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Christmas Short Works Collection 2018 cover

Christmas Short Works Collection 2018

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A delightful collection of stories and poems, with several interesting selections discussing various Christmas and holiday traditions, and a lovely Christmas play, featuring a full cast. All selections have been chosen and narrated by LibriVox volunteers to commemorate Christmas 2018. Cast of Ola, or A Christmas Present for Mother: Alta Good: Devorah Allen Henry Good: TJ Burns Leon Good: Tomas Peter Mrs. Good: Foon Ola: Jasmin Salma Narrator: Maria Kasper     [chương_files]  

За македонцките работи cover

За македонцките работи

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„За Македонцките работи“ е најзначајното дело напишано од еден од најголемите македонисти и национални дејци – Крсте Петков Мисирков, а печатена во 1903 година во печатницата на „Либералниот клуб“ во Софија. Со над 120 страници, поделена на 5 дела и предговор, книгата претставва политичка анализа на положбата на македонскиот народ и предлог-програма за македонското националноослободително движење. Таа го разоткрива асимилаторските политики на соседните земји насочени против македонскиот јазичен, културен и етнички идентитет, а ја потенцира неопходноста од национална афирмација и ослободување на Македонците како посебен народ со особено значење на улогата за кодифицирање на литературен македонски јазик. “Za Makedonckite raboti” is the most important work written by one of the greatest Macedonians and national figures – Krste Petkov Misirkov, and published in 1903 by the “Liberal Club” in Sofia. With over 120 pages, divided into 5 parts and a preface, the book is a political analysis of the position of the Macedonian people and a draft program for the Macedonian national liberation movement. It exposes the assimilation policies of neighboring countries directed against the Macedonian linguistic, cultural and ethnic identity, and emphasizes the need for national affirmation and liberation of Macedonians as a separate nation specially stressing the importance of the codification of the literary Macedonian language. – Summary by AnaNaumoska and Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii cover

Mark Twain’s Letters from Hawaii

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By the time Mark Twain worked as a roving reporter for the Sacramento Union, he had held positions with other newspapers in Nevada and California. However, his assignment in 1866 to visit and report on the Sandwich Islands, changed his life. These 25 “letters” from Hawaii gave him an international “scoop” and opened the door for a lifetime of speaking engagements. “I went to Maui to stay a week and remained five. I had a jolly time. I would not have fooled away any of it writing letters under any consideration whatever.” –Mark Twain – Summary by John Greenman and Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Selected Ghazals of Ghalib cover

Selected Ghazals of Ghalib

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Mirza Ghalib, full name Mirza Asadullah Khan Beig, pen name ‘Ghalib’ (1797-1869) was a famous Urdu- and Persian-language poet of India. He is best known for his lyrical and spiritual ghazals. Ghazal is a form of poetry in couplets. In a ghazal, each couplet is self-contained and generally unconnected with the next. Ghalib was born in Agra, in northern India, and was raised by his uncle. Ghalib had no formal education, but was tutored in Persian by Muhammad Mu’azzam, a noted scholar of the time. It got married in 1810 to Umrao Begum, the niece of Nawab Ahmad Baksh Khan who was the ruler of Ferozepur and Loharu at that time. Ghalib was introduced to the elite circle of intellectuals and artists that surrounded the Indian royal family in Delhi because of his father in law. In 1821 he compiled his first collection of Urdu verse. Deewan e Ghalib, Nuskha e Hamida was Published in 1828. soon after the publication of his Urdu poetry collection Ghalib switched to writing entirely in Persian, also known as Farsi. In 1826, on the death of Ghalib’s uncle, the British government began providing Ghalib and his family with a small pension for the military services of his uncle. Despite this income, Ghalib remained nearly destitute for most of his life. Ghalib was also a poetry teacher of the King, Bahadur Sha Zafar, who himself was a very nice poet. Ghalib led a miserable life for he started taking wine at a very young age […]

Mahatma and the Hare: A Dream Story cover

Mahatma and the Hare: A Dream Story

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Haggard’s interest in spiritualism and reincarnation underlie this tale of life, death, and “working out [one’s] destiny.” – Summary by John R Moore     [chương_files]  

Initiation cover


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A tale of all types of human pain (physical, spiritual, and psychological), this book teaches what it means to be truly human. An interesting and witty story although the plot is somewhat grim. – Summary by Mozartjr     [chương_files]  

Sangre y arena cover

Sangre y arena

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El arrojo y la temeridad del torero Juan Gallardo consiguen que su anónima existencia en un humilde barrio de Sevilla cambie radicalmente cuando alcance fama internacional como matador de toros. No será tarea sencilla digerir la llegada del éxito y la abundancia de dinero. Además cuando una mujer de altos vuelos, Doña Sol, se cruce en su camino, todo lo logrado se tambaleará: su matrimonio, su carrera, el favor del público…y puede que hasta su propia vida. Una de las novelas más internacionales y exitosas de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, donde se dibuja de manera formidable la mentalidad y costumbres de la sociedad sevillana urbana y rural del siglo XIX. (Introducción por Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

History of American Political Theories cover

History of American Political Theories

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“A description and analysis of the characteristic types of political theory that have from time to time been dominant in American political life.” – Summary by William Archibald Dunning (from the preface) Proof-listening done by cimt, Linny, kristakz, and ChrisGreaves. File editing done by kristakz.     [chương_files]  

rasende Reporter cover

rasende Reporter

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Kisch veröffentlichte diese Sammlung von Reportagen nach den ersten etwa 10 Jahren seiner Tätigkeit als Autor für verschiedene Zeitungen. Als einen “Rasenden Reporter” bezeichnet man im deutschen Sprachgebrauch noch heute jemanden, der Tag und Nacht im Einsatz ist, um über das zu berichten, was an großen und kleinen Geschichten tagtäglich um uns herum passiert. Aus dem Vorwort: […] Der Reporter hat keine Tendenz, hat nichts zu rechtfertigen und hat keinen Standpunkt. Er hat unbefangen Zeuge zu sein […]. Die Orte und Erscheinungen, die er beschreibt, […] müssen gar nicht so fern, gar nicht so selten und gar nicht so mühselig erreichbar sein, wenn er […] die Hingabe an sein Objekt hat. Nichts ist verblüffender als die einfache Wahrheit, nichts ist exotischer als unsere Umwelt, nichts ist phantasievoller als die Sachlichkeit. Und nichts Sensationelleres gibt es in der Welt, als die Zeit, in der man lebt! (Zusammenfassung von Claus Misfeldt)     [chương_files]  

Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 3 cover

Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 3

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Бесконечно преданный русской литературе, Юлий Айхенвальд видел писателя как уникальную личность и не признавал литературных школ и течений. Oн погиб в Париже, возвращаясь ночью от Набоковых погруженный в мысли о литературе, и попал под трамвай. Эти очерки рассматривают только творчество, они не касаются биографических событий. Этот выпуск посвящен русским писателям конца XIX — начала XX вв. A connoisseur of the Russian literature, Yuly Eichenwald wrote about writers as unique persons, and not as members of schools and movements. This installment is about the writers of the late 19-th – early 20th centuries. These essays focus on the oeuvre, not biographic events. – Summary by Mark Chulsky     [chương_files]