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Ausgewählte Novellen cover

Ausgewählte Novellen

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Die Liebe und das Leben – in aller Leichtigkeit und Leidenschaft, mit ihren Abgründen und ihren Vergänglichkeit – das sind die Hauptthemen dieser Novellen. Von der Erotik des Augenblicks über die Düsternis des Wahnsinns bis zur bitteren Erkenntnis der Endlichkeit aller Dinge spannt sich der Bogen, in dem der meisterhafte Beobachter und Erzähler Maupassant die Tiefen des menschlichen Herzens auslotet. Maupassant hat etwa 300 Novellen geschrieben. Er gilt als einer der großen französischen Erzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus) Eine erweitere Fassung dieses Projekts gibt es hier.     [chương_files]  

Seven Seas cover

Seven Seas

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This is a collection of some of the poetry of Rudyard Kipling, These poems are centered around travelling, many of which may have been written by Kipling during his various travels. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Goops and How to Be Them cover

Goops and How to Be Them

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Let me introduce a Race Void of Beauty and of Grace, Extraordinary Creatures With a Paucity of Features. Though their Forms are fashioned ill, They have Manners stranger still; For in Rudeness they’re Precocious, They’re Atrocious, they’re Ferocious! Yet you’ll learn, if you are Bright, Politeness from the Impolite. When you’ve finished with the Book, At your Conduct take a Look; Ask yourself, upon the Spot, Are you Goop, or are you Not? For, although it’s Fun to See them It is Terrible to Be them! – Summary by Gelett Burgess     [chương_files]  

Sodom cover


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Egmont Colerus prangt den Hedonismus an, in dem es durch Wollust, Übermaß, Exzess und Dekadenz zum Untergang kommt. Er schildert anschaulich, durch die miteinander verwobenen Geschichten der Hauptfiguren (Bettler, Handwerker, Herrscher und Priester), die Wandlung einzelner Charaktere die zum Untergang des bestehenden Systems führt. Dabei kommt es zu einem überraschenden Ende. (Zusammenfassung von lorda)     [chương_files]  

Posy Ring: A Book of Verse for Children cover

Posy Ring: A Book of Verse for Children

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A book of poems grouped by subject by various authors, some well known, some not. Lots of fun poems to listen to at bedtime! ( Lynda Marie Neilson)     [chương_files]  

Short Poetry Collection 200 cover

Short Poetry Collection 200

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This is a collection of 65 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers for January 2020.     [chương_files]  

acht Gesichter am Biwasee cover

acht Gesichter am Biwasee

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Liebesgeschichten aus Japan: Am Biwasee, nahe der uralten Kaiserstadt Kioto, haben die Japaner acht Landschaftsgesichter von unsterblicher Leidenschaft entdeckt. Dauthendey hat sich für dieses Buch von einer alten japanischen Tradition inspirieren lassen. Acht Ansichten des Biwa-Sees oder Acht Ansichten von Ōmi (Ōmi Hakkei) ist der Titel vieler Serien von Bildern oder Gedichten, in denen japanische Künstler die Landschaft um den Biwasee darstellen. Die “Acht Ansichten” gibt es seit dem 15. Jahrhundert, sie bestehen aus den festgelegten realen Orten, die Dauthendey zu seine Erzählungen inspiriert haben. Die Geschichten, dass sei vorab verraten, sind oft traurig, und doch sind sie sehr schön, wie die Liebe ja oft in der Literatur dann am schönsten ist, wenn sie unglücklich ist. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus)     [chương_files]  

From Queen's Gardens - A Chorus of Many Voices cover

From Queen’s Gardens – A Chorus of Many Voices

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This is the final part of From Queen’s Gardens. The previous four parts were collections of poetry by eminent English poets: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Jean Ingelow, Adelaide A. Procter, and Christina Rossetti. This final part of the same volume is a collection of individual poems by less well-known female poets, or, sometimes, well-known writers known more for their novels than for their poetry. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - January cover

Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day – January

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There should be a bit of poetry in every day, and John Kendrick Bangs wrote a fitting poem for each day in the year. In 1920, a book was published with one of Bangs’ poems for each day. This project covers the month of January. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Awakening cover


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Owing to its highly personal content focused on feminine sexuality, this LibriVox edition was recorded by eight female readers. The Modern Library edition of The Awakening has an introduction by Kay Gibbons, who writes: “The Awakening shocked turn-of-the-century readers with its forthright treatment of sex and suicide. Departing from literary convention, Kate Chopin failed to condemn her heroine’s desire for an affair with the son of a Louisiana resort owner, whom she meets on vacation. The power of sensuality, the delusion of ecstatic love, and the solitude that accompanies the trappings of middle- and upper-class life are the themes of this now-classic novel.” – As Kay Gibbons points out, Chopin “was writing American realism before most Americans could bear to hear that they were living it.” To give you an idea of the subject matter, Project Gutenburg catalogues The Awakening under “Adultery — Fiction — Women — Louisiana — New Orleans — Social conditions. (Summary by Denny Sayers)     [chương_files]