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51 bài viết found

Selection from 'The Temple' cover

Selection from ‘The Temple’

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George Herbert (April 3, 1593 – March 1, 1633) was a Welsh poet, orator and a priest. Throughout his life he wrote religious poems characterized by a precision of language, a metrical versatility, and an ingenious use of imagery or conceits that was favored by the metaphysical school of poets. He is best remembered as a writer of poems and hymns such as “Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life” and “The King of Love My Shepherd Is.”     [chương_files]  

Revelations of a Spirit Medium cover

Revelations of a Spirit Medium

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Written anonymously by “a working ‘medium’ for the past twenty years”, this little book was an inspiration for a young Harry Houdini, and also rather hard to find until a facsimile edition was published in 1922, due to all the copies being bought and destroyed by spiritualists. According to the preface, “the most wonderful of the ‘medium’s’ phenomena will be so thoroughly explained and so completely dissected that, after reading this book, you can perform the feats yourself”. – Summary by Jordan     [chương_files]  

Christmas Miscellany 2021 cover

Christmas Miscellany 2021

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Seven chapters involving Christmas from different books. Plus part 8 which is twelve verses about Christmas and part 9 which is four Christmas carols by Christina Rossetti. – Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]  

The Mysterious Forces of Civilization cover

The Mysterious Forces of Civilization

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The Mysterious Forces of Civilization (Persian: Risálih-i-Madaníyyih) is a work written before 1875 by ‘Abbás Effendí, known as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (the Servant of Bahá) (1844-1921). The Persian text was first lithographed in Bombay in 1882 and printed in Cairo in 1911. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was the eldest son and appointed successor of Bahá’u’lláh, the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith. The original text of this work was written and published anonymously, and the first English translation (by Johanna Dawud) was published in London in 1910 and Chicago in 1918, under the title ‘Mysterious Forces of Civilization’ written by “an Eminent Bahai Philosopher.” This audiobook is based on the 1918 edition. Another translation was completed by Marzieh Gail and published in 1957, with an introduction by Horace Holley. The title was re-translated as “The Secret of Divine Civilization”. The book was widely known in its time as an attempt to improve the degraded condition of Persia (Iran). The author frequently references current issues that were being debated, such as whether to modernize and accept Western technology, or to reject Western culture and rely on technology developed in Persia and the Islamic world.     [chương_files]  

Psychology of the Unconscious cover

Psychology of the Unconscious

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Jung says in his subtitle that this work is a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido and a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought.     [chương_files]  

Grandma's Miracles; or, Stories Told at Six o'Clock in the Evening cover

Grandma’s Miracles; or, Stories Told at Six o’Clock in the Evening

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In the Wilbur home, six o’clock on Saturday evening was the children’s hour with Grandma. . . . During the season of which I am going to tell you, she and they had planned that the story was always to be about a certain verse in the Bible. . . . I cannot copy all the stories for you; but it has occurred to me that there is no good reason why, once a month, you should not join the Wilbur circle and hear for yourselves. So, without more ceremony, consider yourselves invited. – Summary from the text     [chương_files]  

House of Love cover

House of Love

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“‘Little gal,’ he repeated, ‘air ye all alone in the world?’ This time the sound resolved itself into an unmistakable sob.” With these words we are introduced to young Doris Avery. Newly orphaned, penniless, and without a single friend, Doris is sent to Waverly Ridge where she has been hired to work in a farm household. With her mother’s last words, “Remember, dear, you are God’s little girl,” echoing in her mind still, Doris enters service in a house full of strangers. Many are ambivalent toward her, all are lonely, and some fill the house with hate. (Summary by elizaz)     [chương_files]  

Sunshine Factory (Version 2) cover

Sunshine Factory (Version 2)

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Sunshine Factory, written under the pseudonym Pansy, is a warm-hearted, cheerful, inspiring, and witty collection of Christian children’s tales, focusing on the character essentials of love, service, innocence, and pure faith in Christ. Uniting children, parents, and relatives, these charming vintage tales combine the wisdom of the old and new, troubles and hope, disappointment and success, tears and smiles, and truly serves to show, with beautiful simplicity, the deep importance of “sunshine factories” in every home. – Summary by DariaAM     [chương_files]  


God Died at Three O’Clock

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From the writer of “Angel Food” comes a simple children’s book on the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.     [chương_files]  

Ethelred Preston; or, The Adventures of a Newcomer cover

Ethelred Preston; or, The Adventures of a Newcomer

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Ethelred Preston is a story for boys written by Fr. Finn, SJ. The hero, Ethelred, while on his way to college, meets Packy Jarloe, a peddler, who induces him to change places with himself, so that Packy goes to Henrytown College, announcing himself as Ethelred Preston, while Ethelred takes Packy’s peddler’s pack and sets out on the road to make his fortune There is a mixture of the ludicrous and serious in what follows, but the fraud is finally discovered and Ethelred after much suffering finds himself installed as a regular student and universal favorite at Henrytown College. (From Donahoe’s Magazine #37, 1897)     [chương_files]