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    Bill & Doreen Get Hitched (Selections from "The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke") cover

    Bill & Doreen Get Hitched (Selections from “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke”)

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    “Bill & Doreen Get Hitched” is the sequel to “Bill & Doreen’s Courtship”. “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke” is a verse novel by Australian novelist and poet C. J. Dennis. The work was first published in book form in 1915 and sold over 60,000 copies in nine editions within the first year. A special pocket edition was even printed for the Australian soldiers in the trenches during the Great War. “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke” tells the story of Bill, a larrikin of the Little Lonsdale Street push, who is introduced to a young woman by the name of Doreen. The book chronicles their courtship and marriage, detailing Bill’s transformation from a violence-prone gang member to a contented husband and father. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Bill & Doreen's Courtship (Selections from "The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke") cover

    Bill & Doreen’s Courtship (Selections from “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke”)

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    “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke” is a verse novel by Australian novelist and poet C. J. Dennis. The work was first published in book form in 1915 and sold over 60,000 copies in nine editions within the first year. A special pocket edition was even printed for the Australian soldiers in the trenches during the Great War. “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke” tells the story of Bill, a larrikin of the Little Lonsdale Street push, who is introduced to a young woman by the name of Doreen. The book chronicles their courtship and marriage, detailing Bill’s transformation from a violence-prone gang member to a contented husband and father. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    Pretty Sister Of José cover

    Pretty Sister Of José

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    Pepita would rather become a witch than a wife. She’s seen too many women, including her mother, wither away at their husband’s hands. Popular and respected, our gentle, but fiercely independent heroine immediately grows cruel and cold to any suitor drawn in by her allure. When a famous bullfighting lady killer from Madrid takes interest in her, will Pepita’s resolve crumble with disastrous consequences? A hit upon its 1899 release, this novella later spawned both a play and silent film adaptation. Despite its public popularity, its (now rather tame) intense love story and positive portrayal of Spaniards drew some controversy from English critics. Summary by Mary Kay.     [chương_files]  

    Juggernaut: A Veiled Record cover

    Juggernaut: A Veiled Record

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    Edgar Braine was consistently successful at all he set out to accomplish. He went through life with goals and worked diligently and with ethical purity in reaching those goals, from becoming editor of the local newspaper on up to his political aspirations. That was how his mother, in her waning years, had advised him to reach his goals, and Edgar was determined to honor her advice. There was one caveat in his mothers advice however, and it is for Edgar to determine exactly what she meant by it. Is success measured by the interactions between business, politics, and marriage? (Summary by Roger)     [chương_files]  

    Romance of a Christmas Card cover

    Romance of a Christmas Card

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    The story of the mission of two Christmas cards written by a minister’s wife. These cards find their way to two straying sheep from the village fold, who hear through the message in the words, and the little scenes on the cards, the compelling voice of home. There was inspiration and good cheer in the cards, and from them came, in one case reformation, in the other romance. (Summary compiled by Maria Therese from various original 1915 reviews)     [chương_files]  

    Woodlanders (version 2) cover

    Woodlanders (version 2)

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    The Woodlanders is one of Hardy’s later novels, although he originally intended it as a successor to Far From The Madding Crowd. It concerns the life and loves of Giles Winterborne, Grace Melbury, Edred Fitzpiers, Felice Charmond and Marty South. The topics of class, fidelity and loyalty are dealt with in Hardy’s exquisite style and set in the beautiful woodlands of Hintock (T.Hynes)     [chương_files]  

    Show Boat cover

    Show Boat

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    Published in 1926, Show Boat tells of three generations of the Hawks-Ravenal family and the Cotton Blossom Floating Palace Theatre on the Mississippi and other rivers, from the Reconstruction Era of the 1880s, to the Gilded Age and Roaring Twenties. The story was made into a Broadway musical in 1927 and into films (both a silent film and a partial “talkie”) in 1929. NOTE: There are issues of race in the story, particularly anti-Black stereotypes and derogatory terms. It is LibriVox’s policy to record texts as written. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

    Romantic Poetry cover

    Romantic Poetry

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    A collection of romantic poems for St Valentine’s day.     [chương_files]  

    Sonetos – Poemas de Amor cover

    Sonetos – Poemas de Amor

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    Luís Vaz de Camões (c. 1524 — 10 de Junho de 1580) é frequentemente considerado como o maior poeta de língua portuguesa e dos maiores da Humanidade. O seu gênio é comparável ao de Virgílio, Dante, Cervantes ou Shakespeare. A obra lírica de Camões foi publicada como “Rimas”, não havendo acordo entre os diferentes editores quanto ao número de sonetos escritos pelo poeta e quanto à autoria de algumas das peças líricas. Alguns dos seus sonetos, como o conhecido “Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver”, pela ousada utilização dos paradoxos, prenunciam o Barroco. Nesta coleção, apresentamos uma recolha de Sonetos de Camões cujo tema é o amor. (Sumário adaptado da Wikipedia por Leni)     [chương_files]  

    Maggie Miller cover

    Maggie Miller

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    From bestselling and prolific author Mary Jane Holmes, Maggie Miller or Old Hagar’s Secret COMES a compelling story of deceit, love, misplaced pride and loss of innocence that will keep you in suspense until the very end. And as usual her amazingly real characters will not disappoint. Excerpt: ” Mustn’t put on airs ! ” muttered Hagar, as she left the room. ” Just as if  airs wasn’t for anybody but high bloods ! ” And with the canker-worm of envy at her heart she wrote to Hester, who came immediately; – Summary by Celine Major     [chương_files]