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    The Communist Manifesto cover

    The Communist Manifesto

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    The Communist Manifesto was conceived as an outline of the basic beliefs of the Communist movement. The authors believed that the European Powers were universally afraid of the nascent movement, and were condemning as “communist,” people or activities that did not actually conform to what the Communists believed. This Manifesto, then, became a manual for their beliefs. In it we find Marx and Engel’s rehearsal of the idea that Capital has stolen away the work of the artisan and peasant by building up factories to produce goods cheaply. The efficiency of Capital depends, then, on the wage laborers who staff the factories and how little they will accept in order to have work. This concentrates power and money in a Bourgeois class that profits from the disunity of workers (Proletarians), who only receive a subsistence wage. If workers unite in a class struggle against the bourgeois, using riot and strikes as weapons, they will eventually overthrow the bourgeois and replace them as a ruling class. Communists further believe in and lay out a system of reforms to transform into a classless, stateless society, thus distinguishing themselves from various flavors of Socialism, which would be content to have workers remain the ruling class after the revolution. The Manifesto caused a huge amount of discussion for its support for a forcible overthrow of the existing politics and society.     [chương_files]  

    Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book II cover

    Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book II

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    John Locke wrote four essays on human (or humane) understanding. Here are a few quotes from the book: “I see no reason to believe, that the soul thinks before the senses have furnished it with ideas to think on. The dreams of sleeping men are, as I take it, all made up of the waking man’s ideas, though for the most part oddly put together. Can the soul think, and not the man, or a man think, and not be conscious of it? Suppose the soul of Castor separated, during his sleep, from his body, to think apart. Let us suppose too, that it chooses for its scene of thinking the body of another man, v. g. Pollux, who is sleeping without a soul. Nobody can imagine that his soul can think, or move a body at Oxford, whilst he is at London. The question is, whether if the same substance which thinks, be changed, it can be the same person; or, remaining the same, it can be different persons? Whiteness and coldness are no more in snow than pain is.” John Locke wrote four essays on human (or humane) understanding. The first and second have been recorded into LibriVox. This recording is a repetition of the second of Locke’s Essays. All of his essays were, and are, very influential. Edward Stillingfleet 1635-1699 (Bishop of Worcester) wrote a Critique of Locke’s ideas and many letters to him. Locke’s Essays inspired Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) to write his New Essays Concerning Human […]

    Genetic Studies of Genius, Volume 1: Mental and Physical Traits of a Thousand Gifted Children cover

    Genetic Studies of Genius, Volume 1: Mental and Physical Traits of a Thousand Gifted Children

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    It should go without saying that a nation’s resources of intellectual talent are among the most precious it will ever have. The study of the lives of gifted children initiated by Professor Lewis M. Terman, began in 1921, and has become the longest running longitudinal study in the field of psychology. Published over 5 volumes, the study is of historical significance to the field of educational science as well as psychology, for providing an insight into the nature of intelligence and achievement, but also challenging stereotypes of the personality of the gifted. This first volume covers the introduction and goals of the study, selection and statistical composition of the group, health and physical condition, family heritage, interests and play activities, and many more valuable pieces of data relating to the characteristics and personality of the children surveyed. – Summary by leon harvey     [chương_files]  

    Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 1 cover

    Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 1

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    Reputedly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories, Austrian criminal jurist and examining magistrate Hans Gross wrote the first handbook on criminal investigation. This treatise covers everything from the qualities of a good investigating officer and how to utilize various experts, to tactics employed by criminals, how to analyze footprints and blood stains, and ways that criminals perpetrate crimes. Some of the remarks relate directly to India, such as disguising one’s caste. Volume 1 (of 3) consists of Part 1 of the 4 parts in the work. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

    Mind And Its Education cover

    Mind And Its Education

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    “We are to study the mind and its education; but how? It is easy to understand how we may investigate the great world of material things about us; for we can see it, touch it, weigh it, or measure it. But how are we to discover the nature of the mind, or come to know the processes by which consciousness works? For mind is intangible; we cannot see it, feel it, taste it, or handle it. Mind belongs not to the realm of matter which is known to the senses, but to the realm of spirit, which the senses can never grasp. And yet the mind can be known and studied as truly and as scientifically as can the world of matter.” This book of over a hundred years is full of useful and practical information. The author’s elegant use of referencing poetry and literature in forming mental images as a way of educating our creative minds makes for a most pleasurable read. – Summary by Mike Justice and from the text     [chương_files]  

    Intelligence of School Children cover

    Intelligence of School Children

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    This book has been written for the rank and file of teachers, school supervisors, and normal-school students. Its purpose is to illustrate the large individual differences in original endowment which exist among school children and to show the practical bearing of these differences upon the everyday problems – Summary by Leon Harvey     [chương_files]  

    Intelligence Tests and School Reorganisation cover

    Intelligence Tests and School Reorganisation

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    A collection of essays relating to the efforts to reorganise American schools to provide a more efficient and effective education system. Also includes discussions on adjustment rooms for students with special educational needs. Edited by Lewis Terman with co-contributors including Virgil E. Dickson, A. H. Sutherland, Raymond H. Franzen, C. R. Tupper, Grace Fernald. (summary by niobium)     [chương_files]  

    Montessori Method cover

    Montessori Method

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    In the early 1900’s Dr. Maria Montessori began to reform educational methods with her work the ‘Case dei Bambini’ in Rome, Italy. Montessori began her work by developing methods to educate mentally retarded children, the method she developed was used with several children who at age eight took the state examinations in reading and writing, the children passed with above average scores. Because of this success (which is known as the ‘first Montessori Miracle’) Dr. Montessori was asked to open a school for children in Rome which she did. It was called the Case dei Bambini or “Children’s House”. Now 101 years after the opening of the first Children’s House we have recorded the first English translation of “The Montessori Method” by Maria Montessori. This book explains the Montessori Method of Education which supports “spontaneous self-development” of children and is used in the Case dei Bambini as well as many many Montessori Schools through out the world. (Written by Shurtagal and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    The Touchstone cover

    The Touchstone

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    Stephen Glennard’s career is falling apart and he desperately needs money so that he may marry his beautiful fiancee. He happens upon an advertisement in a London magazine promising the prospect of financial gain. Glennard was once pursued by Margaret Aubyn, a famous and recently deceased author, and he still has her passionate love letters to him. Glennard removes his name from the letters and sells them, making him a fortune and building a marriage based on the betrayal of another.     [chương_files]  


    A Problem in Modern Ethics

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    “Society lies under the spell of ancient terrorism and coagulated errors. Science is either wilfully hypocritical or radically misinformed.” John Addington Symonds struck many an heroic note in this courageous (albeit anonymously circulated) essay. He is a worthy Virgil guiding the reader through the Inferno of suffering which emerging medico-legal definitions of the sexually deviant were prepared to inflict on his century and on the one which followed. Symonds pleads for sane human values in a world of Urnings, Dionings, Urano-Dionings and Uraniasters – in short, the whole paraphernalia of Victorian taxonomies and undigested Darwinism which, superimposed on the “terrorism” of religion, labelled and to some extent created the specimen “homosexual.” A discussion of the “manly love” poems of Walt Whitman leads the author to speculate on a better future for the criminalised mutual passions of men; yet he is obliged to defer the dream, for “the world cannot be invited to entertain it.” (Introduction by Martin Geeson)     [chương_files]