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Gyges und sein Ring cover

Gyges und sein Ring

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In diesem Drama geht es um eine Männerfreundschaft, Liebe, Macht, Stolz, missbrauchtes Vertrauen, verlorene Ehre und Rache. – Summary by lorda Mitwirkende Kandaules: Monica Hinrichs-Mayer Rhodope: Lissy Schneider Gyges: Karlsson Lesbia: Availle Hero: Sonia Thoas: Friedrich Karna: Mentos7 Volk: Sandra Schmit Erzähler: lorda Schnitt: lorda     [chương_files]  

Cato cover


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Joseph Addison is known mostly for his periodical, “The Spectator”, written with his friend Richard Steele. But he found time to write a few plays – with and without Steele (Cato is without) – before being elevated to Secretary of State and putting drama aside. This play was supposedly staged by George Washington after the winter of 1778 at Valley Forge as an inspiration to his officers on self-sacrificing republican virtues. Many quotes of American revolution leaders – Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or Give me death” and Nathan Hale’s “I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country” – are drawn from this play. – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Cato: Greg Giordano Portius: Adrian Stephens Marcus: Tomas Peter Sempronius: Inkell Juba: Jim Locke Syphax: Cavaet Lucius: Alan Mapstone Decius: Kerry Adams Lucia: Sonia Marcia: Anna Maria 1st Leader of the Mutiny: David Purdy Stage Directions and Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Velasco cover


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Inspired by the tale of El Cid, U.S. author Epes Sargent created this drama about a knight forced to conceal his true identity. The play debuted in 1837 at Boston’s Tremont Theatre in a production featuring visiting English actress Ellen Tree (later Mrs. Charles Kean) and E.L Davenport as King Ferdinand. – Summary by Kelly Taylor Cast: King Ferdinand Wayne Cooke Favillo James R. Hedrick De Lerma Alan Mapstone Velasco Jake Malizia Gonzalez Algy Pug Julio, Son of Gonzalez Andrew Latheron Hernando, his kinsman Adrian Stephens Mendoza HelloCentral Alfonzo Greg Giordano Nuno Larry Wilson Carlos ToddHW Knight Mike Manolakes Izidora Matea Bracic 1st Lady Michele Eaton 2nd Lady Lynette Caulkins Stage Directions Kelly S. Taylor     [chương_files]  

Othello (Version 2) cover

Othello (Version 2)

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Othello is a tragedy about the downfall of the titular hero, Othello, a Moorish general in the service of Venice. His cunning ensign, Iago, plots to goad his jealousy and thus manipulate his relationship with his wife, Desdemona, a noble and virtuous Venetian beauty whom he just married. (Summary by Junrui Zheng)     [chương_files]  

Bajazet cover


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“The time to which this tragedy relates is much later than that of any other of Racine’s historical plays. The capture of Babylon (or rather Bagdad) from the Persians by Sultan Amurath IV, on which the catastrophe of the plot depends, occurred only a year before the poet’s birth, viz 1638.” – Summary by the Translator Cast list: Bajazet, Brother of Sultan Amurath: VocalPenguin Roxana, Sultana, the favorite of Sultan Amurath: Matea Bracic Atalide, a Turkish Damsel of Royal Blood: Availle Achmet, the Grand Vizier: ToddHW Osman, Friend of the Grand Vizier: Alan Mapstone Fatima, a Slave of the Sultana: Jenn Broda Zara, a Slave of Atalide: Sonia Stage Directions: Larry Wilson Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Balladyna cover


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Balladyna mieszka wraz z siostrą, Aliną, oraz matką w chacie w lesie. Ich dni przemijają na pracy w polu, ale Balladyna chce więcej od życia. Losy rodziny zmienią się jednak gwałtownie gdy do ich chaty zapuka, wiedziony czarem królowej jeziora książę Kirkor… Filon, nieszczęśliwy romantyk poszukuje swej wyśnionej kochanki, zaś mieszkający w mroku boru Pustelnik skrywa w sercu dawne zbrodnie przeszłości… – Summary by Nela Reinfuss     [chương_files]  

Iphigenia cover


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Racine’s version of the time-honored story of Iphigenia was acted for the first time in 1674. The model upon which it is shaped is the “Iphigenia in Aulis” of his favorite Euripides, but the French poet has heightened the romantic interest and complicated the plot by the important part which Eriphyle is made to play. – Summary by Introduction Cast list: Agamemnon: Greg Giordano Achilles: Alan Mapstone Ulysses: ToddHW Clytaemnestra, Wife of Agamemnon: Sonia Iphigenia, Daughter of Agamemnon: Jenn Broda Eriphyle, Daughter of Helen and Theseus: Diana Helen Kennedy Arcas, Servant of Agamemnon: Tomas Peter Eurybates, Servant of Agamemnon: Mark Kilkelly Aegina, Attendant of Clytaemnestra: Sandra Schmit Doris, Friend of Eriphyle: Joanna Michal Hoyt Stage Directions: Larry Wilson Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Britannicus cover


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Britannicus is son and heir of the Roman emperor Claudius. However, this does not please Nero, who wants both throne and Britannicus’s fiancee Junia. – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Nero, emperor, son of Agrippina: Dale Burgess Britannicus, son of Messalina and of the emperor Claudius: David Purdy Agrippina, widow of Domitus Ahenbarbus, the Father of Nero, and widow by her second marriage of the emperor Claudius: Matea Bracic Junia, beloved by Britannicus: thestorygirl Burrus, tutor of Nero: ToddHW Narcissus, tutor of Britannicus: Alan Mapstone Albina, confidential friend of Agrippina: Sonia Stage Directions: Larry Wilson Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Thebaid, or The Brothers at War cover

Thebaid, or The Brothers at War

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“The reign of Louis XIV. in France, like the age of Pericles at ancient Athens, was remarkable for literary excellence no less than for military achievements. Like Euripides, Racine confined himself almost exclusively to tragedy…. It was under Molière’s friendly auspices that Racine’s first published play, “La Thébaïde,” was put upon the stage … at the Palais Royale, Molière’s own theater.” The story, very much the opposite of a Moliere farce, describes the battle between the brothers Eteocles and Polynices, and being a proper tragedy does not end well for anyone. (NOTE: Act 0 here is a biography of Racine from the introduction of the Translator’s book. The play starts with Act 1.) – Summary by Translator and ToddHW Cast list: Eteocles, King of Thebes: ToddHW Polynices, brother of Eteocles: alanmapstone Jocasta, mother of those two princes, and of Antigone: Sonia Antigone, sister of Eteocles and Polynices: Lydia Creon, their uncle: Adrian Stephens Hemon, son of Creon, lover of Antigone: Tomas Peter Olympia, confidential friend of Jocasta: Lisanne Lavoie Attalus, confidential friend of Creon: Adam Bielka A Soldier of the Army of Polynices: Nemo Stage Directions: MichaelMaggs Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Faust: Der Tragödie erster Teil cover

Faust: Der Tragödie erster Teil

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Der erste Teil der Tragödie Faust, erstmals erschienen 1808, gilt als das bedeutendste und meistzitierte Werk der deutschen Literatur. Die Handlung spielt in Deutschland zur Wende des 16. Jahrhunderts, und bringt viele grundsätzliche gesellschaftliche Fragen und Themen zur Sprache, die auch heute noch modern sind. Heinrich Faust, ein nicht mehr junger, angesehener Forscher und Lehrer, zieht eine selbstkritische Lebensbilanz. Er ist beruflich und privat unzufrieden. Tief deprimiert und lebensmüde geworden, verspricht Faust dem Teufel Mephisto seine Seele, wenn es diesem gelingen sollte, ihn von seiner Unzufriedenheit zu befreien und für stetige Abwechslung zu sorgen. Mephisto ist bestrebt, Faust vom rechten Wege abzubringen, verwandelt ihn zurück in einen jungen Mann und nimmt ihn mit auf eine Reise durch die Welt. Er hilft ihm, eine Liebschaft mit der jungen Margarete (Gretchen) einzufädeln, einer naiven, sehr jungen Frau, in die sich Faust sofort verliebt. Faust jedoch richtet die junge Frau zugrunde, indem er sie verführt und schwängert und indem er den Tod von Gretchens Mutter und Bruder herbeiführt. Gretchen bringt ein uneheliches Kind zur Welt, tötet es halb wahnsinnig geworden, und wird daraufhin verhaftet. Faust will sie mit Mephistos Hilfe vor der Hinrichtung retten; er versucht vergeblich, sie zur Flucht zu überreden, kann sie aber nicht vom Wahnsinn befreien. Er muss sie schließlich ihrem Schicksal und der Gnade Gottes überlassen. Die Rollen: Erzähler: Gesine Mephistopheles: Herman Roskams Faust: redaer Gretchen (Margarete): Sonja Marthe: Availle Wagner, Geister: Herr_Klugbeisser Valentin: ekyale Geist, Proktophantasmist, Oberon, Nordischer Künstler, Realist, Bettler, Orthodox, Windfahne, Die Unbehilflichen, Hennings, Ci-Dervant, Die […]