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    Published 1800 – 1900


    На краю света (On the Edge of the World) cover

    На краю света (On the Edge of the World)

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    Повесть основана на подлинном случае миссионерской деятельности архиепископа Нила (1799-1874), но написана с характерным для Лескова гротеском и тщательной шлифовкой персонажей. Затронута необычная для русской литературы 19-го века тема свободы вероисповедания. “Making up things is hard labour for me, so I’ve always felt the need for having before me real faces which could intrigue me with their spirituality; then they get hold of me and I infuse them with new life, using some real-life stories as a basis,” wrote Leskov about the characters of this book. Bigger than life characters meet at a missionary expedition to the Siberian North. The subject of freedom of faith is unusual for the 19-century Russian literature. – Summary by Mark Chulsky (& Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Phantom Regiment; or, Stories of "Ours" cover

    Phantom Regiment; or, Stories of “Ours”

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    The title and a quick glance at the chapter titles of James Grant’s The Phantom Regiment–such as “The Romance of the Month,” “The Halt in Cork Wood,” “Rio de la Muerte (Spanish for death),” Pedro, the Contrabandist,” “A Legend of Fife,” “The Midnight March”–will lead you to realize that this book is filled with excitement, mystery, intrigue, adventure, and cultural conflict with an emphasis on Scottish soldierly daredevilry and pride. It has all the elements that make for an enjoyable and an exciting listen. (Summary by Jim Locke)     [chương_files]  

    Wing of Azrael, Volume 1 cover

    Wing of Azrael, Volume 1

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    Mona Caird, a British writer and feminist, criticized in numerous non-fiction writings the state of marriage as it existed in her time. Her novel The Wing of Azrael reflects her criticisms. This is the first volume of three. In volume 1, Viola Sedley has attracted the admiration of both Philip Dendraith, a young nobleman, and Harry Lancaster, who, like Viola, comes from a more modest background. Viola’s parents are facing imminent financial hardship, and her marriage to Philip would be advantageous to them. Viola, however, has a distaste for Philip that turns into a marked aversion after she witnesses his cruelty towards animals. Moreover, Harry, who knows Philip’s character, has given her vigorous warnings against marrying him. Torn between her feelings of antipathy towards Philip and her sense of obedience and obligation to her family, Viola must make a difficult choice. (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

    Illustrations of Political Economy, Volume 1 cover

    Illustrations of Political Economy, Volume 1

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    Hugely popular at their time of publication, Harriet Martineau’s Illustrations of Political Economy sought to turn the abstract principles of political economy into engaging, entertaining, and fundamentally humane works of social fiction. Through these dramatizations of dense economic theories, Martineau tried to educate and empower her readers, making even the most arcane concepts digestible and comprehendible to the widest possible audience (many of whom, such as women and the working class, were often excluded from engaging with these ideas via more conventional means). Each volume contains a different series of short, didactic novellas that “illustrate” a different set of economic principles, offering audiences tales that are equal parts riveting and edifying. Their publication caused a minor sensation in Victorian England. This is the first of nine volumes and contains the following short novellas: Life in the Wilds (a tale about self-sufficiency, cooperation, and colonialism that dramatizes an attack against English settlers in South Africa), The Hill and the Valley (a story of industrial strife set in a Welsh iron works that touches on topics of industry, commerce, and Luddism), and Brooke and Brooke Farm (a tale about the enclosure of public land set in the English countryside). (Summary by ChuckW)     [chương_files]  

    Villette (version 3) cover

    Villette (version 3)

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    A quiet, self-reliant, intelligent, 23-year-old woman, Lucy has, as Miss Ginevra Fanshawe asserts, “no attractive accomplishments – no beauty.” She seems to have no living relatives. Though usually reserved and emotionally self-controlled, Lucy has strong feelings and affections for those whom she really values. She even sincerely cares for the giddy Ginevra, albeit in a blunt, curmudgeonly fashion. She is a firm Protestant and denounces Roman Catholicism as false (“God is not with Rome”). The novel is initially set in the English countryside, and later follows Lucy Snowe to the fictional Belgian town of Villette, a Gothic town where the majority of the action takes place. Villette is modelled upon the city of Brussels and is set in the fictional kingdom of Labassecour (modelled on Belgium). “Labassecour” is the French word for farmyard.. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    Monica - Complete cover

    Monica – Complete

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    Monica was happy at Trevlyn, with her father and step-brother. But what would happen to them when the estate passed to a distant cousin, entailed as it was to the male line? Could she bear to see her invalid brother torn from his home? Should she marry this distant cousin, and thus ensure her and her brother the right to remain at Trevyln? Could she love him? And what about his dislike of her old childhood friend? Was there more to the situation than she knew? (Summary by Krista Zaleski)     [chương_files]  

    Safo cover


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    Juan, joven provinciano, conoce a Safo una mujer de los bajos fondos de París bastante mayor que él pero que sigue siendo bellísima. Entre ellos se establece una tormentosa relación de la que Juan se ve imposibilitado para salir. A pesar de la época en que fue escrita, Safo, bien podría representar a la mujer contemporánea. – Summary by Montse González     [chương_files]  

    Gloria, Parte 2 cover

    Gloria, Parte 2

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    En esta segunda parte de “Gloria” el autor narra los hechos acaecidos luego de la muerte que desenlaza el primer libro, revelando secretos y circunstancias que si de algún modo asomaban en el libro anterior, aquí son detalladas todas. Se relevan también en esta narración los sentimientos mas profundos que pueden despertar dos religiones “antiguamente antagónicas” y las consecuencias fatales que el fanatismo pudiera provocar. Al igual que la primera entrega, este libro tiene un desenlace trágico en los protagonistas, finalizando el autor con una reflexión moral y social sobre la trama principal de su obra: la religión. Resumen por kendalrigans.     [chương_files]  

    Klaasje Zevenster, deel 2 cover

    Klaasje Zevenster, deel 2

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    Een groepje Leidse studenten viert een gezellige Sinterklaasavond in de jaren ’20 van de 19e eeuw, als er onverwachts een pakketje aan de deur bezorgd wordt. Tot ieders grote verrassing vinden ze daarin een baby. Zij besluiten zich als groep over het meisje te ontfermen, en ze noemen haar Klaasje Zevenster. Deze roman, een bestseller bij de verschijning in 1866, verhaalt over de lotgevallen van de vondeling. Dit is deel 2. Klaasje (nu Nicolette genoemd) is een jaar of twintig oud en heeft haar kostschool opleiding afgerond. Zij logeert tijdelijk bij een van haar ‘vaders’, die inmiddels dominee is in het dorp bij het kasteel van een van haar andere ‘vaders’, die graaf is. Haar aanwezigheid geeft, direct en indirect, aanleiding tot allerlei verwikkelingen. Maurits, de halfbroer van de graaf, wordt verliefd op Nicolette. Ook de plaatselijke belastingontvanger, een weduwnaar van middelbare leeftijd, heeft een oogje op haar. Maurits’ vriend Drenkelaer daarentegen heeft duistere plannen rond een rijke freule uit de buurt. (Samenvatting door Anna Simon) Andere delen: Deel 1 Deel 3-5: nog niet klaar     [chương_files]  

    hombre invisible cover

    hombre invisible

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    El hombre invisible (The Invisible Man es el título original en inglés) es una novela de ciencia ficción escrita por H. G. Wells. La obra fue originalmente publicada en entregas en la revista Pearson’s Magazine en 1897 y como novela el mismo año. El hombre invisible nos muestra las contradicciones de un joven y brillante científico que, tras largas jornadas de agotadores experimentos, descubre la forma de hacerse invisible. Sin embargo, trastornado por los sufrimientos y el acoso a que se ve sometido, abandona todo escrúpulo y trata de emplear su descubrimiento para enriquecerse y dominar, sin detenerse ante la violencia y el engaño. Novela fantástica y un tanto amarga, subraya los potenciales peligros de una ciencia mal utilizada. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]