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Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)

8 bài viết found

Twilight in Italy cover

Twilight in Italy

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This is one of the author’s “travel books”, recounting his walking journeys in and around the Lago di Garda in Northern Italy. Every turn prompts musings on the nature and character of the people he encounters and their relationship to the land which they inhabit. His insights, while sometimes condescending, show elements of Lawrence’s analysis of the human condition, and his despair over the relentless erosion of a bucolic environment with the advance of modernism. – Summary by Peter Tucker     [chương_files]  

In Quest of El Dorado cover

In Quest of El Dorado

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Lively (and often unsparing) descriptions of the people, places, and customs that the author encounters as he attempts to retrace the steps of the early Spanish conquistadores in the Americas: Columbus, Cortez, Pizarro, Balboa, Coronado. (Summary by Steven Seitel)     [chương_files]  

Cruise of the Falcon - A Voyage to South America in a 30-Ton Yacht cover

Cruise of the Falcon – A Voyage to South America in a 30-Ton Yacht

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In this fine sailing and exploring yarn, Edward Frederick Knight (1852-1925), sometime English barrister, journalist, sportsman, and amateur seaman, conspires over a fish dinner in Harwich to buy and refit the tiny yacht Falcon, recruit a crew of four (and a cabin boy), and sail across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. This they do, despite naysayers who advised painting the yacht’s name conspicuously on her keel to aid identification when found floating upside down in some foreign sea. The book provides detailed descriptions of sailing in difficult waters and powerful storms, the spectacular scenery of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, sport hunting in unspoiled jungles, frequent revolutions (and a terrible war of annihilation) and, perhaps most important, the customs of the many different peoples who inhabit the South American continent. As was common practice in his day, Knight assumes the superiority of the “white” races and is not hesitant to express his sometimes less-than-favorable impressions of the “lesser” races he encounters. But he offers high praise for the beauty of the land and the kindness of the people he meets. (Steven Seitel)     [chương_files]  

In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers cover

In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers

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An adventurer and explorer of no mean repute, Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka leads an expedition by mule train into the forbidding Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico to one of the richest silver mining regions in the world. He offers lively (and occasionally disparaging) descriptions of the the unfamiliar flora and fauna of this often desolate region, of the cliff and cave dwellings inhabited and abandoned, and of the social customs of the various peoples he meets. He marvels at the unmatched running prowess of the Rarámuri (Tarahumari) Indians of the Barranca del Cobre–the famous Copper Canyon of Chihuahua State. He writes always with humor that keeps the narrative light and the reader smiling. (Summary by Steven Seitel)     [chương_files]  

Carpenter's World Travels: Alaska Our Northern Wonderland cover

Carpenter’s World Travels: Alaska Our Northern Wonderland

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Early twentieth century travel book about Alaska with stories of major cities, Indian tribes, customs and geography of what would become our 49th state. – Summary by BettyB.     [chương_files]  

Glimpses of Italian society in the eighteenth century cover

Glimpses of Italian society in the eighteenth century

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Selections from the “Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany” by Hester Lynch Piozzi who, during her first marriage to Henry Thrale, was the hostess and friend of many of her famous contemporaries including Dr Johnson and Fanny Burney. The vivid and personal “Observations and Reflections” was first published in 1789. – Summary by barbara2     [chương_files]  

Six Months In Mexico cover

Six Months In Mexico

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This is an account of Nellie Bly’s travels through Mexico in 1885. The book was originally a series of individual articles that she submitted to the Pittsburgh Dispatch newspaper for publication. In them she described the conditions of the people and the political system she found in Mexico. Her narratives focused mostly on the impoverished and disadvantaged in a country whose government was extremely corrupt. Bly was perhaps what we now term a feminist, striving for the empowerment and independence of women. She certainly pioneered the field of investigative reporting. Nevertheless, Bly’s journalistic objectivity is often tainted by an uninformed, 19th-century, “gringo” world view. Bly’s travels in Mexico ended abruptly after the Dispatch published an article she wrote exposing that government’s ill treatment of another journalist who criticized the regime of President Porfirio Diaz. Bly’s Mexico articles were later published in book form in 1888. (Summary by James K. White)     [chương_files]  

Your United States: Impressions Of A First Visit cover

Your United States: Impressions Of A First Visit

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Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 – 1931) was an English writer. He is best known as a novelist, but he also worked in other fields such as journalism, propaganda and film. In 1911 Bennett paid a financially rewarding visit to the US, which he later recorded in this 1912 book Those United States in England; titled Your United States in America. He is a keen observer with an entertaining dry wit.- Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]