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Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges cover

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges

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Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89) was an English poet, educated at Oxford. Entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1866 and the Jesuit novitiate in 1868, he was ordained in 1877. Upon becoming a Jesuit he burned much of his early verse and abandoned the writing of poetry. However, the sinking in 1875 of a German ship carrying five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany, inspired him to write one of his most impressive poems “The Wreck of the Deutschland.” Thereafter he produced his best poetry, including “God’s Grandeur,” “The Windhover,” “The Leaden Echo,” and “The Golden Echo.”     [chương_files]  

Избранные (Из жизни маленьких людей) cover

Избранные (Из жизни маленьких людей)

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Ироничное повествование о том, как “маленькие люди” приезжают в большой город по случаю чрезвычайного происшествия в их местечке. Благодарю Эллу Оршанскую и Светлану Король-Зарецкую за консультации и поддержку. (Автор краткого описания: Hanna Ponomarenko)     [chương_files]  

In diesem Erdenthal der Thränen cover

In diesem Erdenthal der Thränen

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Erzählung über zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, die menschliche Psyche im Allgemeinen sowie das Verhältnis des Menschen zur Natur und Umwelt in der für den Autor typischen symbolhaften Sprache. – Summary by Friedrich     [chương_files]  



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“This story is, first, for young women to read; second, for young men to read; after that, for anybody who wants to. Anyone who doubts its facts and figures is referred to “Social Diseases and Marriage,” by Dr. Prince Morrow, or to “Hygiene and Morality,” by Miss Lavinia Dock, a trained nurse of long experience. Some will hold that the painful facts disclosed are unfit for young girls to know. Young girls are precisely the ones who must know them, in order that they may protect themselves and their children to come. The time to know of danger is before it is too late to avoid it.” From the Preface to The Crux. A novel about the potential dangers of syphilis to one over-sheltered but rebellious young woman in 19th century America and the circle of friends who counsel her against making a disastrous marriage. – Summary by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Winnifred Assmann     [chương_files]  

LibriVox 15th Anniversary Collection cover

LibriVox 15th Anniversary Collection

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This year is the 15th anniversary of our beloved LibriVox. The readings in this collection celebrate that “bunch of volunteers” who make up the worldwide LibriVox community. The readings are held together by their connection to the number “15.” The collection is multilingual. Readings can be in any language. The selections, which are chosen by the readers, include fiction, nonfiction, poems, short stories, and articles. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]  

Short Stories From Life cover

Short Stories From Life

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Life Magazine held a short story contest. Stories must be no more than 1500 words. Authors were paid for the number of words under that maximum. The shortest story accepted, and the one where the author received the highest payout, came in at 76 words. The stories published here where considered the best of the over 30,000 submissions. This volume presents the 81 best stories including the prize winning stories: (First Prize) Thicker Than Water by Ralph Henry Barbour and George Randolph Osborne, (Second Prize) The Answer by Harry Stillwell Edwards, and (Third Prize – tie) Her Memory by Dwight M. Wiley and Business and Ethics by Redfield Ingalls. – Summary taken from the Preface     [chương_files]  

Strange Roads & With the Gods in Spring cover

Strange Roads & With the Gods in Spring

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The centerpieces of this collection are two essays by Arthur Machen, Strange Roads and With the Gods in Spring. Both use images of journeys through the countryside to evoke a sense of place and an innate spiritualism found in nature. In addition to these two essays, taken from a stand-alone chapbook publication are two thematically similar poems by Machen that evoke folk legends of his native Wales. The collection is kicked off by an insightful appraisal of Machen’s literary career and his place in the pantheon of great authors of late Victorian period literature by Vincent Starlett. (Summary by Ben Tucker)     [chương_files]  

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 055 cover

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 055

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Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres.     [chương_files]  

Notes On Democracy cover

Notes On Democracy

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American journalist H.L. Mencken’s Notes On Democracy was originally published in 1926, yet is still relevant almost 100 years later. Mencken has proposed some succinct and satirical definitions of democracy, such as, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” And, “Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey house.” One predictable result of democracy, Mencken explains, is that the professional politician, who’s objective is always the job, and not the principle, is in a constant struggle for office and its rewards. The defeated candidate commonly takes his failure very badly. Regarding these sore loser “lame ducks”, he says: “…now and then there appears one whose wounds are too painful to be assuaged…. …This majestic victim not infrequently seeks surcease by a sort of running amok. That is to say, he turns what remains of his influence with the mob [common man] into a weapon against the nation as a whole, and becomes a chronic maker of trouble.” Notes On Democracy is a refreshing description of what a democracy is, and how it works, …and how it doesn’t work, and has timeless relevance in light of today’s political climate. – Summary by Lisa Reichert     [chương_files]  


African Problem and the Peace Settlement

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In this essay, the author directs our attention on the African continent and describes how the exploitation and colonization of Africa by European powers contributed to the then-ongoing World War. Without a just and measured settlement of African concerns, the promise is for continued warfare among nations even after the peace to be negotiated at the close of the European conflict. – Summary by KevinS     [chương_files]