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    Kit and Kitty cover

    Kit and Kitty

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    Kit Orchardson, an apprentice produce grower in Sunbury, England describes for us a time in his youth in which he fell in love with Kitty, a young lady of higher status, endeavored to secure her love and ventured to solve her mysterious disappearance shortly after they were joined in marriage. Through Kit’s perspective, we get a wonderful view of life in 1860 England where people’s attitudes were maneuvering between their societal status and their character.     [chương_files]  

    Man Who Ended War cover

    Man Who Ended War

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    Jim Orrington, news reporter, is at the office when the Secretary of War brings in a letter–mostly likely a prank–that demands all the nations of the world to disarm in one year or have all their battleships destroyed. This letter, signed “The man who will stop all war”, is ignored by Orrington’s fellow reporters and by the U.S. government, but he decides to dig deeper. With the help of Tom and Dorothy Haldane, Jim Orrington embarks on an adventure around the world trying to stop the man who is determined to end all fighting before he catapults the entire world into chaos and war! – Summary by Adele de Pignerolles     [chương_files]  

    Charwoman's Shadow cover

    Charwoman’s Shadow

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    Delightfully imaginative, somewhat similar to Dunsany’s blockbuster fantasy novel, The King Of Elfland’s Daughter (and published just two years after it), this equally entertaining, verbally voluptuous tale brings us in touch with the heraldry, artistry, and superstitions of the bygone Golden Age of Spain; with the magical arts of ancient times– alchemy, wizardry, potions, forest creatures that go bump in the night, quests for esoteric knowledge, use of the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Catholic church’s war against the ‘Black Art”. Above all, Dunsany explores the many mysterious properties of shadows, and warns what havoc might befall you if you lose yours. Published in 1926. (Summary by Michele Fry)     [chương_files]  

    Adventure of the Broad Arrow: An Australian Romance cover

    Adventure of the Broad Arrow: An Australian Romance

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    When a few men decide to go for looking for gold in the outback of Australia, days of extreme heat with no water and no rain in sight, make them turn back and give up the trip; all but two of them that is, Smith and Mandeville, aka the “Baker. Smith and Baker decide to tough it out and go after their dreams, chancing their lives to find “their luck”. Little do they realize, they will put their lives in grave danger, and this quest for gold will turn into a nightmare. Life threatening food and water deprivation is a constant issue, and they had no idea they would stumble upon an unknown tribe of prehistoric white men that are head hunters and cannibals. Will they survive the harsh bush conditions, the fierce inferno of the desert, and a deadly tribe? And what about the gold? Is there gold to be found, and if so, will it ever be their reality? An incredible adventure with lots of twists and turns awaits… (Summary by Laur )     [chương_files]  

    Automobile Girls at Newport cover

    Automobile Girls at Newport

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    Published in 1910, the young sisters, Barbara and Mollie Thurston, are being invited by their skilled friend, Ruth Stuart, to go on a real-life adventure in a motor car, for Ruth is a girl who actually can drive a motor car, to Newport with a chaperone, Aunt Sallie, and friend Grace Carter. Horse shenanigans come into play as well as protecting themselves from a burglary. Many hopes arise in their revels as well as wondering if or when women shall get “the vote”. Much culminates in the upcoming tennis tournament taking place at their destination and the danger of a jewel thief amidst them, which carries the girls into further excitement. (Summary by Daryl Wor)     [chương_files]  


    Lady of the Lake

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    At the request of Mr. Siddons, Manager and Patentee of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, the following Performance was composed. I am very sensible that Mr. Scott’s Poem of “The Lady of the Lake” afforded material for a much superior Drama than the one here presented to the public; but as Mr. Siddons, in all his correspondence with me on the subject, urged expedition, I was more attentive to the interest of a Friend than to the fame of an Author; and the whole piece was arranged, written, and copied in the short space of ten days. I can claim little merit beyond that of a compiler. Some few flowrets, indeed (or rather weeds, as the critics may call them, at the foot of Parnassus), are of my own planting; but the praise of poetic ingenuity belongs solely to the Author from whence the scenes, characters, and sentiments have been borrowed. To quote the translated words of Montaigne, which have been appositely applied to similar compositions, I have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and have brought little more of my own than the band which ties them.     [chương_files]  


    Widowers’ Houses

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    This is one of three plays Shaw published as Plays Unpleasant in 1898; they were termed “unpleasant” because they were intended, not to entertain their audiences—as traditional Victorian theatre was expected to—but to raise awareness of social problems and to censure exploitation of the laboring class by the unproductive rich. In this play, Dr. Harry Trench becomes disillusioned when he discovers how his fiancee’s father, Mr. Sartorius, makes his money. However, it is soon revealed that Trench’s own income is far from untainted.     [chương_files]  

    Ellendigen - Deel 2 - Cosette cover

    Ellendigen – Deel 2 – Cosette

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    De Ellendigen is een vertaling van Les Miserables, een sociale roman, met een sterke moraal. Hugo neemt het in zijn werk op voor de paria’s in de 19e-eeuwse maatschappij en richt in een vlammende aanklacht tegen de samenleving en haar ‘meedogenloze’ wetten. Valjean is de incarnatie van het lijdende proletariaat, die een reeks eindeloze beproevingen moet ondergaan alvorens loutering en dood te vinden. Dit is het eerste van de vijf delen. Genoemd naar een van de hoofdpersonen: Cosette de dochter van Fantine. – Summary by Marcel Coenders     [chương_files]  

    Ellendigen - Deel 4 - St. Denis cover

    Ellendigen – Deel 4 – St. Denis

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    De Ellendigen is een vertaling van Les Miserables, een sociale roman, met een sterke moraal. Hugo neemt het in zijn werk op voor de paria’s in de 19e-eeuwse maatschappij en richt in een vlammende aanklacht tegen de samenleving en haar ‘meedogenloze’ wetten. Valjean is de incarnatie van het lijdende proletariaat, die een reeks eindeloze beproevingen moet ondergaan alvorens loutering en dood te vinden. Dit is het vierde van de vijf delen. Genoemd naar de plaats van handeling St. Denis – Samenvatting door Marcel Coenders. Tussen opname 16 en 17 zijn door de vertaler twee delen weggelaten.     [chương_files]  

    Napoleón en Chamartín cover

    Napoleón en Chamartín

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    Napoleón en Chamartín es la quinta novela de la primera serie de los Episodios Nacionales de Benito Pérez Galdós. Continúa con la historia del joven gaditano Gabriel de Araceli, quien es también protagonista de los anteriores episodios, Bailén, El 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo, La Corte de Carlos IV y Trafalgar. Siguiendo a su amada Inés, Gabriel llega a Madrid. Tras la derrota sufrida por los franceses en Bailén, el propio Emperador Napoleón se dirige a Madrid con la intención de someter a la capital, y proclamar rey a su hermano José Bonaparte. Los madrileños se preparan para la batalla, pero su inferioridad frente a las tropas imperiales es evidente. Don Diego de Rumblar, el prometido de Inés, lleva una vida disoluta en Madrid, bajo la influencia de Santorcaz, de quien se sospecha, es un espía francés. Gabriel sabe que Santorcaz quiere secuestrar a su hija Inés, por las cartas que leyó en el anterior episodio Bailén, y decide poner en aviso a la Condesa. La Condesa le convence de abandonar la idea de amar a Inés, y le promete una ejecutoria de nobleza y una posición administrativa en Perú. El joven las rechaza, prefiriendo una vida honrada y patriota como soldado, pero promete a la Condesa abandonar Madrid tan pronto como termine el asedio de las tropas francesas, y no volver a ver nunca a Inés. Gabriel luchará junto con las milicias madrileñas en el asedio de Madrid, pero… (Resumen de Wikipedia) La Primera Serie 1 […]