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War & Military Fiction

28 bài viết found

Menschen im Krieg cover

Menschen im Krieg

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6 Novellen über den Krieg. 6 tragische Menschenschicksale. 6 Geschichten über die Auswirkungen des 1. Weltkrieges. Geschichten über Angst, Schuldgefühle, Trauma, Wut … Sie zeigen die Sinnlosigkeit des Krieges und schildern anschaulich – teils sehr graphisch – die Zustände an der Front und zu Hause und die inneren Beweggründe der Protagonisten. Der Autor richtet gekonnt und ergreifend den Krieg, aber nicht den Menschen – selbst die vermeintlichen Antagonisten sind einfach nur Menschen mit tragischem Schicksal. (Zusammenfassung von Julia Niedermaier)     [chương_files]  

U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Volume 3: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign cover

U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Volume 3: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign

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“Where do we go from here?” would hardly have been an oversimplified summary of the questions confronting UN leaders when it became apparent that the NKPA forces were defeated. As early as 19 July, the dynamic ROK leader had made it plain that he did not propose to accept the pre-invasion status quo. He served notice that his forces would unify Korea by driving to the Manchurian border. Since the Communists had violated the 38th Parallel, the aged Rhee declared, this imaginary demarcation between North and South no longer existed. He pointed out that the sole purpose of the line in the first place had been to divide Soviet and American occupation zones after World War II, in order to facilitate the Japanese surrender and pave the way for a democratic Korean government. Anticipating his authority for crossing the 38th Parallel, CINCUNC on 26 September had directed his Joint Special Plans and Operations Group (JSPOG) to develop a plan for operations north of the border. The ability of the Marines to fight their way through twelve Chinese divisions over a 78-mile mountain road in sub-zero weather cannot be explained by courage and endurance alone. It also owed to the high degree of professional forethought and skill as well as the “uncommon valor” expected of all Marines. – Summary by Montross, Canzona and McC. Pate     [chương_files]  

No Man's Land cover

No Man’s Land

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This book was written by a British Army officer and decorated Western Front veteran. Soldiers could not publish books using their real names, so newspaper magnate Lord Northcliffe christened McNeile, Sapper, to reflect his Royal Engineers background, under which pseudonym the book was published. McNeile also wrote the Bulldog Drummond spy/wartime adventures. No Man’s Land is made up of five parts: The Way To The Land is a preface to the rest of the book in which fictional character Clive Draycott travels in Europe prior to the outbreak of the war. Part II The Land consists of 8 stories detailing the day to day lives of soldiers in the trenches. Part III Seed Time is about a salesman turned soldier, and Part IV Harvest in which Sapper puts forward the theory that war is awful, and many suffer but those who survive it can be changed for the better. Themes of class, gender, history abound. – Summary by afinevoice with grateful thanks to M Porcius     [chương_files]  

Radio Gunner cover

Radio Gunner

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Originally published anonymously in 1924, this intriguing work of science fiction, categorized by Bleiler under ‘imaginary wars and inventions’ (the work anticipates a ‘second world war’ and the importance of communications technology, including the coding, decoding, transmission & interception of messages). Alexander Forbes was a Harvard physiologist who contributed considerably to the fields of physiology and neuroscience in the 20th century. – Summary by E F Bleiler paraphrased     [chương_files]  

Under Fire: The Story of a Squad cover

Under Fire: The Story of a Squad

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An English translation of the French World War I novel “Le Feu”, written by a French soldier and dedicated to “the memory of the comrades who fell by my side at Crony and on Hill 119.” Barbusse was invalided out of the army after 17 months in 1915, and given a clerical job, during which time he penned this work. He was greatly influenced by the Russian Revolution and joined the communist party. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

Son At The Front cover

Son At The Front

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This is an overlooked novel by the author of House Of Mirth, Age Of Innocence, and more. She already became the first woman to win the Pulitzer prize for literature before this novel was written. Edith Wharton is known for her combination of social observations, criticism, and compassion. This WWI novel is told from the point of view of parents, forced to live their own lives when their son is at the front. John and Julia are divorced parents. When their only son George enlists, Julia and her second husband do their best to give him a desk job. But George shocks everybody by enlisting. His mother is horrified, his father and stepfather are secretly proud. But would he return alive? – Summary by Stav Nisser     [chương_files]  

Green Flag and Other Stories of War and Sport cover

Green Flag and Other Stories of War and Sport

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Arthur Conan Doyle was deeply affected by the many wars fought during his lifetime. As many other writers, he used the material for short stories, a collection of which is presented here. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Red Badge of Courage cover

Red Badge of Courage

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This is a short novel published in 1895 and based vaguely on the battle of Chancellorsville of the American Civil War. Unlike other works on the subject, Crane’s novel does not concentrate on the big picture or the glory of war but on the psychology of one of its soldiers.     [chương_files]  

Red Badge of Courage; An Episode of the American Civil War cover

Red Badge of Courage; An Episode of the American Civil War

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There comes a time in the course of battle when a participant casts his fate to the gods of war, and carries on without question, the task at hand. Living, dying, right or wrong, can be contemplated later. The spirit of the bayonet takes over and carries the youth through the crucible of battle to emerge a short time later several ages older. Stephen Crane’s classic novel gives us a glimpse into the mind of a young soldier as he passes through the experience he will never be able to forget, and possibly awaken him from his slumber in a sweat and panic for years to come. Narrated by Mike Vendetti, Purple Heart, November 1965 (Summary by Mike Vendetti).     [chương_files]  

Somewhere in France cover

Somewhere in France

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When Captain Henri Ravignac married Marie Gessler, he was mistakenly thinking she was French. But Marie is in fact German, and her command of the French language and culture makes her a perfect spy. At the first opportunity, she double-crossed Captain Ravignac and stole valuable documents from him, which makes her a great candidate for espionage when World War I breaks out. Travelling with the documents of Countess d’Aurillac, she moves behind enemy lines, but the life of a spy is typically turbulent and short… – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]