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    Published 1900 onward


    Encounters: Stories cover

    Encounters: Stories

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    Included in this first collection of stories by noted Irish-British author Elizabeth Bowen are tales of psychological unease, of pent-up emotions simmering until boiling over. Her knack for putting the reader into fully realized worlds of her characters, experiencing the societal anxieties they repress, is unrivaled among 20th century writers. – Summary by Ben Tucker     [chương_files]  

    Iceland Fisherman cover

    Iceland Fisherman

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    ‘An Iceland Fisherman’ is an 1886 romance by the celebrated – he was elected to the French Academy in May, 1891 – novelist and naval officer Louis Marie-Julien Viaud, under his pseudonym, Pierre Loti. It is a multi-faceted story of romantic love, familial devotion and the brotherly bonds within a community of hard-working fisherfolk who both love and dread the challenges of a seafaring life. Set in 19th Century Brittany, the story reveals unique aspects of the Breton people and their ancient culture that is today threatened by the possibility of disappearing forever. The English translation is by the accomplished French diplomat and writer Jules Cambon. (Summary by Brian Fullen)     [chương_files]  

    Rose Cottingham cover

    Rose Cottingham

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    Rose Cottingham, orphaned at an early age, is being raised in the repressive household of her grandmother, who has old-fashioned ideas about women. She finds a kindred spirit in her neighbor, Mrs. Winter, but when Mrs. Winter becomes ill, Rose is no longer able to spend much time with her. Rose’s world broadens when she is sent off to school. The free-spirited girl and Miss Quayle, the strict disciplinarian who runs the school, are frequently in conflict. However, unbeknownst to Rose’s grandmother, Miss Quayle has modern views on the education of girls, from which Rose benefits. At school, Rose makes friends with Helen Fergurson, a professor’s daughter who introduces Rose to new ideas and further expands her horizons. When Rose’s school days end, she finds herself back in the stifling environment of her grandmother’s house, longing for better opportunities and more stimulating company. Can she find a path to fulfillment? (Summary by Scarbo)     [chương_files]  

    Чортова кукла cover

    Чортова кукла

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    This book is not exactly a novel, as presented, but rather a sampler of characters of St. Petersburg of the early 20th century. However, as it is presented as a novel, let’s note that, as far as I could tell, this is the first Russian novel written by a woman. The Note to the Readers is read by Hanna Ponomarenko. Зинаида Гиппиус сама говорит что это книга не о революции или революционерах. Книга о реакции тоже не вышла, вопреки намерениям автора. Как жанр, это не роман (хотя развязка присутствует, и мастерская!), а скорее картины нравов разных слоёв петербургского общества начала ХХ века, и именно это делает книгу интересной. Однако, раз уж книга объявлена как роман, то надо отметить что, насколько мне удалось установить, это первый русский роман написанный женщиной. Обращение к читателям от имени автора прочла Анна Пономаренко. (Summary by Mark Chulsky)     [chương_files]  

    All Roads Lead to Calvary cover

    All Roads Lead to Calvary

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    “All Roads Lead to Calvary is a 1919 novel by the British writer Jerome K. Jerome. It was one of the last works written by Jerome, better known for his Three Men in a Boat, and shows the influence of the First World War on him. It is a Bildungsroman in which a Cambridge University educated woman Joan Allway becomes a journalist and then a wartime ambulance driver. She encounters various people, gaining new experiences and confronting many of the moral issues of the day . .. In 1921 the novel was turned into a silent British film All Roads Lead to Calvary directed by Kenelm Foss.” – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    Избранные (Из жизни маленьких людей) cover

    Избранные (Из жизни маленьких людей)

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    Ироничное повествование о том, как “маленькие люди” приезжают в большой город по случаю чрезвычайного происшествия в их местечке. Благодарю Эллу Оршанскую и Светлану Король-Зарецкую за консультации и поддержку. (Автор краткого описания: Hanna Ponomarenko)     [chương_files]  

    In diesem Erdenthal der Thränen cover

    In diesem Erdenthal der Thränen

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    Erzählung über zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, die menschliche Psyche im Allgemeinen sowie das Verhältnis des Menschen zur Natur und Umwelt in der für den Autor typischen symbolhaften Sprache. – Summary by Friedrich     [chương_files]  



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    “This story is, first, for young women to read; second, for young men to read; after that, for anybody who wants to. Anyone who doubts its facts and figures is referred to “Social Diseases and Marriage,” by Dr. Prince Morrow, or to “Hygiene and Morality,” by Miss Lavinia Dock, a trained nurse of long experience. Some will hold that the painful facts disclosed are unfit for young girls to know. Young girls are precisely the ones who must know them, in order that they may protect themselves and their children to come. The time to know of danger is before it is too late to avoid it.” From the Preface to The Crux. A novel about the potential dangers of syphilis to one over-sheltered but rebellious young woman in 19th century America and the circle of friends who counsel her against making a disastrous marriage. – Summary by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Winnifred Assmann     [chương_files]  

    Short Stories From Life cover

    Short Stories From Life

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    Life Magazine held a short story contest. Stories must be no more than 1500 words. Authors were paid for the number of words under that maximum. The shortest story accepted, and the one where the author received the highest payout, came in at 76 words. The stories published here where considered the best of the over 30,000 submissions. This volume presents the 81 best stories including the prize winning stories: (First Prize) Thicker Than Water by Ralph Henry Barbour and George Randolph Osborne, (Second Prize) The Answer by Harry Stillwell Edwards, and (Third Prize – tie) Her Memory by Dwight M. Wiley and Business and Ethics by Redfield Ingalls. – Summary taken from the Preface     [chương_files]  

    Schrei cover


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    Der Roman ist eine Erinnerung an die Berliner Bohème-Zeit des Autors. Przybyszewsk erhielt die Anregung zu diesem Werk, als ihm der befreundete norwegische Maler Edvard Munch sein bekanntes Bild “Der Schrei” schenkte, welches wiederum angeregt durch eine Erzählung (“Totenmesse”) des Dichters entstanden war. In der für den Autor typischen rustikalen Sprache, die nie ins Obszöne abgleitet, setzt sich Przybyszewski mit dem Ringen des Künstlers um sein Werk auseinander. (Zusammenfassung von Friedrich)     [chương_files]