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Political Science

81 bài viết found

History of American Political Theories cover

History of American Political Theories

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“A description and analysis of the characteristic types of political theory that have from time to time been dominant in American political life.” – Summary by William Archibald Dunning (from the preface) Proof-listening done by cimt, Linny, kristakz, and ChrisGreaves. File editing done by kristakz.     [chương_files]  

Your Pay Envelope cover

Your Pay Envelope

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A Critique of Classical Socialism presented in a series of letters to a Mr. Smith. The author was the editor of the New York-based “Common Cause” magazine – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Birth Control and the State cover

Birth Control and the State

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This essay is one of a great number that endorse the principle of eugenics, a controversial study and practice that aims for society or government to ‘self-direct’ the course of human evolution. In this essay, one finds discussion of contraception, abortion, population growth and war, as well as questions of ‘race.’ One finds here a use of the term ‘race’ meaning something far different than what is used today. This is a provocative essay. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  


Friends of Ukraine Publications

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A number of publications distributed by the Friends of Ukraine in the period after the First World War when the Ukraine was struggling for its independence. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Notes On Democracy cover

Notes On Democracy

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American journalist H.L. Mencken’s Notes On Democracy was originally published in 1926, yet is still relevant almost 100 years later. Mencken has proposed some succinct and satirical definitions of democracy, such as, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” And, “Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey house.” One predictable result of democracy, Mencken explains, is that the professional politician, who’s objective is always the job, and not the principle, is in a constant struggle for office and its rewards. The defeated candidate commonly takes his failure very badly. Regarding these sore loser “lame ducks”, he says: “…now and then there appears one whose wounds are too painful to be assuaged…. …This majestic victim not infrequently seeks surcease by a sort of running amok. That is to say, he turns what remains of his influence with the mob [common man] into a weapon against the nation as a whole, and becomes a chronic maker of trouble.” Notes On Democracy is a refreshing description of what a democracy is, and how it works, …and how it doesn’t work, and has timeless relevance in light of today’s political climate. – Summary by Lisa Reichert     [chương_files]  


African Problem and the Peace Settlement

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In this essay, the author directs our attention on the African continent and describes how the exploitation and colonization of Africa by European powers contributed to the then-ongoing World War. Without a just and measured settlement of African concerns, the promise is for continued warfare among nations even after the peace to be negotiated at the close of the European conflict. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  


Why Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia’s Role in the Present War

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Here is a trenchant argument for the Allied Supreme Council, established at the close of World War One, to recognize and defend the independence of Armenia and its people. Responding to President Wilson’s call for the sovereignty of those who fought for self-determination during the war, the author outlines his people’s suffering and their efforts to earn recognition of their nationhood by joining the Entente in fighting against tyranny. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds cover

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds

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Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is the fifth installment (published in 2012) in the National Intelligence Council’s series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about the future. As with previous editions, this report will stimulate strategic thinking by identifying critical trends and potential discontinuities. It distinguishes between megatrends, those factors that will likely occur under any scenario, and game-changers, critical variables whose trajectories are far less certain. As the diversity and complexity of various factors has grown, there is increased attention to scenarios or alternative worlds. At a critical juncture in human history, which could lead to widely contrasting futures. the contention is presented that the future is not set in stone, but is malleable, the result of an interplay among megatrends, game-changers and, above all, human agency. The ultimate goal is to encourage decisionmakers—whether in government or outside—to think and plan for the long term so that negative futures do not occur and positive ones have a better chance of unfolding. (from the Executive Summary, lightly edited for clarity) – Summary by Patrick McHaffie     [chương_files]  

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 5 cover

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 5

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Carl von Ossietzky (1889-1938), Journalist, Pazifist und Friedensnobelpreisträger [1935], zählte zu den herausragenden Persönlichkeiten in Deutschland zwischen den Weltkriegen. Durch seinen investigativen Journalismus machte er in der Zeitschrift “Die Weltbühne” erstmals auf die Aufrüstung Deutschlands aufmerksam und wurde dafür 1931 wegen Spionage verurteilt. Dieser fünfte Teil seiner gesammelten Schriften umfasst in verschiedenen Zeitschriften und Zeitungen erschienene Artikel über Politik, Geschichte und Kunst. Viele der politischen Schriften sind noch immer perfekt auf die heutige Zeit übertragbar. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

United States Senate Election, Expulsion, and Censure Cases, 1793-1990 cover

United States Senate Election, Expulsion, and Censure Cases, 1793-1990

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Article I, section 5, of the United States Constitution gives each house of Congress power to judge the elections, returns, and qualifications of its members, and to punish members for “disorderly behavior.” Between 1793 and 1990, more than 200 senators faced challenges to their credentials based on their qualifications for office and alleged irregularities in their elections; or discipline for offenses ranging from public corruption, to giving aid and comfort to the Confederacy, to bringing dishonor upon the Senate in myriad other ways, or for pure political spite. As researched and written by staff of the Congressional Research Service, these are their stories. The arc of the book, each case told in chronological order, traces not only the tenor and politics of the times, but the evolution of the Senate’s own thinking about what it means to be a United States Senator. – Summary by Joanne Turner.     [chương_files]