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Stars of the Desert cover

Stars of the Desert

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Laurence Hope was the nom de plume of Adela Florence Nicolson, a British poet who wrote verses inspired by India, where she lived. This collection, her second, was originally published in 1903. – Summary by Newgatenovelist     [chương_files]  

Songs of Love and Life cover

Songs of Love and Life

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Songs of Love and Life by Zora Cross was a phenomenon in the author’s native Australia in 1917. The original privately-published edition quickly sold out, and an expanded edition was produced a month later. Its erotic content, a rejection of old Victorian values, along with anti-war and feminist themes, catapulted the then 27-year-old Cross to the forefront of Australian poets. She was lauded and praised, but slowly fell into disfavor. Here we present the expanded version of her book, with the addition of four poems dropped from the privately-printed edition, which appear at the end of the recording. – Summary by cavaet Proof-listeners: AudreyL1, zavaa01, cavaet     [chương_files]  

Garden of Kama cover

Garden of Kama

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Laurence Hope was the nom de plume of Adela Florence Nicolson, a British poet who wrote verses inspired by India, where she lived. This collection, her first, was originally published in 1901. (summary by Newgatenovelist)     [chương_files]