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Published 1900 onward

146 bài viết found

Joan Thursday cover

Joan Thursday

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Minor potboiler is a change of pace from the author of the Lone Wolf detective series. Tenement beauty (and wannabe stage-star) Joan Thursby seeks to raise herself up out of the gutter in 1900’s New York City, in a precursor to superior soaps like Stella Dallas a decade later. Full of the kind of purple prose common to writers prone to overuse of the thesaurus, and leavened with a bit of humor, the basic story is still entertaining for fans of low-brow lit. – Summary by Matt Pierard     [chương_files]  

Lilian cover


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Lilian works in a typewriting office owned by Felix Grig, a middle-aged man of means. The office is run by his spinster sister, Miss Grig, who suspects that Felix is more interested in Lilian than perhaps he should be and gives Lilian the sack. Her plan fails as Felix invites Lilian to dinner – and the book follows the course of their evolving relationship.     [chương_files]  

Flirt cover


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Laura and Cora Madison and their younger brother Hedrick live with their parents in a Midwestern American town that is fairly bursting with Cora’s discarded and would-be beaus. Her flirtatiousness annoys the tempestuous Hedrick but not the reserved Laura. The return to town of a handsome, charming former resident and an encounter with a deranged young person set in motion a roller-coaster of events that interweave and play out to an exciting, emotional climax. Booth Tarkington’s writing is exceptionally sensitive and perceptive. A popular American novelist and dramatist, he is best remembered for his Pulitzer Prize-winning novels “The Magnificent Ambersons” and “Alice Adams”. – Lee Smalley     [chương_files]  

Miss Philura's Wedding Gown cover

Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown

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Follow-up to “The Transfiguration of Miss Philura”….will the conviction of mild-mannered Miss Philura that “Ask and you have already received” be proved right or will her hopes be dashed, and the disapproving judgement of her fellow parishioners and neighbours be vindicated instead? Witty and gently critical observations on life in a small American township, particulary its female population, and the stirrings of change at the turn of the century. Summary by Anne F. Books in the series: 1 – The Transfiguration of Miss Philura 2 – Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown 3 – The Heart of Philura 4 – Neighbors     [chương_files]  

Conquest of Canaan cover

Conquest of Canaan

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Small town middle America in early 1900’s—Ne’er-do-well Joe Louden loves daughter of wealthy judge, from afar—leaves town, goes to law school–returns to scandalize all by defending impossible cases—wins over town. Story of small town mores, social inequity, changing times, honor and greed. Summary by Bob Rollins.     [chương_files]  

Transfiguration of Miss Philura cover

Transfiguration of Miss Philura

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What would happen if someone really believed that “Ask and you shall receive”? Amusing observations on the impact on the life of mild-mannered spinster Miss Philura and her acquaintances in their small American township after she attends a rousing lecture. — anneflebari Books in the series: 1 – The Transfiguration of Miss Philura 2 – Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown 3 – The Heart of Philura 4 – Neighbors     [chương_files]  

House of Cobwebs and Other Stories cover

House of Cobwebs and Other Stories

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George Gissing was a prolific English writer of novels and short stories. Among his best known novels is The Odd Women, which was influenced by George Eliot, whose work he greatly admired. Another of his famous works, New Grub Street, entails a blunt critique of the working class life he knew by experience, especially during a number of the years he spent in the United States. This collection of stories ranges from the humorous to the tragic. Throughout, Gissing pokes mild fun at his characters’ human frailties: egotism, self-satisfaction, and pomposity, among others. – Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]  

Position of Peggy Harper cover

Position of Peggy Harper

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Novel set in the shabby world of British (third-rate) theaters circa 1900. Christopher Tatham tries to survive by going from bit part to bit part, and by his uncle’s charity, while hoping for a leading-man role. He meets Peggy Harper, who is in a similar situation. We follow them in their attempts to carve out a life for themselves and to attain fame and success. Leonard Merrick had worked as actor and actor-manager in the theater himself, and used his experiences in this novel (Summary by Anna Simon).     [chương_files]  

Girl of the Limberlost (version 2) cover

Girl of the Limberlost (version 2)

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Set in the Limberlost swamp of Indiana, A Girl of the Limberlost follows Elnora Comstock through struggles and triumphs as she seeks education and the mother love she has always been denied. – Summary by Patience Charles     [chương_files]  

Making of a Bigot cover

Making of a Bigot

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“How various is man! How multiplied his experience, his outlook, his conclusions!”—H. Belloc. “And every single one of them is right.”—R. Kipling. Written while Macaulay worked in the Propaganda Department of the War Office, and reflecting her own mysticism and skepticism of organized religion, The Making of a Bigot follows young Eddy Oliver from Cambridge University as he meets people whose stronger personalities influence his weaker one, with their persuasive arguments. ( Lynne Thompson) Thompson     [chương_files]