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Songs of the Sea and Lays of the Land cover

Songs of the Sea and Lays of the Land

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This is a volume of poetry by Charles Godfrey Leland. The first half of this volume is taken up by the Songs of the Sea, with rather romantic songs about seafaring, mermaids, and adventures, and the second half of the volume contains the Lays of the Land, with poems focused on the things a seaman may encounter when he enters a port. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  


Евреи и Россия (Jews and Russia)

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Collection of articles 1903-1912 that became seminal to the organized Zionist movement in Russian Empire and the world. In Russian. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of historic justice—transfer of the remains of Vladimir Jabotinsky to the land of Israel by the decision of the Israeli Government, as Jabotinsky demanded in his will. Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky (1880-1940), founder and inspirational leader of Russian Zionism, founder of the Jewish Legion, “Irgun”, and “Beitar”, writer, poet, essayist, journalist, translator, and perhaps the most underrated writer of the 20-th century. For 16 years (1948-1964), the Government of Israel did not take the initiative in acting upon his last will. The controversy is still boiling: in 2008, the Israeli Minister of Education announced plans for withdrawal of the Jabotinsky name from the school programs (plans not implemented). Собрание статей 1903-1912 гг., которые заложили идейную основу сионистскому движению в Российской Империи и во всем мире. В 2014 году исполняется 50 лет восстановлению исторической справедливости — перенесению останков Владимира Жаботинского в землю Израиля по решению правительства Государства Израиль — как это требовал сам Жаботинский в своём завещании. Владимир (Зеэв) Жаботинский (1880-1940) — основатель и идеолог Российского сионизма, создатель Еврейского легиона и организаций «Иргун» и «Бейтар»; писатель, поэт, публицист, журналист, переводчик и, возможно, самый недооцененный литератор 20-го века. Правительство Израиля в течение 16 лет (1948-1964) не проявляло инициативы в исполнении его последней воли. Страсти не утихают до сих пор — в 2008 г. израильской министр образования объявил о планах изъятия имени Жаботинского из школьных программ […]

Selected Poems of Yone Noguchi cover

Selected Poems of Yone Noguchi

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“Yone Noguchi was an influential Japanese writer of poetry, fiction, essays, and literary criticism in both English and Japanese. Critical evaluations of Noguchi, while varying drastically, have frequently stressed the enigmatic character of his work. Arthur Symons referred to him as a “scarcely to be apprehended personality.” Arthur Ransome called him “a poet whose poems are so separate that a hundred of them do not suffice for his expression.” Ezra Pound, on first reading The Pilgrimage in 1911 wrote that “His poems seem to be rather beautiful. I don’t quite know what to think about them.” Nishiwaki Junzaburō wrote, “Most of his earlier poems have always seemed to me so terrific, so bewildering, as to startle me out of reason or system.” – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  


Lavender Lit 101 – International LGB Literature up to 1923

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International LGB Literature up to 1923 This is a collection of 30 American and European gay, lesbian, & bisexual writers from the 16th thru early 20th Centuries. Heavy on poetry — including a rousing WWI anthem from 1915 — with a few short stories and essays. Non-English works should be read where possible in their original language.     [chương_files]  

Suppressed Poems cover

Suppressed Poems

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This is a collection of poems by German classical poet Friedrich Schiller. These poems have all been suppressed in the past for different reasons. Some of these reasons are evident, others less so. All of the poems are very interesting to read and to listen to. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  


Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 044

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Diese Sammlung umfasst 15 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier. Das ovale Porträt übersetzt von Theodor Etzel (1873-1930) Die Nachtigall und die Rose übersetzt von Wilhelm Cremer (1874-1932) [Begegnung mit Farinelli] übersetz von Christoph Daniel Ebeling (1741-1817)     [chương_files]  

Sea Poems cover

Sea Poems

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This is a collection of poems by Cale Young Rice. In this collection, the sea is a recurring theme. The Kentucky poet uses it to express emotions and to paint an atmosphere. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Short Poetry Collection 174 cover

Short Poetry Collection 174

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This is a collection of 45 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for November 2017.     [chương_files]  

Fifty years & Other Poems cover

Fifty years & Other Poems

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This is a collection of poems by James Weldon Johnson. Johnson was an early civil rights activist, and this theme is the basis for many of the poems in this collection as well. This volume also contains an introduction by Brander Matthews.The first half of this volume contains poems in classical style and form, the second half of this collection is a set of “Jingles & Croons”. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Captain Sword and Captain Pen: A Poem cover

Captain Sword and Captain Pen: A Poem

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This Poem is the result of a sense of duty, which has taken the Author from quieter studies during a great public crisis. He obeyed the impulse with joy, because it took the shape of verse; but with more pain, on some accounts, than he chooses to express. However, he has done what he conceived himself bound to do; and if every zealous lover of his species were to express his feelings in like manner, to the best of his ability, individual opinions, little in themselves, would soon amount to an overwhelming authority, and hasten the day of reason and beneficence. – Summary by Advertisement     [chương_files]