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    Published 1800 – 1900


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    Amparo (Tormento) es una muchacha sencilla, noble y trabajadora. Vive con su hermana, Refugio, que no se le parece en nada. Amparo, trabaja como sirvienta en casa de Francisco de Bringas y su esposa Rosalía Pipaón. Un día aparece por la casa un familiar, Agustín Caballero, hombre venido de las Indias donde se procuró una extensa fortuna. Éste empieza a sentir vivo interés por Amparo, cosa que no sienta nada bien a Rosalía, ya que pensaba que si algún día faltara su marido, ella se casaría con el indiano; o bien si el indiano esperaba un poco hasta con su hija se podría casar. (Summary by Montse González)     [chương_files]  

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    Nesse Romance Naturalista, Aluísio Azevedo, autor de origem maranhense, expõe as nuances comportamentais da classe menos privilegiada da sociedade carioca no final do século XIX. A miséria, a falta de escrúpulos e a exploração humana são alguns dos pontos trabalhados pelo escritor nessa obra até hoje influente, lida por estudantes e cobrada em exames para ingresso nas principais Universidades brasileiras. (Summary by Adriana Sacciotto)     [chương_files]  

    Infelizes: histórias vividas cover

    Infelizes: histórias vividas

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    Infelizes: Histórias Vividas é formado por 14 pequenas histórias de personagens que passaram pela vida da narradora, que ela relembra durante um episódio de febre intensa. Para além de tristes, as histórias são também críticas e, por vezes, cômicas. Foi escrito por Anna de Castro Osório, escritora feminista portuguesa e ativista pelo partido republicano de Portugal no século XIX. – Resumo por Marina Fikota.     [chương_files]  

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    The county of Kent, situated in the south eastern corner of England is ideally placed for the smugglers’ trade. Close to London, with its market for contraband, with the English Channel separating it from France by just 21 miles and the North Sea to the east it was a smugglers’ haven. Unlike Cornwall, where smugglers relied on shipwrecks… either caused by inclement weather, or human intervention, the trade in Kent was fueled by gentleman smugglers, who had the wherewithal to fund an import business, but chose to evade customs. They made their fortunes off the hard and dangerous work of others, while they enjoyed their lives of leisure. Mr. Zachary Croyland is an interesting old man, who seems to know about the business and is critical of it… but what is his place in it? Is he an interested observer, who occasionally enjoys illicit brandy-soaked cherries, or is his role more central? And what of his brother, Sir Robert, with his two charming daughters? Whatever their roles, their neighbors, the Radfords, are definitely bad news. The Smuggler was originally published in three volumes. – Summary by Lynne T.     [chương_files]  

    Romance of the Moors cover

    Romance of the Moors

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    Dick Coverdale is secretly betrothed to his neighbor, the beautiful Bessie Saunders. When a visitor to the area named Margaret Ellwood appears on the scene, however, Dick starts to regret his decision to marry Bessie. After Dick confides his troubles to Margaret, she attempts to guide him down the right path. But Margaret herself is unsure of how to advise him. On the one hand, she knows that it would be unfair to Bessie if Dick were to marry her despite not loving her. On the other hand, Margaret fears that if Dick breaks things off with Bessie, the latter’s heartbreak could last a lifetime. Events come to a head when Dick’s busybody aunts set out to manufacture a scandal involving the young betrothed couple. What will be the right paths for Dick, Bessie, and Margaret? (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

    Pассказы для детей и взрослых (Short Stories for Children and Adults) cover

    Pассказы для детей и взрослых (Short Stories for Children and Adults)

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    Всеволод Михайлович Гаршин (1855-1888). Его первый опубликованный рассказ «Четыре дня» сразу принес ему известность. В его творчестве драматизм действия заменён драматизмом мысли, драматизмом переживаний, которые и являются основным материалом для Гаршина. Писатель страдал приступами нервного расстройства и в возрасте 33 лет совершил самоубийство. Первые пять сказок адресованы детям, “Сигнал” подросткам, остальные для зрелой аудитории. Vsevolod Garshin (1855-1888). His short stories were an immediate success, but he suffered from periodical bouts of mental illness. At the age of 33 he committed suicide. His stories are characterized by a spirit of compassion and pity comparable to Dostoevsky’s and Chekhov’s. His story Signal appears in English translation in LibriVox “Best Russian Short Stories” collection here. (Mark Chulsky and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Белые ночи (White Nights) cover

    Белые ночи (White Nights)

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    Belye Nochi ”White Nights” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. In this small story (though author states this is a sentimental novel) author describes in his traditional and particular way the internal world of one young lonely person. The hero’s 26 years old man, who is oriented into his internal world, who’s rather shy, and thus is in real demand of a soulful conversations and love. The action takes place in the city of a real and deep sentiments and romance — Saint Petersburg, the most romantic and European city in Russia. Not only the location is important, but also a time of a day: all actions in the story take place in evening and night time — the famous time of white nights. Once, hero is going out to have a little daily promenade alone and he occasionally meets an attractive and lovely woman on evening streets of Saint Petersburg. Can he fell in love with her? Can they estimate the value of this relationship? Can they lead a happy life in this city of lonely hearts? You will know the answers on all these questions if you read or listen to a story. (Summary written by Yakovlev Valery)     [chương_files]  

    Marriage of Elinor cover

    Marriage of Elinor

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    Elinor has decided to marry. But who is the man she has chosen? No one seems to know. Is he of good character? Does he have a “past”? Or even a wife? – Summary by LynneT     [chương_files]  

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    A story of two sets of lovers and the development of their relationships, set in rural France in the mid 19th century. – Summary by PeterTucker     [chương_files]  

    Nyckfull kvinna del 1 – Den Obundna flickan cover

    Nyckfull kvinna del 1 – Den Obundna flickan

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    Emilie Flygare-Carlén var under 1800-talet en av Sveriges mest populära och lästa författare. En Nyckfull kvinna, som gavs ut i fyra delar, har den unga Edith Sternfelt som centralgestalt. Hon är på ytan en mycket självmedveten, självsäker och nyckfull kvinna, men bär samtidigt på en stor osäkerhet. I första delen, Den obundna flickan, presenteras läsaren/lyssnaren för en rad personer som har viktiga roller på olika sätt. Av dessa är ”farbror Janne”, Ediths döde fars bror, en framträdande person. Han kallar sig ”en man av ränseln” och trivs bäst när han får göra strövtåg genom landet i sällskap med sin lille kortväxte följeslagare Primus. Janne är en både ömsint och vis man, och har ett gott öga till sin brosrdotter, som står hans hjärta nära, även om han är oroad över hennes nyckfullhet. Modern, hovrättsrådinnan, änka och ägare till det stora bruket Dagby i Värmland, styr med fast, och ibland något despotisk, hand sina underlydande, och försöker även styra sin äldsta dotter. Hon är är både oroad och förtretad över hur Edith avvisat en lång rad friare, och planerar, utan Ediths vetskap, att presentera henne för en lämplig kandidat, en greve. Samtidigt pågår en konflikt i Ediths inre. Hon dras alltmer till den nye unge bruksförvaltaren, herr Helmer, något hon försöker att förneka för sig själv och omvärlden, genom att vara högdragen och nedlåtande mot honom. Kring dessa rör sig också en rad andra personer som kommer att påverka varandra och den fortsatta historien. (Sammanfattning: Lars Rolander) En nyckfull kvinna – […]