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172 bài viết found

Insomnia Collection, Vol. 2 cover

Insomnia Collection, Vol. 2

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Soporific dullness is in the ear of the listener, and what’s tedium incarnate to one person will be another person’s passion and delight. However, it is hoped that at least one from the range of topics here presented will lull the busy mind to a state of sweet sleep. (Introduction by Cori Samuel)     [chương_files]  

Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners cover

Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners

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Serialized in Shadowland from November 1921 to February 1922, Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners is Theodore Dreiser’s shocking four part expose on the motion picture industry. In it, he shares his observations from his extended stay in Los Angeles, and gives us an intimate look at the seedier underside of Hollywood.     [chương_files]  

Religio Medici and Hydriotaphia cover

Religio Medici and Hydriotaphia

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Religio Medici (The Religion of a Doctor) sets out Sir Thomas Browne’s spiritual testament as well as being an early psychological self-portrait. In its day, the book was a European best-seller. It was published in 1643 by the newly-qualified physician, and its unorthodox views placed it swiftly upon the Papal Index Librorum Prohibitorum in 1645. Although predominantly concerned with Christian faith, the Religio also meanders into digressions upon alchemy, hermetic philosophy, astrology, and physiognomy. Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial, or a Discourse of the Sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk, was published in 1658. Its nominal subject was the discovery of a Roman urn burial in Norfolk. The discovery of these remains prompts Browne to deliver, first, a careful description of the antiquities found, and then a careful survey of most of the burial and funerary customs, ancient and current, of which his era was aware. The most famous part of the work, though, is the fifth chapter, where Browne quite explicitly turns to discuss man’s struggles with mortality, and the uncertainty of his fate and fame in this world and the next, to produce an extended funerary meditation tinged with melancholia. The changes wrought by time and eternity, the fleetingness of mortal fame, and our feeble attempts to cope with the certainty of death are Browne’s subjects. Yet, at the same time, Browne can be tersely witty, mocking human vainglory. A piece of exquisite baroque prose that George Saintsbury called “the longest piece, perhaps, of absolutely sublime rhetoric to be found […]

The Wound Dresser cover

The Wound Dresser

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The Wound Dresser is a series of letters written from the hospitals in Washington by Walt Whitman during the War of the Rebellion to The New York Times, the Brooklyn Eagle and his mother, edited by Richard Maurice Burke, M.D., one of Whitman’s literary executors.     [chương_files]  

热风 (Hot Wind) cover

热风 (Hot Wind)

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《热风》是鲁迅的第一本杂文集,收录了41篇他于1918-1924年间发表的短文。这些文章长短不一,题材广泛,灵活多变,风格辛辣尖锐,大大发展重塑了杂文这一文学体裁,在新文化运动中起了重要作用。 This is the first collection of short essays/commentaries by Lu Xun. It contains 41 articles he published between 1918-1924. Sharp, poignant, varying vastly on their topic, length, and style, these articles redefined the genre of “essay” in Chinese literature, as well as played an important part in the new cultural movement.     [chương_files]  

Anti-imperialist writings cover

Anti-imperialist writings

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This audiobook is a collection of Mark Twain’s anti-imperialist writings (newspaper articles, interviews, speeches, letters, essays and pamphlets).     [chương_files]  

Essays on Paul Bourget cover

Essays on Paul Bourget

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Collection of short essays concerning French novelist and critic Paul Bourget. Included: “What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us” and “A Little Note to M. Paul Bourget”.     [chương_files]  

Woman in the Nineteenth Century and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition, and Duties of Women cover

Woman in the Nineteenth Century and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition, and Duties of Women

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Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) was an American feminist, writer, and intellectual associated with the Transcendentalist movement. Her book Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845) is considered the first major feminist work in the United States. Her life was short but full. She became the first editor of the transcendentalist journal The Dial in 1840, before joining the staff of the New York Tribune under Horace Greeley in 1844. By the time she was in her 30s, Fuller had earned a reputation as the best-read person in New England, male or female, and became the first woman allowed to use the library at Harvard College. Her seminal work, Woman in the Nineteenth Century, was published in 1845. A year later, she was sent to Europe for the Tribune as its first female correspondent. She soon became involved with the revolutions in Italy and allied herself with Giuseppe Mazzini. She had a relationship with Giovanni Ossoli, with whom she had a child. All three members of the family died in a shipwreck off Fire Island, New York, as they were traveling to the United States in 1850. Fuller’s body was never recovered. This project collects her most famous work along with shorter pieces and extracts from her journals and letters.     [chương_files]  

The Uncommercial Traveller cover

The Uncommercial Traveller

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The Uncommercial Traveller is a collection of literary sketches and reminiscences written by Charles Dickens. In 1859 Dickens founded a new journal called All the Year Round and the Uncommercial Traveller articles would be among his main contributions. He seems to have chosen the title and persona of the Uncommercial Traveller as a result of a speech he gave on the 22 December 1859 to the Commercial Travellers’ School London in his role as honorary chairman and treasurer. The persona sits well with a writer who liked to travel, not only as a tourist, but also to research and report what he found; visiting Europe, America and giving book readings throughout Britain. He does not seem content to rest late in his career when he had attained wealth and comfort and continued travelling locally, walking the streets of London in the mould of the flâneur, a ‘gentleman stroller of city streets’. He often suffered from insomnia and his night-time wanderings gave him an insight into some of the hidden aspects of Victorian London, details of which he also incorporated into his novels.     [chương_files]  

朝花夕拾 (Chao hua si she) cover

朝花夕拾 (Chao hua si she)

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这个集子收录了鲁迅早年“从记忆中抄出来的“记录自己童年往事的散文。这些文章于1926年陆续发表在《莽原》杂志,1927年经鲁迅重新编订,加上小引和后记,于1928年在广州以《朝花夕拾》为名结集出版。这十篇散文长短不一,秉承鲁迅一贯隽永辛辣的文风,于生动刻画民俗众生的同时针砭时事,嘲骂文敌,是鲁迅早期的重要作品。 Chao Hua Si She (Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk) is a collection of essays on Chinese culture and society by Lu Xun, the most influential writer in 20th century China.     [chương_files]