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On the Future of Our Educational Institutions (Version 2) cover

On the Future of Our Educational Institutions (Version 2)

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These are lectures on the education system of Nietzsche’s day. He states that “This book is intended for calm readers, for those who have not yet been drawn into the mad headlong rush of our hurry-scurrying age, and who do not experience any idolatrous delight in throwing themselves beneath its chariot-wheels. It is for those, therefore, who … ‘still have time.’ Without any qualms of conscience they may improve the most fruitful and vigorous hours of their day in meditating on the future of our education.” Nietzsche passionately calls for “Ye contemplative ones who cannot, with hasty glances, turn your eyes swiftly from one surface to another! Ye lofty thinkers, of whom Aristotle said that ye wander through life vacillating and inactive so long as no great honour or glorious Cause calleth you to deeds! It is you I summon! Refrain this once from seeking refuge in your lairs of solitude and dark misgivings. Bethink you that this book was framed to be your herald. When ye shall go forth to battle in your full panoply, who among you will not rejoice in looking back upon the herald who rallied you?” – Summary by jvanstan     [chương_files]  

Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book II cover

Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book II

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John Locke wrote four essays on human (or humane) understanding. Here are a few quotes from the book: “I see no reason to believe, that the soul thinks before the senses have furnished it with ideas to think on. The dreams of sleeping men are, as I take it, all made up of the waking man’s ideas, though for the most part oddly put together. Can the soul think, and not the man, or a man think, and not be conscious of it? Suppose the soul of Castor separated, during his sleep, from his body, to think apart. Let us suppose too, that it chooses for its scene of thinking the body of another man, v. g. Pollux, who is sleeping without a soul. Nobody can imagine that his soul can think, or move a body at Oxford, whilst he is at London. The question is, whether if the same substance which thinks, be changed, it can be the same person; or, remaining the same, it can be different persons? Whiteness and coldness are no more in snow than pain is.” John Locke wrote four essays on human (or humane) understanding. The first and second have been recorded into LibriVox. This recording is a repetition of the second of Locke’s Essays. All of his essays were, and are, very influential. Edward Stillingfleet 1635-1699 (Bishop of Worcester) wrote a Critique of Locke’s ideas and many letters to him. Locke’s Essays inspired Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) to write his New Essays Concerning Human […]

Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche: Volume 3 cover

Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche: Volume 3

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Volume 3 of the complete works contains several short critical introductory essays, five lectures under the heading “On the Future of our Educational Institutions,” and finally an essay by the author entitled “Homer and Classical Philology.” As always, Nietzsche believes in the importance of classical thought.     [chương_files]  

Montessori Method cover

Montessori Method

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In the early 1900’s Dr. Maria Montessori began to reform educational methods with her work the ‘Case dei Bambini’ in Rome, Italy. Montessori began her work by developing methods to educate mentally retarded children, the method she developed was used with several children who at age eight took the state examinations in reading and writing, the children passed with above average scores. Because of this success (which is known as the ‘first Montessori Miracle’) Dr. Montessori was asked to open a school for children in Rome which she did. It was called the Case dei Bambini or “Children’s House”. Now 101 years after the opening of the first Children’s House we have recorded the first English translation of “The Montessori Method” by Maria Montessori. This book explains the Montessori Method of Education which supports “spontaneous self-development” of children and is used in the Case dei Bambini as well as many many Montessori Schools through out the world. (Written by Shurtagal and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]