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Published 1800 – 1900

204 bài viết found

Smoke cover


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Smoke is an 1867 novel by the highly acclaimed Russian writer Ivan Turgenev (1818–1883) that tells the gripping story of a secret love affair between a young betrothed Russian man and a young married Russian woman, while also delivering in the opening chapters the author’s criticism of Russia and Russians of the period. The story takes place largely in the German resort town of Baden-Baden. — Adapted from Wikipedia:     [chương_files]  

Dodo: A Detail of the Day cover

Dodo: A Detail of the Day

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Fashionably controversial bestseller at the time of appearance (1893), portraying London “society” in the Fin de Siècle. Dodo is a young woman who enjoys belonging to the high society. At the start of the book, she is about to make an advantageous marriage, to a man with money and a title – just what she needs. This audiobook includes Volume 1 & 2 (the complete novel) – Summary by Anna Simon     [chương_files]  

Mont Oriol: or A Romance of Auvergne cover

Mont Oriol: or A Romance of Auvergne

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Young bride Christiane arrives in Auvergne to “take the waters” with her husband, described as “a sickly flower, or a sucking pig with its hair shaved off.” But rather than the relaxing family vacation she expects, she finds herself the center of a conspiracy between her father, the Marquis, and the “fossil” medical team in an effort to solve the problem of a lack of heir. Suddenly the discovery of a new spa throws the resort into disarray and brings a lowly family to prominence. Romantic intrigue, financial speculation, satire in the medical profession, a social commentary on the status of women, are all delivered in de Maupassant’s picturesque prose. (Lynne Thompson)     [chương_files]  

Rachel Gray cover

Rachel Gray

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Kavanagh’s books feature strong young women, like herself, and had much popular appeal among that audience during her lifetime. She lived most of her life in France, caring for her invalid mother, remaining unmarried. ‘Rachel Gray’ is founded on fact although the author used her imagination to embellish the story. She said that she wished to ‘show the intellectual, the educated, the fortunate, that minds which they are apt to slight as narrow, that lives which they pity as moving in the straight and gloomy paths of mediocrity, are often blessed and graced beyond the usual lot, with those lovely aspirations towards better deeds and immortal things, without which life is indeed a thing of little worth; cold and dull as a sunless day.’ We find Rachel a dressmaker in a poor neighborhood in London, living with her step-mother and two apprentices. Unloved and lonely, she loses herself in contemplation of God, charity and the beauty of life; but her day-dreaming has led to the reputation of being “slow” or “dim-witted” and she is despised by all, except Richard Jones, the father of one of the apprentices. Rather than being one of the millions of anonymous poor, Rachel Gray proves herself to be one of those whom heaven smiles upon. ( Lynne Thompson)     [chương_files]  

Effi Briest (abridged) cover

Effi Briest (abridged)

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Effi Briest is a classic of Prussian Realism, relatively unknown in the English speaking world, but widely taught in German schools. This tragic tale tells the story of Effi, a young woman from an old and respectable family who, due to a sense of duty, marries Geert von Instetten, a much older Prussian official. The tragedy unfolds as a consequence of Instetten’s strict following of his duties in society in response to his wife’s indiscretions. Thomas Mann once wrote that if one’s library had to be reduced to six books, Effi Briest should be one of them. (Summary by Margaret )     [chương_files]  

God's fool cover

God’s fool

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At the age of nine, Elias Lossell becomes deaf and blind from an accident. Communication with him becomes difficult, and mentally, he never really grows up. Years later, circumstances make him the richest man in town as the heir of the wealthy firm of tea merchants, while his two younger twin half-brothers Hendrik and Hubert are left to do the actual work of management on his behalf. This causes a lot of resentment, especially with half-brother Hendrik, who loves money, and is also hampered by a headstrong, spendthrift wife. Hendrik tries to gain control of the firm and buy out Elias by any means, but things get out of hand. The novel is full of satirical comments and asides directed at the reader. It is set in the fictitious Dutch town of Koopstad (“Buying City”), where money, commercial success and social status are very important. It gives a satirical view of contemporary life at the end of the 19th century. The novel was a bestseller at the time of its appearance in 1892, though it is now all but forgotten. Maarten Maartens (1858-1915) was a Dutch writer who wrote all his principal literary work in English. (Summary by Anna Simon)     [chương_files]  

Blind Love cover

Blind Love

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Blind Love, also published under the titles Iris and The Lord Harry is Wilkie Collins’ last novel, completed after his death by Walter Besant. The blind love in the title refers to the love of Iris, a woman of virtue, for the morally corrupt Henry Norland. She loves him despite all his faults, but she also does not realize the full extent of them. As in many of Wilkie Collins’ novels, this book also tackles difficult social problems. In this case, the Irish Question and women’s rights bring another layer to the narrative. – Summary by Carolin.     [chương_files]  

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Pan tells the story Lieutenant Glahn and his summer in a forest north in Norway. He lives in a hut with his dog Aesop and they spend their days to hunting and fishing. In poetic language, Hamsun paints troubled souls in this gem of a book.The text is devoted to the nature in Nordland as well as the people Glahn meets there, as they deal with love, jealousy, and power struggles. We meet two (equally unreliable) narrators, Lieutenant Glahn in the book itself and a hunting companion in the epilogue, consisting of the last five chapters. – Summary by kathrinee     [chương_files]  

In the Village of Viger cover

In the Village of Viger

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These ten superb short stories of Duncan Campbell Scott, published in 1896, portray humorous, farcical, and tragic aspects of life in the fictional Quebec village of Viger. Scott’s tales of the lives and vicissitudes of Viger’s inhabitants include an established milliner who is upset by the appearance of a younger, more popular rival; an innkeeper whose obsession with the Franco-Prussian War drives him mad; and a strange peddler with a carefully guarded secret that is accidentally revealed. Duncan Campbell Scott was born in Ottawa, Ontario, in 1862. He entered the civil service in 1879 and remained until his retirement in 1932. Scott was an honored, skilled and popular poet, short-story writer, and essayist. He died in Ottawa in 1947. For more information see (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Country House cover

Country House

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In “The Country House”, John Galsworthy explores many of the themes he would later expand upon in his better known, nine-novel, “The Forsyth Saga”. This is a novel of English society as 1900 approaches. A divorce is being threatened in the Pendyce family, whose members are of the landed gentry. Such an event would be an enormous scandal. There is little action. The story paints, in exquisite language, the feelings of each of the six or so main characters. These feelings concern the necessity for family honor and the horror of scandal; the stifling effect of the social mores of the time; the ridiculous complications of the law; and, the threat of the many changes in the social order which seem to be coming. Galsworthy was himself of this privileged class. While he was extremely critical of the social structure of the time, he shows sympathy for those caught in it. Each is constrained to his or her niche; only by major changes in the social code will that be changed. Gaslworthy was very much a social activist in life, as well as on the printed page. He was quite successful in showing the reader how it must have felt to live in one of those social niches. (Summary by BobR)     [chương_files]