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Lost Face (and Other Stories) cover

Lost Face (and Other Stories)

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Seven stories by Jack London, set in the Yukon and other northwestern localities. The most well-known story in this collection is probably To Build a Fire, which is often taught in American high school classrooms. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

Miss Bracegirdle and Others cover

Miss Bracegirdle and Others

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A 1923 collection of tales by the British author Stacy Aumonier (1877–1928), described by John Galsworthy as “one of the best short-story writers of all time.” This collection includes two of Aumonier’s best-known works, “The Octave of Jealousy” and “Where Was Wych Street?” (listener warning: includes two occurrences of the n-word). It opens with the very funny “Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty”, in which a deeply conservative middle-aged spinster checks in to a hotel in Bordeaux on her first trip abroad. She finds a man asleep on the bed and realises she is in the wrong room, but the door handle has come off in her hand, and she can’t get out. Then she makes another discovery. (Michael Maggs)     [chương_files]  

Hugh Walpole: Selected Short Stories cover

Hugh Walpole: Selected Short Stories

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Eleven short stories from The Windsor Magazine in the 1920s, Best British Short Stories of 1922, and Best British Short Stories of 1923. – Summary by David Wales     [chương_files]  

Collected Public Domain Poems of Wallace Stevens, Volume 1 cover

Collected Public Domain Poems of Wallace Stevens, Volume 1

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A collection of Wallace Stevens poems written before 1923. Stevens trained to be a lawyer. Within eleven years after this series of poems were written, he was vice-president at the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company in Connecticut. He continued to pursue a quiet life of poetry and correspondence and for the remainder of his life he nurtured his contemplative habit of observation and writing as he walked from home to work and back again. Few at Hartford knew of his world acclaim as a poet. While his major work is considered to have been written when he was much older, many of these early poems are firm classics in the American poetic canon, including: “Anecdote of the Jar,” “The Emperor of Ice Cream,” “Peter Quince at the Clavier,” “Sunday Morning,” “The Snow Man,” “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” and many others. Stevens died of cancer in 1955, shortly after receiving that year’s Pulitzer Prize for poetry. These poems originally appeared in a variety of magazines (Others, Secession, Rogue, The Soil, The Modern School, Broom, Contact, The New Republic, The Measure, The Little Review, The Dial, and particularly in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse.) Nearly 70 of the 101 published poems were later collected in Stevens’ first published collection of poems, HARMONIUM. (Summary by Alan Davis Drake)     [chương_files]  

Cuentos de las montañas cover

Cuentos de las montañas

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Aventurarnos en los “Cuentos de las Montañas” es zambullirnos sin concesiones en los antiguos días de la India durante la dominación británica, desde la perspectiva de un ciudadano patriota y orgulloso del imperio. R. Kipling, popular escritor, periodista y poeta inglés nacido en India y educado en Inglaterra, cimentó su reputación como escritor de genio ya a los 22 años con la publicación de esta primera colección de narraciones cortas, en lo que sería una meteórica carrera hacia el Premio Nobel de Literatura. Ambientadas en las exóticas colinas de Simla que el autor tanto amó, y escritas en un estilo sencillo, livianas y casi anecdóticas, relatan historias y experiencias de la vida cotidiana en la India británica. Dan forma a un retrato pleno de matices de la sociedad anglo-india en aquel contexto colonial. Desencantos, amores prohibidos, ambición, odios, maquinaciones, celos, superficialidad… Bajo el sol implacable de Simla van desfilando la mentalidad, conflictos, paradojas y valores de la dama de sociedad, el soldado, la mujer enamorada, el burócrata y el empresario, en un escenario de colores y aromas fascinantes. (Introducción por Jasna y Epachuko)     [chương_files]  

Relíquias de Casa Velha cover

Relíquias de Casa Velha

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Relíquias de Casa Velha é o último livro de obras curtas de Machado de Assis, publicado ainda em vida do autor. O livro é composto de nove contos, um conjunto de discursos e críticas, além de duas pequenas peças. A obra traz ainda, em sua abertura, o possivelmente mais famoso poema do autor, “A Carolina”. – Summary by Leni     [chương_files]  

Urupês cover


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Urupês é um livro de contos de Monteiro Lobato, que se constitui, em sua maior parte, de uma recolha de artigos publicados originalmente entre 1914 e 1917 na Revista do Brasil e no Estado de São Paulo. A obra foi considerada pela crítica como um marco no regionalismo literário, ao se afastar de imagens caras ao regionalismo romântico. É nesta obra que aparece, pela primeira vez, a personagem do Jeca-Tatu. – Summary by Leni     [chương_files]  

Selected Early Poems of William Carlos Williams cover

Selected Early Poems of William Carlos Williams

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Williams was born in Rutherford, New Jersey, a community near the city of Paterson. His father was an English immigrant, and his mother was born in Puerto Rico. He attended public school in Rutherford until 1897, then was sent to study at Château de Lancy near Geneva, Switzerland, the Lycée Condorcet in Paris, France, for two years and Horace Mann School in New York City. Then, in 1902, he entered the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. During his time at Penn, Williams befriended Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle (best known as H.D.) and the painter Charles Demuth. These friendships supported his growing passion for poetry. He received his M.D. in 1906 and spent the next four years in internships in New York City and in travel and postgraduate studies abroad (e.g., at the University of Leipzig where he studied pediatrics). He returned to Rutherford in 1910 and began his medical practice, which lasted until 1951. Ironically, most of his patients knew little if anything of his writings; instead they viewed him as a doctor who helped deliver over 2,000 of their children into the world. (From Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Heart of Happy Hollow (Version 2) cover

Heart of Happy Hollow (Version 2)

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Happy Hollow; are you wondering where it is? Wherever Negroes colonise in the cities or villages, north or south, wherever the hod carrier, the porter, and the waiter are the society men of the town; wherever the picnic and the excursion are the chief summer diversion, and the revival the winter time of repentance, wherever the cheese cloth veil obtains at a wedding, and the little white hearse goes by with black mourners in the one carriage behind, there—there—is Happy Hollow. Wherever laughter and tears rub elbows day by day, and the spirit of labour and laziness shake hands, there—there—is Happy Hollow, and of some of it may the following pages show the heart. – Summary by The Author     [chương_files]  

Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина cover

Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина

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Short stories on the Russian life from early 19 century. The fiction prose of the famous poet. – Summary by xenium5     [chương_files]