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Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)

68 bài viết found

In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers cover

In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers

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An adventurer and explorer of no mean repute, Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka leads an expedition by mule train into the forbidding Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico to one of the richest silver mining regions in the world. He offers lively (and occasionally disparaging) descriptions of the the unfamiliar flora and fauna of this often desolate region, of the cliff and cave dwellings inhabited and abandoned, and of the social customs of the various peoples he meets. He marvels at the unmatched running prowess of the Rarámuri (Tarahumari) Indians of the Barranca del Cobre–the famous Copper Canyon of Chihuahua State. He writes always with humor that keeps the narrative light and the reader smiling. (Summary by Steven Seitel)     [chương_files]  

Chinese Dragon cover

Chinese Dragon

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The subject of this little book [1923] is of general interest to people who are acquainted with things Chinese. The dragon has played a large part in Chinese thought through four thousand and more years…. The author is peculiarly fitted to undertake this piece of work. He was born in China and speaks the Chinese language as a native. Thus, he has had the first-hand knowledge and the language to help him in his study. He has been studying on the subject of the dragon for fourteen years. In this time, he has traveled over more than one half the number of provinces of China…. The author’s acquaintance with the people and the language of China have made it possible for him to go to original sources and to study the subject from every angle. (Introduction) The son of American missionaries, Luther Newton Hayes was born in 1883, in Soochow, China. He received a B.S. from Wooster College in 1905 and an M.A. from Princeton University in 1907. For the next twenty-five years, Hayes worked in China, mostly with the YMCA. The book is replete with illustrations. This recording adds their descriptions at the end of each chapter. – Summary by Book Introduction and David Wales     [chương_files]  

Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part 2. Taboo and the Perils of the Soul cover

Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part 2. Taboo and the Perils of the Soul

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The third volume of The Golden Bough. The term Taboo is one of the very few words which the English language has borrowed from the speech of savages. This volume examines the underlying moral code of many societies, both primitive and medieval, and with modern analogies. The reader is encouraged to contemplate the contradictions, inconsistencies, and absurdities, not merely between different people of different countries and ages, but also between similar people within the same countries. Frazer presents extensive evidence that the laws of morality slowly, but subtly, are in an ever changing state. – Summary by Leon Harvey     [chương_files]  


Twentieth Century Negro Literature or A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro

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The object of this book is… (1) To enlighten the uninformed white people on the intellectual ability of the Negro. (2) To give to those, who are interested in the Negro race, a better idea of the extent to which he contributed to the promotion of America’s civilization, and of the intellectual attainments made by him in the nineteenth century. (3) To reflect the views of the most scholarly and prominent Negroes of America on those topics, touching the Negro, that are now engaging the attention of the civilized world. (4) To point out, to the aspiring Negro youth, those men and women of their own race who, by their scholarship, by their integrity of character, and by their earnest efforts in the work of uplifting their own race, have made themselves illustrious; also, to enlighten such youth on those ethical, political, and sociological questions, touching the Negro that will sooner or later engage their attention. (5) To enlighten the Negroes on that perplexing problem, commonly called the “Race Problem,” that has necessarily grown out of their contact with their ex-masters and their descendants; and also to stimulate them to make greater efforts to ascend to that plane of civilization occupied by the other enlightened peoples of the world. (From the Preface) This book examines the following topics: 1. Did the American Negro make, in the nineteenth century, achievements along the lines of wealth, morality, education, etc., commensurate with his opportunities? If so, what achievements did he make? 2. Will […]

Measurement of Intelligence cover

Measurement of Intelligence

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An explanation of and a completed guide for the use of the Stanford revision and the Simon Binford intelligence test – Summary by the soloist     [chương_files]  

Book of Hallowe'en cover

Book of Hallowe’en

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This book is intended to give the reader an account of the origin and history of Hallowe’en, how it absorbed some customs belonging to other days in the year,—such as May Day, Midsummer, and Christmas. The context is illustrated by selections from ancient and modern poetry and prose, related to Hallowe’en ideas. (Summary by Ruth Kelley, from the Preface).     [chương_files]  

My Monks of Vagabondia cover

My Monks of Vagabondia

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Before welfare or rehab, what happened to those unfortunates who lost their way, fell through the cracks, were cast off by society? Men such as Andress Floyd and his wife Lillian stepped up. In 1908, the philanthropists converted a mansion in New Jersey into a refuge for homeless men and during the more than 30 years of its operation, more than 100,000 men stayed there until they were able to get back on their feet. In this volume, Floyd has collected 13 diverse true tales of what brought some of the residents to seek succor and enlightenment at the Self-Mastery Colony. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Business of Being a Woman cover

Business of Being a Woman

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How were women’s roles changing in the 1900’s? Ida Tarbell explores this in a well written, witty and insightful series of essays. “The object of this little volume is to call attention to a certain distrust, which the author feels in the modern woman, of the significance and dignity of the work laid upon her by Nature and by society. Its ideas are the result of a long, if somewhat desultory, observation of the professional, political, and domestic activities of women in this country and in France. These observations have led to certain definite opinions as to those phases of the woman question most in need of emphasis to-day.” This book contains, as a footnote, a Declaration of Sentiments which begins ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal…’ and continues on. A wonderful declaration of the equality of the sexes in many things. This will be a separate section of this project since I think it is excellent in style and sentiment. – Summary by the introduction and BC     [chương_files]  

Carpenter's World Travels: Alaska Our Northern Wonderland cover

Carpenter’s World Travels: Alaska Our Northern Wonderland

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Early twentieth century travel book about Alaska with stories of major cities, Indian tribes, customs and geography of what would become our 49th state. – Summary by BettyB.     [chương_files]  

Feminism in Greek Literature cover

Feminism in Greek Literature

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This study, published in 1923, examines the views regarding women’s place in Ancient Greek society based especially on the writings of Homer, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. As the author offers his opinion and judgement, that at times reflect views on women, homosexuality and other social groups and themes that might be considered controversial now, he leaves an interesting picture of the state of Classical scholarship in the early 20th century. “There is a question sometimes put to scholars, a doubt often latent in scholars’ minds — How was it that Greek civilisation, with all its high ideals and achievements, fell so easily before what seems at first sight an altogether inferior culture? The fact is — and it is as well to state it plainly — that the Greek world perished from one main cause, a low ideal of womanhood and a degradation of women which found expression both in literature and in social life. The position of women and the position of slaves — for the two classes went together — were the canker-spots which, left unhealed, brought about the decay first of Athens and then of Greece.” (From Introduction)     [chương_files]