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    Travel & Geography


    Viaje a América (Tomo 2 de 2) cover

    Viaje a América (Tomo 2 de 2)

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    La crónica de un periodista español que asistió a la Exposición Universal de Chicago en 1893, y que después viajó a través de los Estados Unidos, Méjico, Cuba y Puerto Rico, anotando sus observaciones y experiencias, para luego mandarlas a publicar en el diario madrileño La Vanguardia. Su narración es descriptiva, pero también incluye muchas opiniones y comentario social sobre sus vivencias. El Tomo I se centra en la exposición y el Tomo II se enfoca en el resto de sus peregrinajes. El Tomo II trata mayormente de sus experiencias en los estados occidentales de los Estados Unidos, en Méjico, y en la Habana. – Summary by Verla Viera     [chương_files]  

    viajes de Marco Polo veneciano o El libro de las maravillas cover

    viajes de Marco Polo veneciano o El libro de las maravillas

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    “Los viajes de Marco Polo veneciano” publicado en 1298, contiene las primeras referencias escritas que un europeo registró sobre extensas regiones de Asia a través de la Ruta de la Seda, e incluso áreas mucho más lejanas. Se describen paisajes, costumbres, gobernantes y acontecimientos de territorios que eran prácticamente desconocidos para la Europa Medieval. El contenido esta obra lleva casi 800 años espoleando la imaginación y el espíritu de todo aquel que se adentra en el contenido de sus hojas. Al margen de polémicas acerca de su exactitud o autoría, no hay duda de que es uno de los libros que más influencia ha ejercido en el curso de la Historia y ha sido, es y será un clásico universal. Esta edición contiene los siguientes libros: Libro 1: de los viajes de Maese Marco Polo, gentil hombre veneciano. Libro 2: China y la corte de Kublai Khan. Libro 3 : la India y guerras de los tártaros en el Asia Occidental. (Introducción por Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 - 06. June 1899 cover

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 – 06. June 1899

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    The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol X, June 1899. It includes the following articles: National Growth and National Character, by W. J. McGee Jobos Harbor, by O. H. Tittmann Samoa: Navigators Islands, by Commander H. Webster, U.S.N. The Commercial Importance of Samoa, by O. P. Austin The National Geographic Society, by John Hyde Geography for Teachers, by C. L. Garrison The Harriman Alaska Expedition, by Gilbert H. Grosvenor The Caroline Islands Proposed Meteorological Station in Iceland The Belgian Antarctic Expedition     [chương_files]  

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 - 07. July 1899 cover

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 – 07. July 1899

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    The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol X, July 1899. It includes the following articles: Physiography of the Nicaragua Canal Route by C. Willard Hayes Nicaragua and the Isthmian Routes by A. P. Davis The Wellman Polar Expedition by J. Howard Gore The Coast and Geodetic Survey: its present work by E. D. Preston Exploration in Alaska Meteorology in the Philippines The Mission of the Diana along with Geographic Literature and Miscellanea     [chương_files]  

    Listy z podróży po Ameryce cover

    Listy z podróży po Ameryce

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    W listach wysyłanych do “Gazety Polskiej” Henryk Sienkiewicz opisał swoje wrażenia z wielomiesięcznych podróży od wschodniego po zachodni brzeg Stanów Zjednoczonych. Znajdziemy tu wrażenia z podróży transatlantykiem i koleją, opisy ludzi zamieszkujących ten kraj zarówno w miastach jak i na otoczonych dziką przyrodą bezdrożach, a także obserwacje na temat natury. Ponieważ niektóre spośród przesłanych przez Henryka Sienkiewicza listów nie znalazły się w tekście będącym podstawą dla tego nagrania, zostaną one ujęte w osobnej kolekcji. (Piotr Nater)     [chương_files]  

    おくのほそ道 (Oku no Hosomichi) cover

    おくのほそ道 (Oku no Hosomichi)

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    Oku no Hosomichi (meaning Narrow Road to Oku [the Deep North]) is a major work by Matsuo Bashō. Oku no Hosomichi was written based on a journey taken by Bashō in the late spring of 1689. He and his traveling companion Sora departed from Edo (modern-day Tokyo) for the northerly interior region known as Oku, propelled mostly by a desire to see the places about which the old poets wrote. Travel in those days was, of course, very dangerous to one’s health, but Bashō was committed to a kind of poetic ideal of wandering. He travelled for about 156 days all together, covering thousands of miles mostly on foot. Of all of Bashō’s works, Oku no Hosomichi is best known. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    Cape Cod cover

    Cape Cod

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    Cape Cod is one of several excursion books by Henry David Thoreau. The travel itinerary frames his thoughts about geography, natural and local history, and philosophy. (Summary from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 - 09. September 1899 cover

    National Geographic Magazine Vol. 10 – 09. September 1899

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    The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol X, September 1899. It includes the following articles: The Commercial Development of Japan, by O. P. Austin Bad Lands of South Dakota, by N. H. Darton The West Indian Hurricane of August 7-14, 1899, by E. B. Garriott The Return of Wellman, by J. Howard Gore The International Cloud Work of the Weather Bureau, by Frank H. Bigelow The American Association for the Advancement of Science, by Gilbert H. Grosvenor The Rediscovery of Puerto Rico The Wellman Polar Expedition Through Franz Josef Land The Isthmian Canal Problem, by W. J. McGee along with Geographic Literature and Miscellanea     [chương_files]  

    Wild North Land, The Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America cover

    Wild North Land, The Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America

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    This book was published in 1910. Not only do Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun, but it seems that sometimes they venture into the frozen north as well, in winter, on foot, and alone. The author summarizes his “long tramp” across the Canadian wilderness thus: “I started in the autumn of 1872 from the Red River of the North, and, reaching Lake Athabasca, completed half my journey by the first week of March in the following year. From Athabasca I followed the many-winding channel of the frozen Peace River to its great cañon in the Rocky Mountains, and, journeying through this pass—for many reasons the most remarkable one in the whole range of the Rocky Mountains—reached the north of British Columbia in the end of May. From thence, following a trail of 350 miles through the dense forests of New Caledonia, I emerged on the 3rd of June at the frontier station of Quesnelle on the Frazer River, still 400 miles north of Victoria.” – Summary by Steven Seitel     [chương_files]  

    Kamakura cover


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    Once the most populous settlement in Japan, Kamakura is a city of shrines and temples a short train journey away from Tokyo. This short book by Japanese novelist, poet and essayist Yone Noguchi, who was equally comfortable writing in English and Japanese, is not so much a guide to the city as a collection of reflections in poetry and prose on Kamakura’s Buddhist legacy. – Summary by Phil Benson     [chương_files]