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Published 1900 onward

146 bài viết found

Night Club cover

Night Club

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This work of fiction by Herbert Jenkins (1876-1923) features one of his best-loved comic characters, the affable Cockney, Joseph Bindle. It was Bindle who conceived the idea of forming ”The Night Club”, where people from different walks of London life would gather on Sunday evenings “for a smoke, a drink and a yarn” to socialize, reflect on their lives, and share tales and reminiscences. It was improbably chaired by Bindle and faithfully reported to us by a member of the club. –Lee Smalley     [chương_files]  

Betty Baird cover

Betty Baird

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This is the first book in the Betty Baird Series of boarding school books, a genre which was popular among young girls in the early 1900s. Our heroine, Betty Baird, who is herself obsessed with reading boarding school books, is sent away to The Pines, a boarding school where at first she is ridiculed by some of the wealthier and more popular students. As time goes on, Betty silences her foes with her unique and captivating personality, and she and her new friends have many lighthearted adventures during their days at The Pines. Anna Hamlin Wikel (pen name Weikel) was herself raised by a learned clergyman, Benjamin Baird Hamlin, upon whom the character of Betty Baird’s father is based. The reader is the great grand niece of the author. (Holly Jenson)     [chương_files]  

Rising of the Tide cover

Rising of the Tide

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The subtitle is “the story of Sabinsport”, and the town is the major character. It is a small, Midwestern town in the USA, in 1914. About a dozen characters people its story. It shows how the coming of the Great War effected each character, and the town itself. Ida Tarbell, the author, is considered our nation’s first investigative journalist. Here she turns to fiction to convey some of her ideas of social change. Summary by Bob Rollins.     [chương_files]  

Cross Brand cover

Cross Brand

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Jack Bristol shot the sheriff and stole his horse. He rode off, not into the sunset, but into the mountains. The mountain man held him captive for months and then released him. Why? And why did the girl scream with terror when she saw his face? Read this 1922 pulp Western to find the answers. Max Brand was one of many pseudonyms used by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 – 1944), an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Short Life cover

Short Life

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At two years old, Timmy was an imbecile, incapable of talking or controlling his own body. At four years old, he abruptly stood up and began speaking in full sentences. Within a few years, he was a genius. But it was all a terrible mistake, one that might put the whole universe at risk. – Summary by Peter Eastman     [chương_files]  

Nell and Her Grandfather cover

Nell and Her Grandfather

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If you have heard of the Dickens novel, The Old Curiosity Shop, and remember Nell Trent, the beautiful and virtuous young girl of “not quite fourteen”, an orphan, who lived with her maternal grandfather in his shop of odds and ends, then you will understand that these stories take place in the same time period as the book and have the same lovable and quirky characters. Not written by Dickens, of course, they try and succeed in my mind to carry on our enjoyment of hearing of the escapades of the people and England we love. – Summary by Phil Chenevert     [chương_files]  

Vertical City cover

Vertical City

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As the city above soars gloriously skyward, the denizens of the city writhe in its dirty underbelly. The Vertical City is a collection of six short stories by Fannie Hurst (American). Each story, tells in gritty, dramatic style, of ugly inner city tragedy: unwed mothers, women doing what they need to do in order to escape poverty, or loneliness… A mother can literally give her life in the attempt to provide a better life for her child, and even then she may fail because her love, protection and guidance, cannot overcome the depravity of the environment. Stories included here are: She Walks In Beauty, Back Pay, The Vertical City, The Smudge, Guilty, and Roulette. Summary by Lisa Reichert     [chương_files]  

Simon the Jester cover

Simon the Jester

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Simon de Gex, a wealthy and successful MP, is diagnosed with a terminal illness and decides to use his last few months using his wealth and influence to do good. In particular, he determines to guide his protégé and friend, Dale, away from an unfortunate relationship with Lola Brandt, a lady with an unsuitably colourful background. The book follows what happens to Simon in his quest – and also what further happens when an operation unexpectedly restores his health. (Summary by Simon Evers)     [chương_files]  

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Fifty-year-old John Gadsby is alarmed by the decline of his hometown, Branton Hills, and rallies the city’s young people to form an “Organization of Youth” to build civic spirit and improve living standards. Gadsby and his youthful army, despite some opposition, transform Branton Hills from a stagnant municipality into a bustling, thriving city. The story begins around 1906 and continues through World War I, Prohibition, and President Warren G. Harding’s administration. “Gadsby” is a lipogram – a whole novel of some 50.000 words without a single instance of the letter E. When it first appeared in 1939 it was hardly noticed by the general public, but a modern reviewer called it “probably the most ambitious work ever attempted in this genre”. Hardcopies of the book are extremely rare and sell for thousands of dollars. (Summary by Availle and Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Recording Angel cover

Recording Angel

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“The Recording Angel,” by Edwin Arnold Brenholtz, is one of the earliest examples of an American proletarian novel, a work intended to promote social reform or political revolution among the working classes. The story’s themes of economic inequality between producers and consumers, political collusion within the upper classes, and the loss of the middle class ring particularly true today, especially in a global context. Billed as a “romance of the future,” the plot of this fictional account of class struggle between workingmen and trust magnates of the new industrial economy hinges on a unique electric machine, which did not exist in 1905, but is quite common today. Besides writing at least four books, the author was a prolific poet and frequent contributor to the International Socialist Review. He corresponded with a variety of personalities, including the poet Edwin Markham, labor leaders Theodore and Eugene Debs, controversial activist and minister George D. Herron, and writer Samuel Clemens. – Summary by Andru Bemis     [chương_files]