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    The Road cover

    The Road

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    “We are arrived at a chief turning-point in the history of the English highway. New instruments of locomotion, a greater volume of traffic, a greater weight in loads, and vastly increased rapidity in road travel have between them brought us to an issue: either some very considerable and immediate change in the character of the Road, or a serious and increasing handicap in our rivalry with other nations through the strain and expense of an out-worn system. “The moment therefore calls for some examination of the Road, its theory and history. That need has prompted me to write this essay; but I must say at the outset that I approach my task with no expert qualification. My only equipment for the general sketch I intend is historical reading and the experience acquired in the writing of certain monographs upon the topography of the Road in the past. I can do no more than suggest lines of thought which, if they lead to practice, need a detailed science I do not possess. … “We have had (as I shall develop in more detail) five great moments … in the history of the English road system: the moment when the British trackway was superseded by the Roman military road; the moment when the latter declined in the Dark Ages; the moment when the mediaeval system of local roads grew up on the basis of the old Roman trunk roads and around them; the moment when this in its turn declined in the […]


    Romance of Modern Locomotion

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    In the following pages we shall peep into the history of typical companies in Great Britain, the United States, and elsewhere; consider the various forms of traction, signals, and other mechanical appliances connected with the working of a railway; notice the effects of railway communication on a country for its peaceful development, or its conquest in war; and make the tour of a typical locomotive factory. These and other matters have been treated as simply as may be, but with sufficient fullness to give the reader a fair idea of what the railway really is, how it has been made, and what the future may have in store for it. – Summary by from the preface.     [chương_files]  

    How It Flies or, Conquest of the Air cover

    How It Flies or, Conquest of the Air

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    In these pages, by means of simple language and suitable pictures, the author has told the story of the Ships of the Air. He has explained the laws of their flight; sketched their development to the present day; shown how to build the flying machine and the balloon, and how to operate them; recounted what man has done, and what he hopes to do with their aid. In a word, all the essential facts that enter into the Conquest of the Air have been gathered into orderly form, and are here presented to the public. We who live to-day have witnessed man’s great achievement; we have seen his dream of ages come true. Man has learned to fly! The air which surrounds us, so intangible and so commonplace that it seldom arrests our attention, is in reality a vast, unexplored ocean, fraught with future possibilities. Even now, the pioneers of a 8 countless fleet are hovering above us in the sky, while steadily, surely these wonderful possibilities are unfolded. – Summary by From the Preface     [chương_files]  

    Curtiss Aviation Book cover

    Curtiss Aviation Book

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    Glenn Hammond Curtiss, of Hammondsport, New York, won the Scientific American Trophy for the first pre-announced and officially witnessed airplane flight in North America when he flew his plane, the June Bug, 5,080 ft on July 4, 1908. In 1910, he was awarded permanent possession of that trophy when he made the first successful long-distance flight, 147 miles from Albany to New York City. He was the holder of the first US pilots’ license ever issued, and opened the first flying school in the US. During WWI, most US military pilots got their training on the Curtiss JN-4, popularly nicknamed the “Jenny”. Curtiss earned the title of “Father of Naval Aviation” when he developed the first hydroplanes and the first system for planes to take off and land on carrier ships at sea. In 1912, he co-authored the Curtiss Aviation Book with fellow aviation pioneer Augustus Post, detailing his early flights at Hammondsport, and discussing the state of aviation technology as it stood at that time. The book also includes three chapters on specialized uses of the aeroplane, by Paul Beck, Theodore Ellyson, and Hugh Robinson. (Maria Kasper)     [chương_files]  

    Aeroplane in War cover

    Aeroplane in War

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    “Although it is still a crude machine—in view of the perfected apparatus which is the aim of thoughtful designers—the aeroplane has demonstrated, in a conclusive way, its value as an instrument of war.” – Summary by Authors     [chương_files]  

    Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy cover

    Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy

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    A collection of true stories of the high seas, from the nineteenth century. Shipwrecks, mutiny, life and death decision-making — all far from home, while pitting themselves against the elements. The romance of the seafaring life is depicted in its brutal reality. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

    Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A - Vol. 1 cover

    Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A – Vol. 1

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    This audiobook contains chapters 1 through 10 from the Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A. Study of the handbook should include the PDF from the FAA, which is available at From the preface: “The Airplane Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual to introduce basic pilot skills and knowledge that are essential for piloting airplanes. It provides information on transition to other airplanes and the operation of various airplane systems. It is developed by the Flight Standards Service, Airman Testing Standards Branch, in cooperation with various aviation educators and industry. This handbook is developed to assist student pilots learning to fly airplanes. It is also beneficial to pilots who wish to improve their flying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, those pilots preparing for additional certificates or ratings, and flight instructors engaged in the instruction of both student and certificated pilots. It introduces the future pilot to the realm of flight and provides information and guidance in the performance of procedures and maneuvers required for pilot certification.” This audiobook, chapters 1 through 10 from the Airplane Flying Handbook, is Volume I. Chapters 11 -15 titled “Transition to ….” are recorded in Volume 2, and Chapter 16 “Emergency Procedures” is recorded in Volume 3. – Summary by Norman Elfer     [chương_files]  

    Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A - Vol. 2 cover

    Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A – Vol. 2

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    This audiobook is volume 2 from the Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A. This volume covers chapters 11 to 15, on transitions to complex, multiengine, tailwheel, turboprop, and jet aircraft. Study of the handbook should include the PDF from the FAA, which is available at . From the preface: “The Airplane Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual to introduce basic pilot skills and knowledge that are essential for piloting airplanes. It provides information on transition to other airplanes and the operation of various airplane systems. It is developed by the Flight Standards Service, Airman Testing Standards Branch, in cooperation with various aviation educators and industry.” Chapters 1-10 are recorded in Volume 1 and Chapter 16, Emergency Procedures, is Volume 3. – Summary by Norman Elfer     [chương_files]  

    Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A - Vol. 3 cover

    Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A – Vol. 3

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    This audiobook is third and final volume of the Airplane Flying Handbook. This volume is chapter 16, Emergency Procedures. From the preface: “The Airplane Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual to introduce basic pilot skills and knowledge that are essential for piloting airplanes. It provides information on transition to other airplanes and the operation of various airplane systems. It is developed by the Flight Standards Service, Airman Testing Standards Branch, in cooperation with various aviation educators and industry.” This volume applies to basic piloting skills and training aircraft, Volume 1, as well as transitions to other types of aircraft, Volume 2. – Summary by Norman Elfer     [chương_files]