumed Garden

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A fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic literature. The book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It gives lists of names for the penis and vagina, has a section on the interpretation of dreams, and briefly describes sex among animals. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  


Curiosities of Olden Times

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This book is a collection of 17 gems of random knowledge, such as what women are made of and the philosopher’s stone, written in Baring-Gould’s own style.     [chương_files]  


Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 039

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Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include literary figures–Alice Mangold Diehl, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Arthur Hugh Clough; philosophers–Hegel, Kierkegaard; religious thinkers–Martin Luther, Cotton Mather; political leaders–Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy; important documents–the Constitution of Japan (1946), the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; moments in history–the Battle of the Crater, the Dred Scott Decision; historical figures–the Pseudo Dionysius and Xenophon; and, lastly, shopper’s tips for watermelons and cantaloupes.     [chương_files]  


Address to Free Colored Americans

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The first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women met in New York City in May, 1837. Members at the Convention came from all walks of life and included such prominent women as Mary Parker, Lucretia Mott, the Grimke sisters, and Lydia Maria Child. One outcome of this important event was a statement of the organization’s role in the abolitionist movement as expressed in AN ADDRESS TO FREE COLORED AMERICANS, which begins: “The sympathy we feel for our oppressed fellow-citizens who are enslaved in these United States, has called us together, to devise by mutual conference the best means for bringing our guilty country to a sense of her transgressions; and to implore the God of the oppressed to guide and bless our labors on behalf of our “countrymen in chains.” This significant event was a precursor to the growing women’s rights movement of the time and to greater female involvement in other political reform movements.     [chương_files]  


Oxford Book of American Essays

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Collection of 32 essays by American authors ranging from Benjamin Frannklin to Emerson to Whitman to Henry James to Theodore Roosevelt. On subjects from the gout to insects with a 24 hour life span to old bachelors to leaves of grass to the odes of Horace. It seems to be an attempt to show off the Americans as writers.     [chương_files]  


Collection Of Stories, Reviews And Essays

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Stories and essays by Willa Cather     [chương_files]  


Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass

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These two articles were reproduced as an e-book by Project Gutenberg in 2008 to supplement “…several articles by Frederick Douglass, whose larger work was presented in book form as a January, 1993 Project Gutenberg Etext to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day….” The articles narrated here are “My Escape From Slavery” (1881) and “Reconstruction” (1866).     [chương_files]  


Mince Pie

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Mince Pie is a compilation of humorous sketches, poetry, and essays written by Christopher Morley. Morley sets the tone in the preface: “If one asks what excuse there can be for prolonging the existence of these trifles, my answer is that there is no excuse. But a copy on the bedside shelf may possibly pave the way to easy slumber. Only a mind “debauched by learning” (in Doctor Johnson’s phrase) will scrutinize them too anxiously.”     [chương_files]