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Monachomachia czyli wojna mnichów cover

Monachomachia czyli wojna mnichów

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Monachomachia, czyli Wojna mnichów to poemat heroikomiczny autorstwa Ignacego Krasickiego wydany po raz pierwszy anonimowo w 1778. Jego tematem jest walka pomiędzy mnichami, a przedstawienie sporu mnichów w utworze naznaczone jest groteskowym humorem. Jednocześnie Monachomachia jest ostrą satyrą, krytyką ukrytą pod kostiumem zabawnych postaci. (Źródło: Wikipedia) Monachomachia, the War of the monks (from Gr. Monachos – monk, Machia – the fight) is a mock-heroic poem by Ignatius Krasicki first published anonymously in 1778.     [chương_files]  

Lady Susan cover

Lady Susan

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Jane Austen demonstrated her mastery of the epistolary novel genre in Lady Susan, which she wrote in 1795 but never published. Although the primary focus of this short novel is the selfish behavior of Lady Susan as she engages in affairs and searches for suitable husbands for herself and her young daughter, the actual action shares its importance with Austen’s manipulation of her characters’ behavior by means of their reactions to the letters that they receive. The heroine adds additional interest by altering the tone of her own letters based on the recipient of the letter. Thus, the character of Lady Susan is developed through many branches as Austen suggests complications of identity and the way in which that identity is based on interaction rather than on solitary constructions of personality. Lady Susan’s character is also built by the descriptions of the other letter-writers; but even though their opinions of this heroine coincide with the image that develops from her own letters, Austen demonstrates the subjectivity of the opinions by presenting them – primarily – in the letters of one woman to another, thereby suggesting the established literary motifs of feminine gossip and jealousy. Readers recognize these subjective motifs and examine all of the idiosyncrasies of the characters in order to create their own opinion of Lady Susan – as they would of any real acquaintance. (Summary from Wikipedia) Cast: Lady Susan Vernon – Kristin Hughes Mrs. Vernon – rachelellen Mr. De Courcy – Patrick Beverley Mrs. Johnson – Kirsten […]

Not That it Matters (Version 2) cover

Not That it Matters (Version 2)

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A. A. MILNE: …was best known for the perennially popular Pooh (Winnie the), arguably one of his lesser contributions to the literature of his day. He was highly acclaimed for dozens of popular plays. Moreover, he was both a contributor to and editor of Britain’s famous Punch Magazine; and for Punch, The Atlantic Monthly and dozens of other internationally acclaimed journals he wrote hundreds of essay, sketches and poems. THE WORLD WARS: Milne argued aggressively against the many enemy atrocities characterizing both World Wars, and also fought in both. All four years of the Great War he spent primarily in the trenches, sustaining the greatest dangers of the new warfare at close range. His war experiences are forcibly captured in some of the poems in this collection and others. INFLUENCE ON THE STYLE OF BRITISH HUMOR: His immense popularity doubtless helped influenced the very basis of British wit and humor: His gentle, often self-deprecatory but always kind style of humor lured readers and publishers away from the more ironic, cynical, and acerbic humorous works of recent decades. – Summary by Kirsten Wever     [chương_files]  

Gulliver’s Reizen cover

Gulliver’s Reizen

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Gulliver’s reizen is een satirisch boek uit 1726 van de Ierse schrijver Jonathan Swift. Het oorspronkelijke boek bevatte vier reisbeschrijvingen, waarvan alleen de eerste, over het land Lilliput, nu nog grote bekendheid geniet. In deze uitgave zijn alleen de eerste twee delen van het oorspronkelijke werk opgenomen. Het tweede deel heet ‘Een reis naar Brobdingnag’. (Samenvatting door Wikipedia en Bart de Leeuw) Tijdens de productie schreef Marcel Coenders, die de tekstcontrole van dit boek verzorgde: “Een mooi boek. Uiteraard kennen we allemaal de een-regel-samenvatting van dit boek: Gulliver gaat op reis in Liliputterland en in Reuzenland. Goed om het verhaal nu eens in een vollere omvang te beluisteren. Zeker geen kinderboekje.”     [chương_files]