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    Writing & Linguistics


    Cursory History of Swearing cover

    Cursory History of Swearing

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    This is a very readable scientific account of Swearing and Cursing in the English Language. Not only is an enlightening historical account given, but also several excursions are made into other languages and certain historical periods. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

    Sailor's Word-book, A - C cover

    Sailor’s Word-book, A – C

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    An encyclopaedia (a digest, the author calls it) of nautical terms and other words relevant to navigation, the character of seamen, this book is full of surprising meanings for words in a nautical context. The original was published as one book, here divided into volumes. – Summary by Czandra     [chương_files]  

    Literature in the Making, by Some of its Makers cover

    Literature in the Making, by Some of its Makers

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    This is a collection of 23 essays based on interviews conducted by Joyce Kilmer with some of the most famous authors of the time (1917). Kilmer’s idea, as outlined in the Introduction, was that there is a deep divide between those who write literature, and those who write about literature. He thus bridges the gap and asks authors, the ‘makers’ as mentioned in the title of the work, about their opinion about various topics. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

    Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Language, Volume I cover

    Compendious History of English Literature and of the English Language, Volume I

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    The History of English Literature and Language may be recommended to the student as a guide always sure, and as satisfactory as its limits will admit, to the gathered harvest of a thousand years — from ALFRED the Great to VICTORIA — now existing in a language radically identical for the whole of that period, the common property of all who are born to its use, a personal endowment not to be limited by local accidents, but the rightful possession of those who “claim SHAKESPEARE’s language for their mother tongue.” As a writer, the principal characteristics of Mr. CRAIK are good sense and a command of ample information, derived usually from the original sources. He has not aimed a producing a brilliant book. From the number of topics necessary to be glanced at, much of it necessarily assumes the appearance of a brief catalogue; but the critical judgments of the writers, as they come under review, are unpretending and correct. – Summary from The New York Times, April 26, 1864.     [chương_files]  

    English Language cover

    English Language

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    A description and history of the development of the English Language and reflections on the influences that changed the language. – Summary by barbara2     [chương_files]  

    Enemies of Books cover

    Enemies of Books

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    The author, an avid book collector, calls for the better protection of books against the “enemies” which lead to their physical destruction. In a series of brief chapters, he details the losses caused by raging fire, floods of water, noxious gases, sheer neglect, ignorant bigotry, invasions of bookworms and other vermin, inept bookbinders, clueless book collectors, clumsy servants, and mishandling by children.     [chương_files]  

    In the Path of the Alphabet cover

    In the Path of the Alphabet

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    Language: we all use it and few of us think about the form it takes on the page. But how did the transmittal of ideas in written form evolve from Egyptian hieroglyphics to the ABCs in use in most countries around the world today? This work, written by a librarian and scholar, draws on previously published works and also direct correspondence with archaeologists still uncovering secrets in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Her death left this work unfinished, but others were able to polish it for publication. – Summary by Lynne Thompson     [chương_files]  

    Estudio sobre el arte de hablar en público cover

    Estudio sobre el arte de hablar en público

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    El autor de este tratado de oratoria, uno de los individuos mas respetados y que figura entre los tres ó cuatro oradores y pensadores mas eminentes del clero francés, al cabo de cuarenta años de continua práctica en el arte de decir que principalmente como catedrático y predicador ha egercitado, ha querido comunicar á sus sucesores los secretos de la profesion en que tanto ha sobresalido. A cuantos estén en disposicion de recibirlo quiere dispensar el mismo servicio que reconoce haber él debido al célebre Villemain al comenzar su carrera. Propónese en cuanto es posible, enseñar lo que los libros no enseñan y comunicar lo que un maestro comunica confidencialmente á sus discípulos predilectos. Summary by Manuel Milá i Fontanals, en la introducción al libro.     [chương_files]  

    Philosophy of Style cover

    Philosophy of Style

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    “The Philosophy of Style,” explored a growing trend of formalist approaches to writing. Highly focused on the proper placement and ordering of the parts of an English sentence, [Spencer] created a guide for effective composition. Spencer’s aim was to free prose writing from as much “friction and inertia” as possible, so that the reader would not be slowed by strenuous deliberations concerning the proper context and meaning of a sentence. [Wikipedia]     [chương_files]  

    Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book IV cover

    Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book IV

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    This is the fourth book of John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. His book deals with knowledge and probability. He asks how far knowledge can go, if there are universal propositions, what are judgment and probability and deals with faith, reason and enthusiasm. – Summary by Soupy     [chương_files]