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    Suspense, Espionage, Political & Thrillers


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    O Alienista, de Machado de Assis, é um pequeno romance sobre loucura, cientificismo e poder. O enredo se desenrola a partir dos esforços científicos de um importante médico português, o dr. Simão Bacamarte, cuja obsessão pela busca de um método universal para tratar e curar distúrbios mentais leva os habitantes da pequena cidade de Itaguaí ao terror, conspiração e a tentativas de revolução. Em pouco tempo, o hospício do dr. Bacamarte passa a tratar não só os doentes mentais, mas também os sãos, que, segundo o diagnóstico do médico, poderiam vir a desenvolver doenças mentais. O Alienista tem como tema a crítica ao cientificismo arbitrário e sua influência em elementos políticos e culturais. The Psychiatrist is a tragicomic literary piece on madness, scientism and power. It follows the scientific efforts of Dr. Simão Bacamarte, a prominent Portuguese physician whose obsession for discovering a universal method to treat and consequently cure mental disturbs drives the inhabitants of the small town of Itaguaí to fear, conspiracy and revolutionary attempts. In a short space of time, Bacamarte’s madhouse passes to take inside of its walls not only mentally ill patients but also healthy citizens who, according to the doctor’s diagnoses, are about to develop some sort of mental illness. The Psychiatrist stands out as a highly ironic critic to the arbitrary of Scientism and its influence on cultural and political matters. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Leni)     [chương_files]  

    Return of Clubfoot cover

    Return of Clubfoot

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    Whilst spending a holiday in a small Central American Republic, Desmond Okewood, of the Secret Service, learns from a dying beachcomber of a hidden treasure. With the assistance of a millionaire, he sets out for Cock Island, in the Pacific. To his astonishment he discovers that the Man with the Clubfoot, whom he had regarded as dead, has anticipated him. It is obvious to Okewood that his old enemy is also in search of the hidden gold, and there ensues a thrilling sequence of adventures, in which the millionaire’s pretty daughter takes a prominent part. Okewood has the cipher, and the Man with the Clubfoot determines to secure it, for without that cipher it is impossible to discover the hiding-place of the treasure; but there is something that the Man with the Clubfoot does not know, whereas Okewood does. – Summary by Original Gutenberg text     [chương_files]  

    Wife of the Secretary of State cover

    Wife of the Secretary of State

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    In this political thriller set at the turn of the 20th century, several lives, both of Washington insiders and those on the periphery, intersect over the issue of some stolen diplomatic papers. And what hidden secrets bind Mrs. Redmond, the wife of the Secretary of State, to the unscrupulous Count Valdmir, the Russian ambassador? Politics, power, and intrigue combine in this novel, first published in 1905. (Summary by Nullifidian) Book coordinated by Nullifidian & M Z Spark.     [chương_files]  

    secreto del ahorcado cover

    secreto del ahorcado

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    Cuento largo o novela breve de intriga y suspense escrita por Charles Dickens. El inicio es ya prometedor: No hace al caso referir la manera cómo supe lo que voy a contar aquí ni quién me lo refirió … Baste saber que lo ahorcaron y que su historia es como sigue… (Summary by Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

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    Savrola: A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania is the only major fictional work of Sir Winston S. Churchill. The story describes events in the capital of Laurania, a fictional European state, as unrest against the dictatorial government of president Antonia Molara turns to violent revolution. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

    Moonstone (version 2) cover

    Moonstone (version 2)

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    Said to be the first detective novel ever written, it is wonderful for its blending of the intrigues of romance with the conventional sleights of hand of the mystery novel. Marvellous also for its sensitive portrayal of traditionally outsider characters – the hunchbacked girl who dies for love, the dying Jewish doctor who enables resolution of the mystery, the tricky Hindu conjurors who only seek the restoration of their sacred gem. Hilarious at times, The Moonstone is also a deeply felt example of the storyteller’s art. – Summary by Tony Addison     [chương_files]  

    Gray Phantom's Return cover

    Gray Phantom’s Return

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    Former gentleman thief Cuthbert Vanardy, alias The Gray Phantom, must abandon his new life as a horticulturalist after he is implicated in the murder of an old rival. With the evidence stacked against him, the feared “man of mystery” must use his sleuthing skills to deduce the true killer’s identity while staying one step ahead of the New York police. – Summary by Amy Dunkleberger     [chương_files]  

    Emperor's Candlesticks cover

    Emperor’s Candlesticks

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    When a group of Russian anarchists kidnap a Russian prince in Vienna there are repercussions. On learning that the Cardinal d’Orsay has agreed to convey some hollow candlesticks from the Emperor to the Princess Marionoff in St Petersburg, two spies both see the possibility of using them to convey messages safely into Russia. One is an eager young idealist involved in the plot against the prince, the other is Madame Demidoff, a beautiful agent of the Tsar. When the candlesticks go missing at the border, the two engage in a race to get them back, both realizing that their very lives could depend on the retrieval. (Summary by Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Secret Agent cover

    Secret Agent

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    The Secret Agent is Conrad’s dark, and darkly comic story of a band of spies, anarchists, agents-provocateurs plotting and counter-plotting in the back streets of London in the early 20th Century. The novel centers on Verloc, a shop-owner, phony-anarchist and double-agent, who becomes embroiled in an ambitious terrorist plan to bomb the Greenwich Observatory. (Summary by Hugh McGuire)     [chương_files]  

    Greenmantle (Version 3) cover

    Greenmantle (Version 3)

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    Hannay is called in to investigate rumours of an uprising in the Muslim world and undertakes a perilous journey through enemy territory to meet his friend Sandy in Constantinople. Once there, he and his friends must thwart the Germans’ plans to use religion to help them win the war, climaxing at the battle of Erzurum.     [chương_files]