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    Published before 1800


    Fiend's Delight cover

    Fiend’s Delight

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    This book, the fiend’s delight, was published in 1873, during the lifetime of author Ambrose Bierce, 1842-1914, pseudonym Dod Grile. It is a collection of short stories which cover many subjects. Dependent upon the reader the stories may seem callous, entertaining or some of the stories even just weird. The author has been known to have a penchant for being macabre as some of his works have displayed. Ambrose Bierce served in the Civil War so he did have personal experience with having seen just how horrid some lives were. He also had a family: a wife whom he divorced in 1904 and 3 children, 2 sons and a daughter. Difficult times followed for him as the sons died before Ambrose died, with his ex wife dying 1 year after their divorce. Ambrose himself was known to have had lifelong asthma & brain injuries from the war which caused him to faint & become irritable. His daughter did live 65 years, dying in 1940. She spent time searching for her father, whom she did not think was dead. Possibly his family is why some of his writings were not so macabre? Unfortunately that answer is not known. Leaving to visit his civil war grounds had him traveling into Mexico were there was revolution in 1913. There he joined Pancho Villa’s army as an observer where he disappeared. Many theories existed as to how his disappearance happened, most of which were unreliable. It was determined his final fate was unknown & […]

    Barnaby's in America: Final sequel to The Widow Barnaby cover

    Barnaby’s in America: Final sequel to The Widow Barnaby

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    I scruple not to confess that with all her faults, and she has some, I love her dearly : I owe her many mirthful moments, and the deeper pleasure still of believing that she has brought mirthful moments to others also. Honestly avowing this to be the case, can any one wonder, can any one blame me, for feeling an affectionate longing at my heart to follow her upon the expedition upon which I sent her when last we parted’? I will forthwith proceed to tell them all that has happened to this dear excellent lady since General Hubert and Mr. Stephenson left her in her grand drawing-room in Curzon-street, surrounded by her family and friends. – Summary by Frances Milton Trollope     [chương_files]  

    Female Quixote Vol. 2 cover

    Female Quixote Vol. 2

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    Second Volume of the novel that formally inverts Don Quixote: as the don mistakes himself for the knightly hero of a Romance, so Arabella mistakes herself for the maiden love of a Romance. While the don thinks it his duty to praise the Platonically pure damsels he meets (such as the woman he loves), so Arabella believes it is in her power to kill with a look and it is the duty of her lovers to suffer ordeals on her behalf. (Summary by Wikipedia) This project was proof listened by Stav Nisser and Barry Eads.     [chương_files]  

    Utopia (Burnet translation) cover

    Utopia (Burnet translation)

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    This book is all about the fictional country called Utopia. It is a country with an ‘ideal’ form of communism, in which everything really does belong to everybody, everyone does the work they want to, and everyone is alright with that. This country uses gold for chamber pots and prison chains, pearls and diamonds for children’s playthings, and requires that a man and a woman see each other exactly as they are, naked, before getting married. This book gave the word ‘utopia’ the meaning of a perfect society, while the Greek word actually means ‘no place’. Enjoy listening to this story about a country that really is too good to be true. (Summary by Jenilee.) This is the 17th century translation by Gilbert Burnet, edited in the 19th century by Henry Morley.     [chương_files]  

    Vicar of Wakefield cover

    Vicar of Wakefield

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    Published in 1766, ‘The Vicar of Wakefield’ was Oliver Goldsmith’s only novel. It was thought to have been sold to the publisher for £60 on Oliver Goldsmith’s behalf by Dr Johnson to enable Goldsmith to pay off outstanding rent and to release himself from his landlady’s arrest. It is the story of the family of Dr Primrose, a benevolent vicar, and follows them through their fall from fortune and their ultimate rise again. The story provides insight into family life and circumstances in the mid 18th century and the plot has many aspects of a pantomime like quality: Impersonation, deception, an aristocratic villain and the abduction of a beautiful heroine. Goldsmith himself dissipated his savings on gambling whilst a student at Trinity College Dublin and subsequently travelled in Europe sustaining himself by playing the flute and disputing doctrinal matters in monasteries and universities. Later he worked as an apothecary’s assistant, a doctor and a school usher (experiences shared in this story by Dr Primrose’s son). (Summary by Martin Clifton)     [chương_files]  

    Erec and Enide cover

    Erec and Enide

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    A medieval romance in which Erec goes through many trials until he is sure of Enide’s loyalty and true love (Summary by M. J. Boyle)     [chương_files]  

    Female American cover

    Female American

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    “The Female American; Or The Adventures of Unca Eliza Winkfield, Written by Herself in Two Volumes” was anonymously published under the pseudonym Unca Eliza Winkfield in 1767. Unca Eliza, a half-Native American and half-English woman, is shipwrecked on an island. Discovering the remnants of past civilization, Unca Eliza utilizes the tools she finds and her extensive knowledge (derived from her experience with both the English and Native Americans) to survive the island and immanent encounters with indigenous peoples. This audiobook is a collaborative project by graduate students in the English Department at the University of Oregon. – Summary by Kathleen Gekiere     [chương_files]