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Published 1900 onward

146 bài viết found

Visha Vahini cover

Visha Vahini

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Visha Vahini is a social drama novel which reflects the ‘social relationships’ in southern India in early 1900’s. The main character in this novel falls in love with his class mate and friend. When he learns that she gets married to one of his peers, he gets disheartened and denounces everything in life. The story tells the importance of detachment. The author depicts how obsessive attachment and repenting is like a flow of poison. (Summary by Swapna)     [chương_files]  

Sun Also Rises cover

Sun Also Rises

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The Sun Also Rises (1926) was Hemingway’s first novel to be published, though there is his novella The Torrents of Spring which was published earlier in the same year. The novel describes, expressed through the voice of Jake Barnes, a short period of social life that ranges from Paris to locations in Spain. One might say that the action occurs in Pamplona, Spain with the annual festival of San Fermin and its running of bulls and subsequent days of bullfights, but one can easily argue that the real interest of the novel is in its portrayal of the group to which Barnes is a part and how he details their anxieties, frailties, hopes, and frustrations. (Summary by KevinS)     [chương_files]  

Karlo cover


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La “Librairie de l’ Esperanto” en Parizo petis min, ke mi verku facilan legolibron por la lernantoj de kursoj aŭ la komencantoj, kiuj ĵus finis sian lernadon en lernolibro. Mi intencis prezenti dudek tekstojn aranĝitajn tiamaniere, ke en ĉiu estos multaj vortoj pri sama temo de l’ ĉiutaga vivo. Por pli bone konservi la intereson de la lernanto en dudek ĉapitroj, mi verkis unu rakonton pri la vivo de junulo, de lia infaneco, ĝis lia edziĝo. Kompreneble nek romano, nek eĉ sprita novelo estas la rakonto, sed nur aro de dudek ĉapitroj pri ĉiutaga vivo, ligitaj inter si per ĝenerala senco kaj unueco de persono. Tamen ion pli ol lernoĉapitrojn eble trovos en tiu ĉi libro tiuj plenaĝaj personoj, por kiuj ekzistas ia poezia ĉarmo en rememoroj pri infaneco kaj juneco eĉ el plej simplaj okazintaĵoj de l’ ĉiutaga vivo. (Summary by Edmond Privat)     [chương_files]  

何處へ (Doko e) cover

何處へ (Doko e)

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文学部を卒業して一年たつ菅原健次は雑誌記者として働いていて、妹二人と両親の五人で上野の近くに暮らしている。雑誌の仕事への興味を失い、自分でもどこに行くか分からなくなっている。そんな状態の彼の、同級生、織田、箕浦、久保田、そして桂田博士とその夫人などとの交遊が描かれている。 Suganuma Kenji, who graduated from the Faculty of Literature a year ago, works as a magzine reporter. He lives near Ueno with his 2 sisters and his parents. He lost interests in his job and he doesn’t know where to go. He meets his former classmates and his professor. (Summary by ekzemplaro)     [chương_files]  

Poor White: a Novel cover

Poor White: a Novel

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This is a story of the effect of industrialization on a small town and its people, around the beginning of the 20th Century. The lead character is Hugh McVey—a shy, lazy, fairly ignorant, dreamy young man. Most of the story takes place in the little town of Bidwell, Ohio, where Hugh gets a job as a telegraph operator. He does discover he has a talent with calculations and drawings that enable him to become an inventor. In time he will become a millionaire. The story has many characters, and shows the negative effects on each of them, as the factories come to their town. The pioneering, agrarian spirit of each is slowly transformed; greed is the primary driver. Hugh sees this transformation but does not understand it. Several of the townspeople take advantage of him; his inventions of farm machinery are stolen. Only Clara Butterworth seems to bring some sanity; she marries Hugh, and they are happy for a time. As the novel approaches an end, however, there seem to be no bright spots. Labor fights, terrible graft, terrible crime, even murder come to Bidwell. The author paints a negative picture of a loss of innocence, as the nation becomes industrialized. Written in 1920, Sherwood Anderson could have seen only a small fraction of the changes to come. The magnitude, good and bad, would no doubt astound him. (Note: The novel is divided into “books”; however, there is no Book 5 between Book 4 and 6; hence I have so […]

Maggie Miller cover

Maggie Miller

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From bestselling and prolific author Mary Jane Holmes, Maggie Miller or Old Hagar’s Secret COMES a compelling story of deceit, love, misplaced pride and loss of innocence that will keep you in suspense until the very end. And as usual her amazingly real characters will not disappoint. Excerpt: ” Mustn’t put on airs ! ” muttered Hagar, as she left the room. ” Just as if  airs wasn’t for anybody but high bloods ! ” And with the canker-worm of envy at her heart she wrote to Hester, who came immediately; – Summary by Celine Major     [chương_files]  

Old House cover

Old House

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On a snowy winter’s evening, Christopher Ulwing returns to his home, known as The New House for the last thirty years. Settled between the Buda hills and the plains of Pest, on the banks of the Danube, the suburb of Leopold has an abandoned feel, but Christopher has been given the task of restoring the castle, to the chagrin of its current resident, his son, John Hubert. At least little Anne is happy to see him and through her constant questioning, Christopher if forced to dwell on the past as he undertakes the renovation over several years. But strife is on the horizon, with revolution, the breakup of the Hungarian Kingdom and the formation of a new republic. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Flying U's Last Stand cover

Flying U’s Last Stand

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Settlers are lured to Montana by a land boom syndicate in a scheme that encroaches on the Flying U Ranch. Members of the Flying U attempt to thwart the land-grab, as its very existence is threatened. So begins a dramatically engrossing novel involving an array of fascinating characters, some innocent, others decidedly not. A spunky child goes missing, a prairie fire is set, and a romance begins. B. M. Bower wrote 57 acclaimed works based on the American Old West, with some of her most popular books centering on the Flying U Ranch. She also scripted several Western movies. (Summary by Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Mine with the Iron Door cover

Mine with the Iron Door

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Of all the stirring tales of this picturesque region of the Santa Catalinas, of all the romantic legends and traditions that have come down to us from its shadowy past, none is more filled with the essence of human life and love and hopes and dreams than is the tale of the Mine with the Iron Door. – Summary by The Author     [chương_files]  

My Mortal Enemy cover

My Mortal Enemy

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In the small Midwestern town of Parthia, Myra Henshawe was a legend. The grandniece and ward of Parthia’s richest resident, Myra had shocked the locals by sacrificing her inheritance to run off and marry her true love Oswald. Thirty-odd years later, the still feisty Myra, now enjoying a sophisticated life with Oswald in New York, takes Nellie, the teenage niece of her oldest friend, under her wing. From Myra, Nellie discovers not only the fineness of art and culture, but the mysterious intricacies of friendship and romance as well. (Summary by Amy Dunkleberger)     [chương_files]