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Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)

68 bài viết found

Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity cover

Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity

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This book contains many brief tales from history of commoners pretending to be kings and kings pretending to be commoners. Learn the fate of a Dutch merchant who wanted a kiss from the disguised Peter the Great’s wife. Learn how a farmer’s daughter born in 1750 in England gained attention and fame in many lands, and why her death was disbelieved. Learn about early vampires and ghosts. Find out the answers to these and other stories within this book. (Summary by mleigh)     [chương_files]  

Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind cover

Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

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“Civilisations as yet have only been created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy, never by crowds. Crowds are only powerful for destruction. Their rule is always tantamount to a barbarian phase. A civilisation involves fixed rules, discipline, a passing from the instinctive to the rational state, forethought for the future, an elevated degree of culture — all of them conditions that crowds, left to themselves, have invariably shown themselves incapable of realising. In consequence of the purely destructive nature of their power crowds act like those microbes which hasten the dissolution of enfeebled or dead bodies. When the structure of a civilisation is rotten, it is always the masses that bring about its downfall.” – Gustave Le Bon, from Introduction     [chương_files]  

Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution cover

Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on Their Evolution

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“It is barely a century and a half ago that certain philosophers, who, it should be remarked, were very ignorant of the primitive history of man, of the variations of his mental constitution and of the laws of heredity, propounded the idea of the equality of individuals and races… It is in the name of this idea that socialism, which seems destined to enslave before long the majority of Western peoples, pretends to ensure their welfare… The object of this work is to describe the psychological characteristics which constitute the soul of races, and to show how the history of a people and its civilisation are determined by these characteristics… We shall then examine whether the elements composing a civilisation, its arts, its institutions, its beliefs, are not direct manifestations of the soul of races, and whether in consequence, it is not impossible that they should pass from one people to another. We shall conclude by attempting to determine what are the necessities under the influence of which civilisations decay and die out.” – extracts from the Introduction. Also, “…The author’s central thesis is that chance, environment and institutions play but secondary parts in the history of a people. Character (race) is the important thing. This character – a people’s morality and conduct – is determined mainly by its ancestry. After character, ideas, and particularly religious ideas are the most important factors in the evolution of a civilisation. The possession of a small number of highly developed minds is what […]

Psychology of the Unconscious cover

Psychology of the Unconscious

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Jung says in his subtitle that this work is a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido and a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought.     [chương_files]  

Study of British Genius cover

Study of British Genius

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The psychological and anthropological character of genius in the British Isles was investigated by Ellis. Citing and collating an extensive source of information from the Dictionary of National Biography, many pieces of informational are discussed, including the ancestral heritage, geographical distribution, professions, and health and morbidity of the most the most preeminent men and women of the time. This work also promotes his theory that large cities are not only counterproductive to the development of high achievers, but detrimental to national health. (Summary by Leon Harvey)     [chương_files]  

Man of Genius cover

Man of Genius

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Famous criminologist, anthropologist, and psychiatrist, Dr Lombroso, investigated the memetic anecdotal belief that genius is associated with degenerative symptoms, or may even be a version of insanity, and presented his findings as a fascinating and controversial theory that the creative and imaginative celebrities throughout history have also displayed what he termed as “atavistic” symptoms, or defects resembling what is commonly seen in the unwell. Citations of evidence are drawn from a rich variety of references sources, including autopsy reports of brains and skulls, biographical data, the influence of environmental and seasonal changes on inventiveness, and even from the records of thousands of admittance into prisons and asylums of France and Italy. This book can be considered as a sort of sequel to his better known and also highly controversial theories about criminality associated with physical manifestations, often categorised as “psuedoscience”. However, it should be noted that although his claims are factual and verifiable, his choice of selective evidence and the absence of a control group should be considered when reading the book. – Summary by Leon Harvey     [chương_files]  

Mob Violence and the American Negro: My Experience in the Sunny South cover

Mob Violence and the American Negro: My Experience in the Sunny South

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According to the author of the Preface, “Mr. Lester is also zealous to bring about a better relation and a better understanding between the white and black races. His denunciation against mob violence is bitter, but pleads for just treatment and a fair deal in court and equal protection from the authorities of the law.”     [chương_files]  

Book of Dreams and Ghosts cover

Book of Dreams and Ghosts

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The Book of Dreams and Ghosts by Andrew Lang is a book mainly focused on the stories of ghosts and other mystical phenomenon. With frequent editorializing and discussion by the author, the work is less a series of supernatural tales and more of an anthropological book centred around bewitching stories of the otherworldly -given the name Psychical Research when Lang was alive. Over the course of fourteen chapters, 79 stories, and two prefaces, Lang manages to keep the reader enchanted with his thoughtful retellings, literary charisma, and exemplary choice in narratives. – Summary by Aiden Javurek Humig     [chương_files]  

Your United States: Impressions Of A First Visit cover

Your United States: Impressions Of A First Visit

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Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 – 1931) was an English writer. He is best known as a novelist, but he also worked in other fields such as journalism, propaganda and film. In 1911 Bennett paid a financially rewarding visit to the US, which he later recorded in this 1912 book Those United States in England; titled Your United States in America. He is a keen observer with an entertaining dry wit.- Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]  

Prejudices, First Series cover

Prejudices, First Series

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Mencken sharpens his pen and in a collection of short essays delivers acerbic opinions on issues and persons of the time. Among his targets in this volume (the first of six) are critics, H.G. Wells Thorstein Veblen, Arnold Bennett, William Dean Howells, Irvin S. Cobb. Mencken’s critiques are delivered against a background of his own well known ethnic, racial, religious, and sectional prejudices. (It is said that the only thing Mencken loved about the Southern United States was his wife, who hailed from Alabama.) Not for the faint of heart, Mencken’s prickly, yet unapologetic, prose reveals a window into American attitudes at the time they were written and their influences on the larger American culture. – Summary by DrPGould     [chương_files]