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    Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3 cover

    Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 3

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    Reputedly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories, Austrian criminal jurist and examining magistrate Hans Gross wrote the first handbook on criminal investigation. This treatise covers everything from the qualities of a good investigating officer and how to utilize various experts, to tactics employed by criminals, how to analyze footprints and blood stains, and ways that criminals perpetrate crimes. Some of the remarks relate directly to India, such as disguising one’s caste. Volume 3 (of 3) consists of Part 4 of the 4 parts in the work. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

    Historic Ghosts and Ghost Hunters cover

    Historic Ghosts and Ghost Hunters

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    The author describes popular ghost occurrences from a skeptical point of view, providing explanations based on recent scientific research (early 20th century), primarily in the field of psychology, like suggestion and hallucinations, using also his beliefs on mesmerism and telepathy. He finishes his book with a brief mention of ghost hunters and researchers into psychic phenomena. – Summary by Rapunzelina     [chương_files]  

    Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology cover

    Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology

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    A collection of classical writings of Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology. Written at intervals over a span of fourteen years, these selected articles and pamphlets contain many fascinating ideas that have become widely accepted psychological concepts nowadays, but had just started to develop at the time when the book was written. For instance, this is where Dr. Jung’s ideas of introversion and extroversion, a contribution of vital importance to psychology, appeared for the very first time. Other topics explored include the concept of the unconscious, the study of psychological types, and the psychology of dreams. (Cao Yuqing)     [chương_files]  

    Omnipotent Self cover

    Omnipotent Self

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    “Nature has granted to all to be happy if we but knew how to use her gifts.”—Claudius. Often we feel “down” or “low”, without being clinically depressed or seeking the aid of a doctor. This is a study, in layman’s terms, of the causes and effects of mental strife, with suggestions on how we can improve our state of mind. Some listeners may be offended by the views on homosexuality expressed, but these reflect the views of the day. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

    Major Symptoms of Hysteria cover

    Major Symptoms of Hysteria

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    In this series of lectures delivered in English by the author while visiting the USA, Janet summarises the (at the time) cutting edge perspective on the various forms of hysteria. The syndromes include generalised amnesic states and conversion disorders, and show Janet’s highly influential views regarding the fundamental role of dissociation. The lectures provide an insight into the development of this area of psychiatry out of the neurological field of the nineteenth century, with Janet dropping some famous names from the history of medicine. ( Peter Tucker)     [chương_files]  

    On the Witness Stand: Essays on Psychology and Crime cover

    On the Witness Stand: Essays on Psychology and Crime

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    Eight sketches by one of the pioneers of applied psychology, which highlight the mind of the witness on the witness stand, and how one can be an unreliable eyewitness. The last essay, on the prevention of crime, takes another direction. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

    Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales cover

    Some Haunted Houses of England and Wales

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    Old buildings necessarily have a history. It is not always a happy history and folklore abounds. Sometimes unhappy souls come back to haunt the current residents or their guests. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these narratives provide a fascinating insight into the history of the buildings and the hysteria they may induce. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

    Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution cover

    Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution

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    “It is barely a century and a half ago that certain philosophers, who, it should be remarked, were very ignorant of the primitive history of man, of the variations of his mental constitution and of the laws of heredity, propounded the idea of the equality of individuals and races… It is in the name of this idea that socialism, which seems destined to enslave before long the majority of Western peoples, pretends to ensure their welfare… The object of this work is to describe the psychological characteristics which constitute the soul of races, and to show how the history of a people and its civilisation are determined by these characteristics… We shall then examine whether the elements composing a civilisation, its arts, its institutions, its beliefs, are not direct manifestations of the soul of races, and whether in consequence, it is not impossible that they should pass from one people to another. We shall conclude by attempting to determine what are the necessities under the influence of which civilisations decay and die out.” – extracts from the Introduction. Also, “…The author’s central thesis is that chance, environment and institutions play but secondary parts in the history of a people. Character (race) is the important thing. This character – a people’s morality and conduct – is determined mainly by its ancestry. After character, ideas, and particularly religious ideas are the most important factors in the evolution of a civilisation. The possession of a small number of highly developed minds is what […]

    Depths of the Soul cover

    Depths of the Soul

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    Wilhelm Stekel was an Austrian physician and psychologist and one of Freud’s earliest followers. This title, originally published in 1921, was the author’s favorite of his own work. Covering a variety of topics he takes a psychoanalytic look into The Depths of the Soul.     [chương_files]  

    Kallikak Family cover

    Kallikak Family

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    The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness, written by famous American psychologist and eugenicist Henry H. Goddard, is a famous but controversial extended case study following the Kallikak family (a pseudonym from the Greek words Kallos “beauty” and Kakos “bad”) for the inheritance of “feeble-mindedness,” a general category referring to a variety of mental disabilities including mental disabilities, learning disabilities, and mental illness. Goddard concluded that a variety of mental traits were hereditary and society should limit reproduction by people possessing these traits, which in turn helped to spur on the destructive eugenics movement, especially in the United States. Note: For the charts printed in Chapter II and referred to throughout the text, please refer to a visual copy of the book. – Summary by Mary Kay and Wikipedia     [chương_files]