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17 bài viết found

Amistades Peligrosas, Volumen I cover

Amistades Peligrosas, Volumen I

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La marquesa de Merteuil y el vizconde de Valmont, amantes en otro tiempo, aprovechan cualquier ocasión para ridiculizar la sociedad puritana y privilegiada en que viven, utilizando a todos aquellos que los rodean, y dejando atrás una larga lista de conquistas eróticas. La correspondencia entre estos dos personajes, en la que relatan sus hazañas, constituye el cuerpo central del relato, en el cual se inscriben las distintas subtramas. (Resumen de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Coquette, Or The History of Eliza Wharton cover

Coquette, Or The History of Eliza Wharton

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The classic early American epistolary novel about the seduction and ruin of a passionate young woman. Based on the true story of Elizabeth Whitman, whose lonesome death in childbirth in a Connecticut inn sparked widespread discussion and outrage, the novel went through many editions and innumerable printings in the century after its initial publication in 1797. (Summary by Jon Miller)     [chương_files]  

Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman Vol. 3 cover

Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman Vol. 3

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This is volume 3 of 4. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (or, more briefly, Tristram Shandy) is a novel by Laurence Sterne. It was published in nine volumes, the first two appearing in 1759, and seven others following over the next 10 years. It was not always held in high esteem by other writers (Samuel Johnson responded that, “Nothing odd can last”), but its bawdy humour was popular with London society, and it has come to be seen as one of the greatest comic novels in English, as well as a forerunner for many modern narrative devices. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom cover

Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom

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You can call me Dr. Fathom. Or Count Fathom. But I’m not who I say I am. And can you blame me? My mother was a soldiers’ harlot who pocketed extra loot by wandering through the battlefield stripping the dead and dying of valuables. I don’t even know who my father was, except he must have had my handsome looks. People liked looking at me. And people liked how I talked too. Early on, I learned that telling the truth didn’t get you the same quick reward as telling them what they wanted to hear, being assiduously charming, dissimulating. In a word, lying. I became good at it. And I became the favorite of a rich Hungarian count who took me in and coaxed his pathetically naïve son to look up to me and learn to be like me. Ha! How I wanted to sell my soul to trade places with Renaldo! I wanted his money. I wanted his beautiful life. I wanted his beautiful wife — at least for an extra notch on my belt. This is the story of how I went about achieving those things. It was easy, especially at first. Because, to tell the truth, people secretly yearn for tall tales. – Summary by Arthur Krolman     [chương_files]  

Life of Harriot Stuart cover

Life of Harriot Stuart

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The Life of Harriot Stuart, Written by Herself presents a complex and problematic view of self-creation in the eighteenth century. Within the novel, there is a constantly reoccurring theme of self-invention through fiction, which is echoed by the author’s own use of the novel to shape her identity. Published in December of 1750, Harriot Stuart gained critical praise as a successor of Richardson’s Clarissa and by 1752, Charlotte Lennox had become a protégé of Johnson. Lennox’s second novel reflects the influences of men like Richardson and Johnson. Their individual styles and commitments to moral and social education are evident in the arguments and plot of The Female Quixote. Despite these associations with the didactic tradition, Harriot Stuart’s resemblance to it is only superficial. Although Harriot makes gestures toward repentance and acknowledgment of her faults, the work of the novel is not to redeem Harriot’s coquetry through marriage, but rather allow her to control her own identity through the manipulation of language as both coquette and narrator. As coquette, Harriot Stuart uses the language of courtship to manipulate the perceptions of her male admirers. The object of the male gaze, traditionally considered a passive role, is a site of empowerment for the coquette as she exploits it to create and re-create herself in society’s eyes. As narrator, Harriot uses the telling of her courtship as a vehicle of self-invention. In controlling the telling of her own history, she in effect reconstructs her identity. Lennox, who arrived at London in 1742 with […]

Description of Millenium Hall and the Country Adjacent cover

Description of Millenium Hall and the Country Adjacent

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Utopian novel by Sarah Scott, published in 1762 describes women living in complete harmony. Summary by kathrinee     [chương_files]  

Manon Lescaut cover

Manon Lescaut

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Published in 1731, Manon Lescaut (on which the Puccini opera is based) takes as its themes passionate, tragic love, and redemption through suffering. It is the story of the Chevalier des Grieux, a student, who sees Manon as she is being taken to a convent, and instantly falls in love with her. He offers to save her from the convent, and the two young lovers run away to Paris. There follow many adventures and tribulations, throughout which the Chevalier remains steadfastly loyal to his love. summary by Mary Bard     [chương_files]  

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (Volume I) cover

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (Volume I)

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The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle is a picaresque novel by the Scottish author Tobias Smollett (1721 – 1771), first published in 1751, and revised and reissued in 1758. It is the story of the fortunes and misfortunes of the egotistical dandy Peregrine Pickle, and it provides a comic and caustic portrayal of 18th century European society. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (Volume II) cover

Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (Volume II)

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Volume II continues the story of the fortunes and misfortunes of the egotistical dandy Peregrine Pickle. The novel is written as a series of adventures, with every chapter typically describing a new adventure. There is also a very long independent story, “The Memoirs of a Lady of Quality”, written by Frances Vane, Viscountess Vane, inside the novel. Frances Vane, Viscountess Vane (1715 – 1788), known as Lady Fanny, was a British memoirist known for her highly public adulterous relationships. (Wikipedia )     [chương_files]  

Female Quixote Vol. 1 cover

Female Quixote Vol. 1

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The novel formally inverts Don Quixote: as the don mistakes himself for the knightly hero of a Romance, so Arabella mistakes herself for the maiden love of a Romance. While the don thinks it his duty to praise the Platonically pure damsels he meets (such as the woman he loves), so Arabella believes it is in her power to kill with a look and it is the duty of her lovers to suffer ordeals on her behalf. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]