From Dawn to Noon: Poems
This is a collection of poems by Violet Fane, pseudonym of Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie. The poems convey a lot of emotion, feeling, and sympathy. – Summary by Carolin [chương_files]
This is a collection of poems by Violet Fane, pseudonym of Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie. The poems convey a lot of emotion, feeling, and sympathy. – Summary by Carolin [chương_files]
LibriVox volunteers bring you 11 recordings of Before Edgehill Fight by Rudyard Kipling. This was the Weekly Poetry project for April 7, 2019. —— A real and down to earth poem about a the Battle of Edgehill. – Summary by Campbell Schelp [chương_files]
D’amants qu’ils étaient, le Vicomte de Valmont et la Marquise de Merteuil sont restés complices dans leurs projets de liaisons et confidents dans leur correspondance, chacun préservant sa réputation aux yeux du monde : d’homme irrésistible pour l’un, de femme respectable pour l’autre. Ils ont, cette fois-ci, jeté leur dévolu sur la Présidente de Tourvel, jeune femme vertueuse et dévote dont l’époux demeure au loin et Cécile Volanges, adolescente à peine sortie du couvent, promise au Comte de Gercourt, dont s’éprend le Chevalier Danceny. Si, à force de manipulations, leurs projets aboutissent, la première fera la gloire de son vainqueur, la seconde, le déshonneur de son mari lorsque la chose sera rendue publique. Suivons donc le courrier de ces protagonistes, de leurs parents, de leurs amis. Pourrons-nous « ne pas frémir en songeant au malheur que peut causer une seule liaison dangereuse » ? (Résumé par Ezwa) [chương_files]
Begun when she was just eleven years old, Love and Friendship is one of Jane Austen’s stories that very few readers may have encountered before. Austen experts feel that this story was written, like many others, only for the pleasure of her family and friends. It is scribbled across three notebooks, in childish handwriting, and the complete work is thought to have been written over a period of six or seven years. It is dedicated to one of her cousins, whom she was very close to, Eliza de Feuillide. Eliza herself was an extremely colorful figure and is thought to have been the illegitimate daughter of the first Governor General of India, Warren Hastings. She was also a witness to the French Revolution where her husband, the self styled Comte de Feuillide was guillotined. For the young Jane, these events must have been sheer inspiration to a writer’s imagination. Love and Friendship takes the shape of an expostulatory novel. Written as a series of letters from Laura to a much younger Marianne who is her friend Isabel’s daughter, it is meant to apprise the young and flighty Marianne about the dangers of infatuation and falling headlong into romantic love. The book offers an early and crucial insight into Jane Austen’s style, her wonderful sense of humor and her take on contemporary society. At times, she portrays events almost in parody form, at others, she is sharp and critical, but as always, the typical Jane Austen brand of gentle, sparkling wit […]
This is a volume of poetry by American author Frances Cook Steen, published in 1922. These poems reflect with clarity on the preceding decade, including the war and all the other personal and historical events which Ms Steen lived through and witnessed. – Summary by Carolin [chương_files]
This traditional, and, for the most part, unprinted literature,—cherished in remote villages, resisting everywhere the invasion of modern namby-pamby verse and jaunty melody, and possessing, in an historical point of view, especial value as a faithful record of the feeling, usages, and modes of life of the rural population,—had been almost wholly passed over amongst the antiquarian revivals which constitute one of the distinguishing features of the present age. While attention was successfully drawn to other forms of our early poetry, this peasant minstrelsy was scarcely touched, and might be considered unexplored ground. There was great difficulty in collecting materials which lay scattered so widely, and which could be procured in their genuine simplicity only from the people amongst whom they originated, and with whom they are as ‘familiar as household words.’ – Summary by Robert Bell [chương_files]
This is a collection of poetry and prose by Howard Saxby. These pieces are the sort of stories and poems that can be enjoyed by children because the humour in them is universal, but they are more geared towards adults. The themes and intent of the pieces are varied, with humour prevailing in most items. – Summary by Carolin [chương_files]
This is a little volume of children’s poetry by Indiana poet Evaleen Stein. The poems in this volume concern really anything that could be fun for children, from picking flowers to learning things in school to sledding in the winter. – Summary by Carolin [chương_files]
Sara Teasdale never disappoints. This lovely book of lyrical poems reminds us of the eternal verities of love, loss and life. – Summary by AnnaLisa Bodtker [chương_files]
Der für seine feinsinnige Erotik bekannte Lyriker und Romanschriftsteller Pierre Louÿs ist durch eine kreative Übersetzung angeblich neu entdeckter Gedichte einer antiken griechischen Lyrikerin mit Namen Bilitis berühmt geworden. Die bis dahin unbekannte griechische Dichterin, die Louÿs dem Umkreis der Sappho zuordnet, hat wohl nie gelebt. In der Einleitung präsentiert Louÿs das Leben der Bilitis in Prosa. Die Lieder selbst sind in ihrer Form an Vorbildern antiker Poesie orientiert und geben in den drei Hauptabschnitten, Hirtenlieder in Pamphilien (1-44), Elegien in Mytilene (45-91) und Epigramme auf der Insel Kypros (92-143), Phasen im Leben der Bilitis wieder (Kindheit und erwachende Sexualität, die Liebesgeschichte ihres Lebens sowie späteres Leben und Alter).Den Abschluss bilden die drei Grabinschriften. In ihnen gibt die angebliche Dichterin Hinweise auf ihre Herkunft und auf die Stationen ihrer Biografie. Zur Bekanntheit des Gedichtzyklus trug vor allem der erotische Film Bilitis des britischen Fotografen und Regisseurs David Hamilton bei. – Summary by lorda [chương_files]
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