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Published 1800 – 1900

23 bài viết found

Señor de Bembibre cover

Señor de Bembibre

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Don Álvaro, señor de Bembibre, se ve correspondido en su amor por doña Beatriz, hija de don Alonso señor de Arganza. Pero éste ha decidido dar en matrimonio a su hija única y heredera al conde de Lemus. Doña Beatriz promete a don Álvaro que, antes que casarse con el conde de Lemus, hará todo lo posible por ingresar en el convento. Don Álvaro acude a su tío, su tutor y maestre de los templarios, en un momento en que se aproxima la completa ruina de la orden del Temple y a la que se añaden los rumores que circulan sobre ellos: el Papa los ha excomulgado en Francia y los templarios están presos a la espera del castigo. El tío de don Álvaro le aconseja hablar con el abad de Carracedo, confesor de los señores de Arganza. El abad se muestra disponible a ayudar a don Álvaro a condición que se aparte de la alianza de los templarios. El abad le lleva a una ventana desde la que se divisan las ruinas de la ciudad romana de Berdigum y le aconseja que vaya allí, en medio del silencio de la noche, y pregunte a las ruinas por la grandeza de sus señores, que no dejarán de darle respuesta los silbidos del viento y el aullido del lobo… (Resumen por Tux) Enrique Gil y Carrasco (Villafranca del Bierzo (León), 15 de julio de 1816 – Berlín (Alemania), 22 de febrero de 1845) fue un escritor romántico español. Es recordado fundamentalmente […]

Gloria, Parte 1 cover

Gloria, Parte 1

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“Gloria” es una novela que relata las costumbres católicas de los españoles desde épocas remotas, especialmente narra la religiosidad de una bella dama, hija de un hombre ilustre en el pueblo de Ficóbriga, quien habiendo recibido dicha doctrina desde su nacimiento, pone en duda sus creencias; y ya en su adultez sus dudas incrementan cuando encuentra el amor de su vida, quien será el protagonista de su mayor fortuna y desgracia. (Summary by Kendal Rigans)     [chương_files]  

Cumbres Borrascosas cover

Cumbres Borrascosas

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Cumbres Borrascosas, es considerada una de las obras maestras de la literatura inglesa. Narra la historia de amor entre Heatchliff y Catherine. Heatchcliff es un niño huérfano que el señor Earnshaw, padre de Catherine, lleva a “Cumbres Borrascosas” para criarlo como si fuera hijo suyo. Entre Catherine y Heathcliff nace una gran amistad, sin embargo el hermano de Catherine, Hindley, no pierde ocasión de humillar al niño. Con el tiempo esta amistad entre ambos niños,va transformándose en un amor tan intenso como turbulento… (Montse González)     [chương_files]  

Schloß Dürande cover

Schloß Dürande

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Frankreich am Vorabend der französischen Revolution. Der Jäger Renald beobachtet seine Schwester Gabriele bei einem Stelldichein mit dem Sohn des Grafen Dürande. Das Schlimmste ahnend schickt er sie zur Tante ins Kloster. Als der jungen Graf Hippolyt nach Paris abgereist ist, will er sie zurück holen, doch sie ist inzwischen verschwunden. Renald ist sicher, dass sie mit dem jungen Grafen durchgebrannt ist. Er geht nach Paris, um Hippolyt zur Rede zu stellen und seine Schwester zurückzuholen, doch der Graf leugnet jede Kenntnis von Gabrielens Verbleib. Als der alte Graf wenig später stirbt, kehrt Hippolyt zum Schloß Dürande zurück. Das ganze Land ist inzwischen in Aufruhr. Auch Gabriel und Renald treffen dort ein und die Ereignisse spitzen sich dramatisch zu. “Liebe, Leben, Tod, Sprache, Charakteristik, Alles ist seltsam und in seiner Seltsamkeit poetisch, …” schrieb ein zeitgenössischer Rezensent 1836 in den “Blättern für literarische Unterhaltung, Leipzig”. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus)     [chương_files]  

Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax cover

Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax

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This is the coming of age story of Bessie Fairfax. A story about a girl who learns to see the world is it is and navigate in it. This is a vivid and charming story by Harriet Parr, who wrote under the pseudonym of Holm Lee. She was a best selling author in her days, admired even by Charles Dickens. Her descriptions of the English town, which was fast disappearing due to the industrial revolution, reminds one of novels by Elizabeth Gaskell and George Eliot. – Summary by Stav Nisser.     [chương_files]  

Doctor Grimshawe’s Secret cover

Doctor Grimshawe’s Secret

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Dr. Grimshawe is a spider-cultivating eccentric. The central secret of the book is an all-encompassing spiders web. The central character is loosely based on the author Nathaniel Hawthorne. He always considered the book as unfinished and it wasn’t published until after his death by his son Julian. Summary by Michele Eaton     [chương_files]  

Antonia cover


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Will love conquer all? An entertaining novel of growth in light of societal pressures of propriety, finance and inheritance of 19th century France. Intriguing events and turns of phrase abound. (Summary by Christine Rottger )     [chương_files]  

Cousin Maude cover

Cousin Maude

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When Matilda’s husband James dies, she marries rich Dr. Kennedy thinking he will provide a good home for her daughter Maude. However, the doctor is a miser and assumes that Matty will be his housekeeper. They have a little boy who is crippled and the doctor ignores him. Maude is totally devoted to him and on her mother’s deathbed promises to look after him always. The story then evolves with Maude meeting her stepsister Nellie’s cousins JC and James. Nellie has set her sights on JC who is after her money while Maude develops strong feelings towards James. JC begins to fall for Maude and when he learns that she has come into an inheritance bequeathed to her by her mother’s former servant/nurse Janet he proposes to her. The complications that follow along with the arrival of a new stepmother add just the right amount of drama to this sweet romance. – Summary by Celine Major     [chương_files]  

Thyrza cover


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Thyrza is a working class woman. Three men are in love with her. Even though she is engaged to a man of her class, who is very kind, she falls in love with a rich Oxford student who has no idea what to do with his life. The man, in turn, falls in love with her in return, but the path to happiness is complicated. – Summary by Stav Nisser.     [chương_files]  

One Thing Needful cover

One Thing Needful

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Can starving children be grateful for the education they receive if, when they ask for food, rich people give them a stone? This is the question in the heart of this rich psychological novel. Lady Lashmore is a typical lady of her time, ruling every aspect of her household and constantly complaining that the poor people in the factory ten miles away bother her. Things change when her son, Lord Lashmore, falls in love with a poor woman. Only then does he understand what is the one thing they need most. Only then does he mature, develop empathy, and see what are the real important things in life. This is a coming of age story, a love story, but, most of all, a story about prejudice and small revolutions. For the world would never be the same and the young generation sees social classes differently. This novel is perfect for fans of Charlotte Bronte and Elizabeth Gaskell. Readers who love Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s other novels will not be disappointed. – Summary by Stav Nisser.     [chương_files]