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Iliad cover


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The Iliad, together with the Odyssey, is one of two ancient Greek epic poems traditionally attributed to Homer. The poem is commonly dated to the 8th or 7th century BC, and many scholars believe it is the oldest extant work of literature in the Greek language, making it the first work of European literature. The existence of a single author for the poems is disputed as the poems themselves show evidence of a long oral tradition and hence, multiple authors. The poem concerns events during the tenth and final year in the siege of the city of Iliun, or Troy, by the Greeks. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline.)     [chương_files]  

Letters to a Daughter cover

Letters to a Daughter

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Letters to a Daughter is a collection of essays proffering ‘fatherly advice’ in the form of a one-sided correspondence. Each of these takes the form of a response to a question that a young woman who is about to enter adult society might pose. The fictional daughter in Letters to a Daughter is named ‘Alexa.’ The author, Hubert Bland, a columnist and political activist, dedicated the book to his daughter, Rosamund Edith Nesbit Bland. While married to the author Edith Nesbit, Mr. Bland had a lifelong extramarital relationship with Alice Hoatson, the birth mother of Rosamund – Edith, Alice and Hubert lived together ‘openly’. Rosamund wrote The Man in the Stone House, a novel about a young woman’s relationship with her parents, and the children’s book Moo Cow Tales; she also wrote the children’s book Cat Tales with her adoptive mother, Edith Nesbit – Summary by Brian Fullen     [chương_files]  

Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset cover

Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset

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Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset (saks. Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, 1774) on Johann Wolfgang von Goethen kirjoittama kirjeromaani. Löyhästi omaelämäkerrallisesta romaanista kehkeytyi saksalaisen Sturm und Drang -liikkeen tärkeimpiä teoksia. Sillä oli myös vaikutusta myöhempään romantiikan kirjallisuuteen. Romaanin ansiosta Goethesta tuli yksi ensimmäisistä kirjallisuuden tähdistä jo elinaikanaan. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Eclogae (Eclogues) cover

Eclogae (Eclogues)

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Dante’s short correspondence in verse with Giovanni del Vergilio was only published in 1719, but is believed to have been written at some point in the last years of the poet’s life. What we have are two poems by Dante and the answers by Iohannes (Giovanni’s Latin name), all in Latin hexameters, emulating the style of Vergil. Even though the works were named after Vergil’s bucolic poetry, the poems also echo the Georgics and the Aeneid, and are truly a masterpiece by a master of poetry. In this audiobook, we present the four poems in the original Latin, each followed by its translation by H.E. Plumptre. – Summary by Leni     [chương_files]  

Biter Bit cover

Biter Bit

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“The Biter Bit” is a humorous short story by British writer Wilkie Collins. Originally published as “Who is the Thief?” in the April 1858 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, it was retitled and published with nine other short stories in the 1859 book, The Queen of Hearts. The tale is told in epistolary form, recounting a comedy of errors involving a young wannabe police detective — with an exaggerated sense of his own investigatory skills — and a minor theft of banknotes. Can you spot the guilty party before the rookie figures it out? – Summary by Louise J. Belle     [chương_files]  

Nature of a Crime cover

Nature of a Crime

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The first of three collaborations between Conrad and Ford. On the verge of being found out in a matter of breach of fiduciary trust and financial scandal, the anonymous narrator contemplates suicide in a series of letters to his beloved.     [chương_files]  

Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart cover

Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart

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Sara Burgerhart is een jong meisje dat correspondeert met haar vriendinnen, aanbidders en familie. Die mensen schrijven elkaar ook allemaal. Het boek bestaat uit 175 brieven van 24 personages. Soms lichtvoetig, dan beschouwend. Sara streeft ernaar een goede burger te zijn, een eerlijk mens en een hartelijke vriendin. Ze zoekt haar eigen weg en probeert voor zichzelf denken. Dat is typisch voor de Verlichting, een tijdperk waarin niet langer de waarheden van kerk en overheid zonder meer voor waar aangenomen werden, maar de overtuiging post vatte dat je de waarheid zelf moet vinden met behulp van de ratio (de rede, het verstand). (Carola Janssen)     [chương_files]  

Galatea cover


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Si potrebbe chiamare un romanzo epistolare: è un misto di pagine di diario e di lettere che il protagonista, Rinaldo Morelli, un estimatore del poeta latino Orazio, scrive durante un’estate a Corsenna, un ameno paesello toscano in collina, frequentato da diversi villeggianti dai quali il nostro cerca di tenersi bene alla larga. Ma saranno loro ad andare in cerca di lui e a riempire la pagine dei suoi scritti… soprattutto una certa Galatea. (Summary by Riccardo Fasol)     [chương_files]  

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“Diva”, publicado em 1864, um dos três “perfis de mulher” de José de Alencar, tem como personagem principal e narrador Augusto Amaral, que conta, através de cartas, a história de seu encontro e paixão pela jovem Emília, rica herdeira, acostumada a ter todos as suas ordens e caprichos atendidos. Publicado logo após “Lucíola”, obra de maior sucesso, “Diva” tem em comum com aquele o pano de fundo, também a corte imperial brasileira, no Rio de Janeiro, e a crítica à sociedade frívola frequentadores dos salões. “Diva” é conectado a “Lucíola” também por duas referências internas à obra: por um lado, a dedicatória de “Diva” refere a mesma senhora que teria recolhido e publicado as cartas de Paulo em “Lucíola”; por outro, o próprio romance “Diva” é um apanhado de cartas, desta vez endereçadas a Paulo, narrador de Lucíola, O terceiro desses romances urbanos acerca da situação da mulher foi “Senhora”, publicado mais de dez anos depois. – Summary by Leni     [chương_files]  

Leiden des jungen Werther cover

Leiden des jungen Werther

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Die Leiden des jungen Werther beschreibt die unglückliche Liebe eines jungen Mannes (Werther) zu einer verlobten, später verheirateten Frau. Der Roman ist aus einer radikal subjektiven Perspektive geschrieben: er besteht nur aus Briefen von Werther vor allem an einen Freund namens Wilhelm. Erst im letzten Teil des zweiten Buches tritt ein Erzähler hinzu. Anhand der Briefe kann der Leser sowohl dem Verlauf der Handlung als auch den Gefühlen Werthers folgen, der immer verzweifelter wird, bis es schließlich in einer Katastrophe endet. Der Roman besteht aus zwei Büchern, die aber eher als zwei Teile eines einzigen Romans anzusehen sind. (Zusammenfassung von Rainer)     [chương_files]