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War & Military Fiction

28 bài viết found

Dere Mable cover

Dere Mable

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Bill is in training camp, preparing to go off to World War I. This book is a collection of love letters written to his sweetheart, Mable. The letters are humorous, mis-spelled, and have many stories of life in an army camp – all from Bill’s unique perspective. (summary by Rob Kunkel)     [chương_files]  

Joch des Krieges cover

Joch des Krieges

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Ergreifender Anti-Kriegs-Roman in Tagebuchform, zu dem sich der Autor durch den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges zu schreiben veranlasst sah und der die bereits in der Novelle “Das rote Lachen” gezeigte pazifistische Haltung Andrejews eindrucksvoll bestätigt. Vor allem die durch den Krieg verursachten Leiden der Zivilbevölkerung im Hinterland sind Gegenstand des Werkes. (Zusammenfassung von Friedrich)     [chương_files]  

Phantom Regiment; or, Stories of "Ours" cover

Phantom Regiment; or, Stories of “Ours”

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The title and a quick glance at the chapter titles of James Grant’s The Phantom Regiment–such as “The Romance of the Month,” “The Halt in Cork Wood,” “Rio de la Muerte (Spanish for death),” Pedro, the Contrabandist,” “A Legend of Fife,” “The Midnight March”–will lead you to realize that this book is filled with excitement, mystery, intrigue, adventure, and cultural conflict with an emphasis on Scottish soldierly daredevilry and pride. It has all the elements that make for an enjoyable and an exciting listen. (Summary by Jim Locke)     [chương_files]  

Begum's Fortune cover

Begum’s Fortune

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A novel with some utopian elements, but primarily dystopian. A French doctor and a German professor both inherit a vast fortune as descendants of a French soldier who married the rich widow of an Indian prince. They both decide to go to America and establish their own “ideal” society. Dr. Sarrasin, the French doctor, is focused on maintaining public health. He builds Ville-France. Professor Schultze, the German scientist, is a bit of a militarist and racist. He builds Stahlstadt and devotes his city to the production of ever more powerful weapons so that he can destroy Sarrasin’s city. They manage to get the US to cede sovereignty to two cities so that the two newly rich men can create their utopia. The setting for Ville-France would place it on the Oregon Coast, near Bandon, Oregon. The location for the second city, Stahlstadt, is less clear, but the description would place it somewhere near Roseburg, Oregon. – Summary by Kate Follis     [chương_files]  

Shades of the Wilderness cover

Shades of the Wilderness

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“The Shades of the Wilderness” is the seventh book of the Civil War Series by Joseph A. Altsheler. Picking up where “The Star of Gettysburg” left off, this story continues the Civil War experiences of Harry Kenton and his friends in the Southern army, from the retreat after Gettygurg, to Richmond, and then through the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, to Robert E. Lee’s heroic stand during the siege of Petersburg. Other books in the Civil War series are: “The Guns of Bull Run,” “The Guns of Shiloh,” “The Scouts of Stonewall,” “The Sword of Antietam”, “The Star of Gettysburg”,”The Rock of Chickamauga”, and “The Tree of Appomattox.” (Summary by Michael Packard)     [chương_files]  

Pirates cover


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A dozen men jailbreak from a naval prison, and steal the newest destroyer tied up at the docks to escape in: the fastest ship in the navy. However a young officer was the only one on board, and is now a part of the voyage to escape. Things get tense when he awakens, and finds his boyhood rival and enemy is one of the jailbreakers on board! Can the officer find a way to sabotage their escape, without being thrown overboard himself? – Summary by Joe DeNoia     [chương_files]  

Ongeluksvogel cover


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‘Een ongeluksvogel’ is een roman uit 1868, over de lotgevallen van Eduard van Bergen – zijn opvoeding, schooltijd, vriendschap, liefde en avonturen als soldaat tijdens de opstand van Belgie en de tiendaagse veldtocht van 1831.     [chương_files]  

Napoleón en Chamartín cover

Napoleón en Chamartín

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Napoleón en Chamartín es la quinta novela de la primera serie de los Episodios Nacionales de Benito Pérez Galdós. Continúa con la historia del joven gaditano Gabriel de Araceli, quien es también protagonista de los anteriores episodios, Bailén, El 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo, La Corte de Carlos IV y Trafalgar. Siguiendo a su amada Inés, Gabriel llega a Madrid. Tras la derrota sufrida por los franceses en Bailén, el propio Emperador Napoleón se dirige a Madrid con la intención de someter a la capital, y proclamar rey a su hermano José Bonaparte. Los madrileños se preparan para la batalla, pero su inferioridad frente a las tropas imperiales es evidente. Don Diego de Rumblar, el prometido de Inés, lleva una vida disoluta en Madrid, bajo la influencia de Santorcaz, de quien se sospecha, es un espía francés. Gabriel sabe que Santorcaz quiere secuestrar a su hija Inés, por las cartas que leyó en el anterior episodio Bailén, y decide poner en aviso a la Condesa. La Condesa le convence de abandonar la idea de amar a Inés, y le promete una ejecutoria de nobleza y una posición administrativa en Perú. El joven las rechaza, prefiriendo una vida honrada y patriota como soldado, pero promete a la Condesa abandonar Madrid tan pronto como termine el asedio de las tropas francesas, y no volver a ver nunca a Inés. Gabriel luchará junto con las milicias madrileñas en el asedio de Madrid, pero… (Resumen de Wikipedia) La Primera Serie 1 […]