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Published 1900 onward

146 bài viết found

Lonesome Land cover

Lonesome Land

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Val had come to Montana to marry a cowboy named Manley, envisioning a life of wedded bliss, freedom, and was anticipating happiness in her adopted part of the country. She would soon learn that the winters could be cruel and lonesome for a woman living on a ranch which was situated miles from the nearest neighbor. She would learn that her husband spent most of his time drinking. And she would learn that everybody has their own methods of dealing with the harshness and loneliness of the land she has come to call home. Val is determined to re-invent her notions about men and women, her new duties in life, and life as it existed in the relatively new West. At every turn, her will and her strength are tested. Would she find the strength within herself to overcome the hardships, or would she succumb to the reality of her surroundings? – Summary by Roger Melin     [chương_files]  

Jack-Knife Man cover

Jack-Knife Man

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A lighthearted tale which revolves around old Peter Lane, who lives in a houseboat on the Mississippi River and mostly whiles away his time whittling with his jack-knife and not really doing much else. That is, until one night, a sickly woman knocks at his boat door holding her son in her arms. This encounter would change Peter’s life, as the old man befriends little Buddy and is determined to keep him and raise him as his own, provided he is able to keep a host of others from laying claim to the orphan. (Note – While the online text for this book appears that there is no chapter 7, no chapters have been omitted from this recording.) – Summary by Roger Melin     [chương_files]  

Woman's War cover

Woman’s War

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The fictional small English country town of Roxton boasts two doctors. This tale focuses on the struggles of their wives: Katherine and the “good” Dr. James Murchison and Betty and the “bad” Dr. Parker Steele. But, of course, no one is all good or all bad and there are hurdles to overcome, in this case in the form of alcoholism. The cost of the war between the two women is greater than either woman imagined. Deeping draws on his experiences as the son of a doctor in portraying some of the less pleasant facts of physiological reality, maybe more than in many other fictional works in this engrossing and heart-wrenching tale. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

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Arthur Vernon, member of the Athenian club and member of “society,” has a secret. His father has died and left him destitute, so he has begun a private investigation agency under the name “Nemo.” It would be disastrous if this were known among his associates at the club, and especially if his intended in-laws found out. But he is quite sure no one else knows, that is until his old college classmate, Constantine Maunders, visits him with a proposition he can’t refuse. Maunders knows all, and he wants to be made a partner in the agency, providing “Nemo” with black-mail worthy information on other people in society in return for a share of the financial rewards for their silence. Vernon is appalled, particularly as “Nemo” is engaged in solving a high profile blackmail case. These are the beginning of Vernons conundrums as the clues unfold. – Summary by Don W. Jenkins     [chương_files]  

Far Country cover

Far Country

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The book follows the career of Hugh Paret from youth to manhood, and how his profession as a corporation lawyer gradually changes his values. The book received positive reviews, and was the second best-selling novel in the United States in 1915. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Rebellion cover


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Cinematic in style and rich in characterization, this novel is set in early 20th century Chicago – in a barroom, at home, and in the workplace. An alcoholic convinces himself of the reasonableness of “just one drink”. A priest defends the Church’s position on the indissolubility of marriage. It is a story of relationships impacted by human frailties, unusual generosity, and religion. “It is almost photographic in its accuracy of detail.” – The New York Herald “Every person in it is someone you know.” – The Call “The author permits the representatives of the old order to present their arguments. For the new order he presents simply the facts of such a case as Georgia’s. It is for this reason that the book is strong.” –The New York Times The author’s personal history, including his founding of the NY Daily News, is covered at (Lee Smalley)     [chương_files]  

Ghost Girl cover

Ghost Girl

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Henry Kitchell Webster is an American author best know for his detective novels. The Ghost Girl opens with a murder mystery. A young woman’s frozen, yet perfectly preserved, body is found in the river. As the family discusses this news of the day, good friend Jeffrey returns from a sabbatical, suddenly undertaken after finishing a commission to paint the portrait of a dead girl. The mystery deepens as the chapters progress and Jeffrey and Drew investigate as the haunting coincidences begin to pile up. ( Kate Follis)     [chương_files]  

Incubator Baby cover

Incubator Baby

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Marjorie Fielding is born premature and spends her first months of life in an incubator. Her mother is a modern, broad-minded woman eschewing old fashioned views of childrearing to embrace a scientific method. Science has its place but can it be taken too far? Little Marjorie gives us her perspective. – Summary by Scotty     [chương_files]  

Heart of Philura cover

Heart of Philura

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(Once again Mrs Kingsley does not shy away from the highs and lows of life in the quickly changing world of the 1900s…the ageing women working to support themselves or their families, in jobs that will soon disappear…the washerwoman, butter-woman and the little dressmaker….the contrast between the socialite of Boston and the drudge in the kitchen….the old farmers and the independent, college-educated young people…and, with an acceptance of the realities of life we might think of as “modern”, the impact of an illegitimate child on the lives of its mother and her whole family. In her new role as the ministers wife, Miss Philura’s independent (dare one say rebellious?) spirit continues to blossom, while deep in her heart there is a secret longing waiting to be realised….The arrival of a mysterious new family in the village will have unexpected consequences for the lives of several people in Innesfield; fortunately the heart of Philura is big enough and brave enough to embrace it all. (Anne F ) Books in the series: 1 – The Transfiguration of Miss Philura 2 – Miss Philura’s Wedding Gown 3 – The Heart of Philura 4 – Neighbors     [chương_files]  

Human Boy cover

Human Boy

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This collection of eleven short stories, both humorous and touching, about English school boys was published in 1900. The book was quite popular in its time. The author wrote two follow-up books: The Human Boy Again (1908) and The Human Boy And The War (1916). Eden Phillpotts was popular with the reading public and wrote prolifically novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and nonfiction. Clarification of the term fag: In an English public school a junior boy who performs menial tasks for a senior. – Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]