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    Soldier Of The Legion; An Englishman's Adventures Under The French Flag in Algeria And Tonquin cover

    Soldier Of The Legion; An Englishman’s Adventures Under The French Flag in Algeria And Tonquin

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    An educated gentleman, Mr Manington has given an insight into the unusual experiences of an Englishman in the French Foreign Legion, such as no ordinary “mercenary” could have done. Most of the narrative deals with Tonquin, and the fighting there against the rebels in their forest fastnesses. Incidentally, in giving an account of his friendship for the native sergeant, Doy-Tho, the author has been able to impart to the pages of the book an Oriental atmosphere that we think will prove attractive to the reader. – Summary by Editors’ Note     [chương_files]  

    Through East Anglia In A Motor Car cover

    Through East Anglia In A Motor Car

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    The beginning of the last century saw an increasing popularity of the motor car as a viable method of transport for a significant number of the more affluent sections of the population. The freedom, flexibility and speed (!) that this modern invention provided to those who were wealthy enough to be able to afford to buy and to run one of these vehicles, meant that they were soon used for frequent social and pleasure purposes allowing both the travelling to and the exploration of different regions of the country. This book, from 1907: ‘Through East Anglia in a Motor Car’, documents numerous journeys that the author, accompanied by various passengers and friends had undertaken during the previous year, using various vehicles popular at that time. Although mention is made in the text of different motor cars used for the various trips, such as those manufactured by Panhard, Lanchester, and Rolls Royce (a 1906 Grey Ghost, no less), there is not too much reported about the running and maintenance of them. The author however, does seem to be really pleased when on a fine day and faced with a clear open road and a back wind, he and his passengers are able to cover a good thirty miles in an hour and half. Strictly speaking, East Anglia is made up of three counties, Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. In writing this guide book and to make it more relevant and appealing to the car owning Londoner, the author has expanded this region […]

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 10. October 1896 cover

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 – 10. October 1896

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    The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the October Number. It includes the following articles: * California by the Hon. George C. Perkins * The Economic Aspects of Soil Erosion by Dr N. S. Shaler * The Nansen Polar Expedition, Special Report of the Hon. Ernest A. Man * Ice-Cliffs On The Kowak River by Lieut. J. C. Cantwell * Recent Hydrographic Work, by F. H. Newell * Miscellanea     [chương_files]  

    Haunted London cover

    Haunted London

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    London: one of the oldest and most populous cities in the world. Surely it holds a few secrets within its ancient walls and the stories of ghostly presences abound.     [chương_files]  

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 - 12. December 1896 cover

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 – 12. December 1896

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    The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the December Number. It includes the following articles: The Geography of the Southern Peninsula of the United States, by Rev. John N. MacGonigle The Sage Plains of Oregon by Frederick V. Coville The United States Department of Agriculture and its Biological Survey, by John Hyde Statistics of Railways in the United States, by Henry Gannett Geographic Work in Peru along with geographic Literature, Geographic Notes, and Miscellanea.     [chương_files]  

    Letters From America cover

    Letters From America

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    “[Rupert Brooke] started in May 1913 on a journey to the United States, Canada, and the South Seas, from which he returned next year at the beginning of June. The first thirteen chapters of this book were written as letters to the Westminster Gazette. He would probably not have republished them in their present form, as he intended to write a longer book on his travels; but they are now printed with only the correction of a few evident slips.” The listener interested in Brooke’s work may want to skip over Henry James’ “so affectionate and desperately unintelligible a preface” (Christopher Morley in Modern Essays) and listen to those four tracks later. (Tracks 2 – 5) ( Book’s Prefatory Note and david wales)     [chương_files]  

    Under The Sky In California cover

    Under The Sky In California

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    This is a 1913 travelogue by a then-well-known botanist who wrote many books about the American Southwest and California in particular. This popular book went into three printings. “…the main concern of the author has been to draw attention to an immensity of almost unexplored mountain, desert, canon and flowery plain,… This is the real California…. Like all genuine things, it has the compelling charm of the primitive and to the lover of the unartificial it appeals with freshness and power.” ( Author’s Preface and david wales)     [chương_files]  

    Young Americans Abroad cover

    Young Americans Abroad

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    It’s 1851 and the Crystal Palace Exhibition is on in England. English American the Reverend Dr. Choules leaves Newport, Rhode Island with three teenaged students – James Robinson, George Vanderbuilt, and Weld French, who are forced to leave the fourth member of their blue-blooded quartet at home – and all four travelers promise to write to “Dear Charley”, Charles Duston, of later fame. The boys meet the Duke of Wellington, travel down the Rhine, and meet many friends along the way. While the letters are filled with some prejudice against the Catholic religion, they are a product of their time – a sometimes ignorant, but often dazzling, period of our history. (Summary by Sibella Denton)     [chương_files]  

    New Jerusalem cover

    New Jerusalem

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    The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of anyone involved in the production of this book, and are not the views of LibriVox. Dale Ahlquist calls the book a “philosophical travelogue” of Chesterton’s journey across Europe to Palestine. “On the road to Cairo one may see twenty groups exactly like that of the Holy Family in the pictures of the Flight into Egypt; with only one difference. The man is riding on the ass.” “The real mistake of the Muslims is something much more modern in its application than any particular passing persecution of Christians as such. It lay in the very fact that they did think they had a simpler and saner sort of Christianity, as do many modern Christians. They thought it could be made universal merely by being made uninteresting. Now a man preaching what he thinks is a platitude is far more intolerant than a man preaching what he admits is a paradox. It was exactly because it seemed self-evident, to Muslims as to Bolshevists, that their simple creed was suited to everybody, that they wished in that particular sweeping fashion to impose it on everybody.” (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 05 cover

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 05

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    National Geographic Magazine Volume 5, articles published in 1893. Contents: Discoverers of America: Annual Address by the President, Gardiner G. Hubbard The Movements of our Population Rainfall Types of the United States: Annual Report by Vice-President General A. W. Greely The Natural Bridge of Virginia The geographical Position and Height of Mount Saint Elias The Improvement of Geographical Teaching An undiscovered Island off the northern Coast of Alaska The Geologist at Blue Mountain, Maryland The great populous Centers of the World Our youngest Volcano Proceedings of the International Geographic Conference in Chicago, July 27-28, 1893: * The Relations of Air and Water to Temperature and Life * The Relations of Geography to History * Norway and the Vikings * Geographic Instruction in the public Schools * The Relations of Geology to Physiography in our educational System * The Relations of the Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current * The arid Regions of the United States * Recent Explorations in Alaska * The Caravels of Columbus * In the Wake of Columbus * Recent Disclosures concerning pre-Columbian Voyages to America in the Archives of the Vatican * Early Voyages along the northwestern Coast of America     [chương_files]