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Christmas Short Works Collection 2018 cover

Christmas Short Works Collection 2018

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A delightful collection of stories and poems, with several interesting selections discussing various Christmas and holiday traditions, and a lovely Christmas play, featuring a full cast. All selections have been chosen and narrated by LibriVox volunteers to commemorate Christmas 2018. Cast of Ola, or A Christmas Present for Mother: Alta Good: Devorah Allen Henry Good: TJ Burns Leon Good: Tomas Peter Mrs. Good: Foon Ola: Jasmin Salma Narrator: Maria Kasper     [chương_files]  

Selected Ghazals of Ghalib cover

Selected Ghazals of Ghalib

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Mirza Ghalib, full name Mirza Asadullah Khan Beig, pen name ‘Ghalib’ (1797-1869) was a famous Urdu- and Persian-language poet of India. He is best known for his lyrical and spiritual ghazals. Ghazal is a form of poetry in couplets. In a ghazal, each couplet is self-contained and generally unconnected with the next. Ghalib was born in Agra, in northern India, and was raised by his uncle. Ghalib had no formal education, but was tutored in Persian by Muhammad Mu’azzam, a noted scholar of the time. It got married in 1810 to Umrao Begum, the niece of Nawab Ahmad Baksh Khan who was the ruler of Ferozepur and Loharu at that time. Ghalib was introduced to the elite circle of intellectuals and artists that surrounded the Indian royal family in Delhi because of his father in law. In 1821 he compiled his first collection of Urdu verse. Deewan e Ghalib, Nuskha e Hamida was Published in 1828. soon after the publication of his Urdu poetry collection Ghalib switched to writing entirely in Persian, also known as Farsi. In 1826, on the death of Ghalib’s uncle, the British government began providing Ghalib and his family with a small pension for the military services of his uncle. Despite this income, Ghalib remained nearly destitute for most of his life. Ghalib was also a poetry teacher of the King, Bahadur Sha Zafar, who himself was a very nice poet. Ghalib led a miserable life for he started taking wine at a very young age […]

Romantic Poetry cover

Romantic Poetry

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A collection of romantic poems for St Valentine’s day.     [chương_files]  

Ogura Hyakunin Isshu cover

Ogura Hyakunin Isshu

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Hyakunin isshu (百人一首) is a traditional style of compiling Japanese waka poetry where each contributor writes one poem for the anthology.     [chương_files]  

Long Poems Collection cover

Long Poems Collection

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Long Poems Collection 1: a collection of 5 public-domain poems longer than 5 minutes in length.     [chương_files]  

Sonetos – Poemas de Amor cover

Sonetos – Poemas de Amor

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Luís Vaz de Camões (c. 1524 — 10 de Junho de 1580) é frequentemente considerado como o maior poeta de língua portuguesa e dos maiores da Humanidade. O seu gênio é comparável ao de Virgílio, Dante, Cervantes ou Shakespeare. A obra lírica de Camões foi publicada como “Rimas”, não havendo acordo entre os diferentes editores quanto ao número de sonetos escritos pelo poeta e quanto à autoria de algumas das peças líricas. Alguns dos seus sonetos, como o conhecido “Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver”, pela ousada utilização dos paradoxos, prenunciam o Barroco. Nesta coleção, apresentamos uma recolha de Sonetos de Camões cujo tema é o amor. (Sumário adaptado da Wikipedia por Leni)     [chương_files]  

Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 003 cover

Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 003

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This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages. All chosen and recorded by LibriVox volunteers. Brief description of the contributions: 01 – Japanese – Sennin [1922]: prose, fiction, Oosaka, wizard 02 – Japanese – Mangan [1938]: prose, fiction, Mishima, doctor 03 – Latin – Pange lingua (gloriosi proelium certaminis) [6th Century]: poetry, medieval Latin 04 – Japanese – Matsurino ban: prose, fiction, children, festival 05 – Bulgarian – Баланиади (Balaniadi) [1917]: poetry, satire 06 – Bisaya – ¡“Fuera” kapyot! [1921]: prose, itoy-itoy 07 – Tagalog – Ang Aral ni Ina [1915]: poetry, mother’s wisdom, pantas na salita 08 – Latin – Pange Lingua (Gloriosi Proelium Certaminis): poetry, chant, Lent, Christianity 09 – Tagalog – ¡Bulalakaw…! [1915]: poetry, shooting star 10 – French – La Main: Short fiction, supernatural 11 – Japanese – Kako: prose,fiction,memory,matchstick 12 – Bisaya – Si Inday, Lider na sa Piniliay [1921]: prose, women equal with men in politics 13 – Tagalog – Tag-ulan [1915]: poetry, rainy season 14 – Japanese – Nyusyano ji [1907]: prose,non-fiction,university,newspaper 15 – Welsh – Sion a Sian (poem IX) [1911]: poetry, children, nursery rhyme, plant, gerdd 16 – Japanese – Piano: prose, fiction, Yokohama, piano 17 – Japanese – Aosuisen Akasuisen [1922]: prose,fiction,children,narcissus 18 – Chinese – 水调歌头 (Shuidiaogetou): prose, Chinese, Song Dynasty 19 – Polish – O doktorze Hiszpanie [1883]: poetry, poezja, fraszka, alkohol 20 – Polish – Czlowiek Boże igrzysko [1883]: poetry, poezja, pycha, człowiek, Bóg 21 – French – […]

Wedding Poems cover

Wedding Poems

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In honor of Kristin and Corey’s wedding (April 2006) we’ve recorded a selection of wedding-themed poems. Congratulations, you two!     [chương_files]  

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges cover

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges

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Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89) was an English poet, educated at Oxford. Entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1866 and the Jesuit novitiate in 1868, he was ordained in 1877. Upon becoming a Jesuit he burned much of his early verse and abandoned the writing of poetry. However, the sinking in 1875 of a German ship carrying five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany, inspired him to write one of his most impressive poems “The Wreck of the Deutschland.” Thereafter he produced his best poetry, including “God’s Grandeur,” “The Windhover,” “The Leaden Echo,” and “The Golden Echo.”     [chương_files]  

Compilation de Pensées, Textes et Poésies cover

Compilation de Pensées, Textes et Poésies

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Comme l’indique le titre, ce sont différents pensées de l’auteur, sur la vie, l’être humain, aussi la vie politique, avec deux textes, “De la Monarchie selon la Charte”, et “Réflexions politiques”. Chateaubriand, homme de lettres si talentueux et homme politique, Pair de France, fut un très ardent défenseur de la liberté d’expression, de la monarchie représentative et de la Charte constitutionnelle du 4 juin 1814. Louis XVIII souhaitait rassembler les Français, bonapartistes, républicains et nostalgiques de l’Ancien régime. Puis il y eut les “Cent-jours”, en 1815. > Louis XVIII est réfugié à Gand, puis rentre et la Seconde Restauration est établie. Son neveu, le Duc de Berry, est assassiné en 1820. Voir, à ce sujet, le livre audio : “Mémoires, lettres et pièces authentiques touchant la vie et la mort du Duc de Berry”, de François-René de Chateaubriand, très intéressant, documenté, sur le plan de l’Histoire de France. Ces deux Livres audio se complètent. La nature a aussi sa place, ici, avec le joli recueil de dix poésies: “Tableaux de la nature”. – “Nous verrons” est un poème ironique, sur le temps, l’humain, et la politique, les gazettes… – “Les Tombeaux champêtres” sont une élégie imitée de Gray, 1796, Londres. L’auteur y fut en exil. Suivent des textes poétiques: – sur la Révolution, la profanation des tombes royales de la basilique Saint-Denis, Napoléon, Condé et son descendant, le jeune Duc d’Enghien mort en 1804 exécuté dans les fossés de Vincennes, choc absolument intense pour les Monarchistes, écrit en 1812; – […]