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    Published 1800 – 1900


    Last Day of a Condemned cover

    Last Day of a Condemned

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    A man who has been condemned to death writes down his cogitations, feelings and fears while he is waiting for his execution. He does not betray his name to the reader or what he has done. He describes his life in prison, everything from what his cell looks like to the personality of the prison priest. (Introduction by Wikipedia) Part of Section 2 read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet This project was proof listened by lh, Barry Eads, and Chieko.     [chương_files]  

    Can You Forgive Her? (Version 2) cover

    Can You Forgive Her? (Version 2)

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    Can You Forgive Her was published over 2 years in serial form. It follows the life story of three women involved with courtship and marriage decisions. – Summary by Deon Gines     [chương_files]  

    sonata a Kreutzer cover

    sonata a Kreutzer

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    Pózdnyshev se había casado y tenía varios hijos pero su matrimonio no había ido bien. Durante un viaje en tren explica a un pasajero lo terrible de esta unión en la que él había vivido un infierno atormentado por los celos. Esta obra folosófica fue escrita por Tólstoi en una época de crisis existencial en la que se plantea y reafirma en los valores del espíritu como la castidad y en contra de las apariencias, las pasiones y la impureza. (Summary by Montse González)     [chương_files]  

    Valda berättelser cover

    Valda berättelser

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    A selection of short stories by Selma Lagerlöf. In Swedish, but with a short foreword in English. Edited by Jules Mauritzon. – Summary by AnnaSofia     [chương_files]  

    Totenmesse cover


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    Sprachlich kunstvoll und ausdrucksstark gestaltete, wortgewaltige Analyse der menschlichen Psyche. Das Werk inspirierte den norwegischen Maler Edvard Munch zu seinem weltberühmten Bild “Der Schrei”, welches wiederum Przybyszewski zum Schreiben des gleichnamigen Romans veranlasste. So schließt sich der Kreis …. (Zusammenfassung von Friedrich)     [chương_files]  

    Our Village, Volume 2 cover

    Our Village, Volume 2

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    This volume continues Miss Mitford’s reflections on the changes to village life and characters when she returns two years after the end of Volume 1. It follows the same keen and witty observations of villagers and their continuing stories as well as the seasonal and localised general changes over this time. This selection also includes many memories of Miss Mitford’s own school years and her introduction into “society”. (Summary by Anne Fletcher) The text source is missing pages 198, 199, 236 and 237, which can be found in the following links: The Old House at Aberleigh My Godfathers manoeuvering     [chương_files]  

    Small House at Allington (version 2) cover

    Small House at Allington (version 2)

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    The Small House at Allington concerns the widowed Mrs.Dale, her daughters Isabella (“Bell”) and Lilian (“Lily”), who live in the “Small House”, and their suitors. The bachelor Squire of Allington (Christopher Dale), who lives in the Great House, has allocated the Small House, rent free, to his widowed sister-in-law and her daughters. This is the fifth of the six Chronicles of Barsetshire. As with all of Trollope’s novels, this one also contains many sub-plots and numerous minor characters. Plantagenet Palliiser, of Trollope’s Palliiser series of novels makes his first appearance, as he contemplates a dalliance with Griselda Grantly, the now-married Lady Dumbello, daughter of the Archdeacon introduced earlier in the Chronicles of Barsetshire. Another key sub-plot involves the goings-on at protagonist John Eames’ London boarding house where the landlady’s worldly and attractive daughter (Miss Amelia Roper) attempts to ensnare Eames into a socially downwardly-mobile marriage, and where Eames’ fellow boarder and co-worker gets drawn into a love triangle with the wife of an unhappily married theatrical couple. In these London scenes at the clerks’ office and the Roper boarding house, we see Dickensian echoes. As with so many of Trollope’s novels, here Trollope explores issues of emotional and generational power struggles, adultery, temptation, jilting lovers, marriage proposal refusals, and the consequences of indecision. Trollope’s scene of the bull attack placed mid-way through the novel is a tour-de-force moment not to be missed by any reader interested in the art of the Victorian novel. (Edited by N K Whitley from the […]

    Peñas arriba cover

    Peñas arriba

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    Marcelo, un joven abogado de Madrid de ambiente cosmopolita, tiene que viajar a un remoto pueblo en la montaña cántabra (Tablanca) para arreglar unos asuntos familiares. La majestuosidad del paisaje y las costumbres del lugar al principio le chocan negativamente pero… finalmente la montaña y la forma de vida en ella acabará por seducirle y transformará radicalmente su forma de vida y de pensar. Novela de referencia en español del mito de “lo rural”, da testimonio de una forma de vida hoy dia casi desaparecida protagonizada por los picos y valles de Cantabria. Inolvidables los retratos de Don Celso, Chisco, el cura Don Sabas y el médico Neluco, entre otros. Junto con “Sotileza”, la obra más destacada del gran costumbrista Pereda. (Introducción por Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

    Dominion in 1983 cover

    Dominion in 1983

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    First published as a booklet in 1883, “The Dominion in 1983” describes the author’s ideas of what life in Canada is like one hundred years into the future. The author’s name, Ralph Centennius, is a pseudonym. – Summary by Kristin Hand     [chương_files]  

    Schnock cover


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    Hebbel schildert in seiner Kurzgeschichte die Umstände einer zufällig gemachten Reisebekanntschaft. – Summary by Claus Misfeldt     [chương_files]