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    Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen, übertragen durch Rainer Maria Rilke cover

    Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen, übertragen durch Rainer Maria Rilke

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    Elizabeth Barrett Browning schrieb diese Sonette für ihren Mann. Dieser gab sie dann zur Veröffentlichung. In seiner Übersetzung hält Rainer Maria Rilke lediglich die Sonettform ein. An vielen Stellen verändert er das Reimschema, wodurch eine neue Sprachmelodie entsteht. – Summary by lorda     [chương_files]  

    Sonnetten cover


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    Jacob Winkler Prins reisde veel en was een schilder. Hij besteedde veel tijd aan heide-ontginning op de Veluwe, om bloemen en planten te kunnen kweken. Als een auteur-schilder schreef hij realistische natuurpoëzie, geinspireerd door Shelley. Deze verzameling van 102 sonnetten was de eerste dichtbundel die hij publiceerde, na zowel onder het pseudoniem Kaspar Brandt als onder eigen naam romannen en verhalen gepubliceerd te hebben. Uit zijn gedichten blijkt duidelijk dat hij met een schilders-oog de wereld om hem heen bekeek en beschreef, en hij ziet de schoonheid in simpele dingen. Summary by Foon     [chương_files]  

    Delia cover


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    Delia (1592) is a cycle of Petrarchan love sonnets written by Renaissance poet Samuel Daniel (1562-1619). He was also a noted playwright and historian, and a close contemporary of Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare. Delia may have influenced Shakespeare’s sonnets. This project contains the first 30 sonnets from the collection “Delia”. (Summary by Dr Alan Weber)     [chương_files]  

    Gedichte der Gefangenen – Ein Sonettenkreis cover

    Gedichte der Gefangenen – Ein Sonettenkreis

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    Ernst Toller war mit seinen Dramen einer der maßgeblichen Vertreter des literarischen Expressionismus in der Weimarer Republik. Wegen seinem Mitwirken an der Münchner Räterepublik wurde er zu einer Haftstrafe verurteilt. Während der Haft war Ernst Toller schriftstellerisch sehr produktiv und verfasste, unter anderem, diesen Sonetten-Band, in welchem er seinen Gefängnisaufenthalt verarbeitete. (Zusammenfassung von lorda)     [chương_files]  

    Lucasta cover


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    “Lucasta” is of Latin origin meaning “Pure Light”. Besides the dedication of the first poem to his wife, Anne Lovelace, this selection of poems are written from the viewpoint of a soldier who is going off to war – to his lover, who is the love of his life, his Lucasta. While pouring his heart out with memories of her beauty and the joy’s that they have shared, he fears she will think badly of him for leaving, and will not wait for him. Therefore, he makes pleas for her loyalty, her love, for her understanding, and for the sacrifice he feels he must make. (Summary by Laur)     [chương_files]  

    Shakespeare's Sonnets (version 3) cover

    Shakespeare’s Sonnets (version 3)

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    Shakespeare’s Sonnets, or simply The Sonnets, comprise a collection of 154 poems in sonnet form written by William Shakespeare that deal with such themes as love, beauty, politics, and mortality. The poems were probably written over a period of several years. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Astrophil and Stella cover

    Astrophil and Stella

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    Astrophil and Stella is a sonnet sequence written by Philip Sidney, an Elizabethan poet and courtier. It details the frustrated love of Astrophil (whose name means “star-lover”) for his beloved Stella (whose name means “star”). It is likely that Sidney based his poems on his own unrequited passion for a married woman. The sequence inspired other sonnet writers of the period, such as Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, and Lady Mary Wroth. (Summary written by Elizabeth Klett)     [chương_files]  

    Shakespeare's Sonnets (version 4) cover

    Shakespeare’s Sonnets (version 4)

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    Shakespeare’s sequence of 154 sonnets deals with such themes as love, time, death, immortality, lust, and sex. The poems follow but also depart from the Petrarchan tradition of sonnets written by a frustrated male lover to an unattainable idealized female beloved. Shakespeare’s sonnets are addressed to both male and female lovers: the androgynous “young man” and the alluring yet dangerously sexual “dark lady.” (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)     [chương_files]  

    Sonnets from the Portuguese cover

    Sonnets from the Portuguese

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    Sonnets from the Portuguese, written ca. 1845–1846 and first published in 1850, is a collection of forty-four love sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The poems largely chronicle the period leading up to her 1846 marriage to Robert Browning. The collection was acclaimed and popular even in the poet’s lifetime and it remains so today. Elizabeth was initially hesitant to publish the poems, feeling that they were too personal. However, Robert insisted that they were the best sequence of English-language sonnets since Shakespeare’s time and urged her to publish them. To offer the couple some privacy, she decided that she might publish them under a title disguising the poems as translations of foreign sonnets. Therefore, the collection was first to be known as Sonnets from the Bosnian, until Robert suggested that she change their imaginary original language to Portuguese, probably after his nickname for her: “my little Portuguese.” (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Freedom, Truth and Beauty cover

    Freedom, Truth and Beauty

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    A collection of sonnets that celebrates patriotism and nationalism loosely arranged in a chronological order based on world conflicts. While many of the pieces evoke a sincerity for the sacrifices made by those who participated in the conflicts, several speak to the seemingly unexplainable behavior of world leaders of the time. (Summary by KHand)     [chương_files]