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Political Science

81 bài viết found

Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence cover

Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence

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It seems eminently fitting and proper in this year, the fiftieth anniversary of the Proclamation of Emancipation that the Negro should give pause and look around him at the things which he has done, those which he might have done, and those which he intends to do. We pause, just at the beginning of another half century, taking stock of past achievements, present conditions, future possibilities. (Preface)     [chương_files]  

Fabian Essays in Socialism cover

Fabian Essays in Socialism

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The Fabian Society is a British institution, which, though radical, advocated social reform through legislative rather than revolutionary means. It pre-dates the British Labour Party, which it influences to this day. The Fabian Society founded the London School of Economics in 1895. Here we have a collection of essays by great thinkers of the early 20th century and edited by George Bernard Shaw. – Summary by LynneT     [chương_files]  

Ukrainians and the European War cover

Ukrainians and the European War

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The WWI (European war) for Ukrainians was the hope of its nation unity and freedom from Austria-Hungary but mostly from Russian Empire. Galicia was the bone in the throat for Russian government because Austria-Hungary provided Ukrainians with permission for their national development on its territory. Thanks to this Ukrainian patriotic literature spread all over the Ukrainian territories. Ukrainians who were trapped under Russian regime were inspired by the thought of their independence. Russia, fearing of riots and protests, pushed their propaganda about oppression of the Russians by Austria-Hungary in Galicia to annex it. This was the threshold of the European war. Meanwhile, realizing the inevitability of the war between Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary, Ukrainian people all as one started to prepare for the struggle for their freedom. (Summary by Anastasiia Solokha)     [chương_files]  

Anti-Dictator: The Discours sur la servitude voluntaire cover

Anti-Dictator: The Discours sur la servitude voluntaire

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Étienne de La Boétie was the closest friend of Michel de Montaigne and the subject of the latter’s famous essay “On Friendship.” Here, however, he tackles a different, more impersonal relationship: that of ruler and ruled. The argument in this work is encapsulated in this quote: “A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when, having a choice between being vassals and being free men, it deserts its liberties and takes on the yoke, gives consent to its own misery, or, rather, apparently welcomes it.” Montaigne claimed that Boétie composed this work at the age of 18, and it was published over a decade after the young man’s tragic death at 32. Some commentators up to the present day have argued that Montaigne himself was the author, and that he used the cover of his late friend’s name because of its radical content. Whatever the truth, these words have inspired anti-authoritarian thinking for centuries. – Summary by Ben Adams     [chương_files]  

Ukraine cover


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“We are not the same nation with Russian people,” the statement which all Ukrainians wish to convey to the whole world for centuries. The striving for freedom and independence is what these people shed much of their blood on Ukrainian lands for. “The Ukraine” by Bedwin Sands (George Raffalovich) describes Ukrainian problem, which exacerbated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, by looking back at the Ukrainian history, the development of Ukrainian literature and its influence, and by considering its relations with Austria and Russia. (Summary by Anastasiia Solokha)     [chương_files]  

Ukraina and the Peace-conference cover

Ukraina and the Peace-conference

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The 19th century was the Golden Age of Nationalism in Europe. By the end of the century many countries achieved their national self-determination. But the asunder of the territories was still a cause of dispute which led to the Great War (WWI) in 1914. Ukrainian nationalism reached its peak in the early years of the 20th century. The Great War was the opportunity of the nation to obtain its unification and liberty from Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary which kept Ukraine under their reign for decades. Ukrainian intelligentsia and peasants of all ages and genders from both parts of the divided Ukraine united for a common goal – the independence of Ukraine. Ukrainian National Republic was created as the result of the struggle. Despite the large population of this nation, UNR still had to fight for its recognition by the world. – Summary by Anastasiia Solokha     [chương_files]  


Irish Land Question

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“What I want to impress upon those who may read this paper is this: The Irish land question is not a mere local question; it is a universal question. It involves the great problem of the distribution of wealth, which is everywhere forcing itself upon attention. It can not be settled by measures which in their nature can have but a local application. It can only be settled by measures which in their nature will apply everywhere as readily as in Ireland.” (Summary by Henry George)     [chương_files]  

What is Industrial Democracy cover

What is Industrial Democracy

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An explanation of the concept of industrial democracy and its relation to capitalism. (Summary by progressingamerica)     [chương_files]  

Manifest Komunistyczny cover

Manifest Komunistyczny

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Manifest Komunistyczny, napisany przez Karla Marxa oraz Friedricha Engelsa, przedstawia krytykę głównego sytemu ekonomicznego państw Europy XIX wieku – kapitalizmu. Analizując społeczeństwo pod kątem teorii krytycznej, Marx i Engels ukazują problemy i sprzeczności obecnej w tamtych czasach hierarchii społecznej, poprzez zwrócenie uwagi na antagonizm klasowy pomiędzy burżuazją, klasą panującą, a proletariatem, klasą robotniczą. Filozofia przedstawiona przez obu autorów miała ogromny wpływ na reformy polityczne, które poprawiły standardy pracy robotników państw rozwiniętych, od zakazania pracy dzieci po ustanowienie weekendu. Mimo upływu czasu, teorie Marxa i Engelsa używane do analiz socjologicznych do dziś, potrafiąc odkryć problemy naszego społeczeństwa, na które wcześniej nie zwróciliśmy uwagi.     [chương_files]  

За македонцките работи cover

За македонцките работи

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„За Македонцките работи“ е најзначајното дело напишано од еден од најголемите македонисти и национални дејци – Крсте Петков Мисирков, а печатена во 1903 година во печатницата на „Либералниот клуб“ во Софија. Со над 120 страници, поделена на 5 дела и предговор, книгата претставва политичка анализа на положбата на македонскиот народ и предлог-програма за македонското националноослободително движење. Таа го разоткрива асимилаторските политики на соседните земји насочени против македонскиот јазичен, културен и етнички идентитет, а ја потенцира неопходноста од национална афирмација и ослободување на Македонците како посебен народ со особено значење на улогата за кодифицирање на литературен македонски јазик. “Za Makedonckite raboti” is the most important work written by one of the greatest Macedonians and national figures – Krste Petkov Misirkov, and published in 1903 by the “Liberal Club” in Sofia. With over 120 pages, divided into 5 parts and a preface, the book is a political analysis of the position of the Macedonian people and a draft program for the Macedonian national liberation movement. It exposes the assimilation policies of neighboring countries directed against the Macedonian linguistic, cultural and ethnic identity, and emphasizes the need for national affirmation and liberation of Macedonians as a separate nation specially stressing the importance of the codification of the literary Macedonian language. – Summary by AnaNaumoska and Wikipedia     [chương_files]